My post below was posted to the main ANN thread, not sure if it will remain so posting it here as well.
Telegram it is NOT open to public
Yes I have now seen that, apologies for my incorrect information.
They have been saying they will open it but now are continually deferring. Much to the detriment of current token holders.
I will now quote myself and my position and thoughts about IRM to anyone who is interested. My previous comments in
bold followed by my current thoughts
First payments will be 28/29 September to holders of ROCK2, they are expected to be on the low side as most miners have only been working a few days. I have since found out that payments are likely to be, according to many in the Telegram group for the current 500 ASICS running at around $1.20 per 1 Thousand ROCK2 as there is 15 Million of the tokens. Given some of that profit will be put back into buying more mining rigs then even if they have ordered (which I believe they are in the process of doing) the following 1500 ASICS, that still leaves a payment of around at a conservative figure of $5 per 1000 tokens per Month.
So say you had 30 thousand ROCK2 best you could hope for would be $150 in ETH per month for the next 2-4 months.
I had well over 20 thousand ROCK2 so I might have earned up to $100 - $150 in the next few months and even then, once they get more miners I still believe it is not going to be profitable at all for investors, unless of course you hold over 75,000 to 150,000 ROCK2 in your wallet you are going to be in the red and may not see your money back again, given that the current difficulty and the time taken for more miners to be purchased and installed and of course the current BTC price.
They are making an in-depth video to be released early October, probably answering many of the questions that some investors have. I believe this is still going to happen.
They plan on ordering 1500 more ASICS which will be flown (not trucked) to the Cave to put them at a total of 2000 ASICS running. As mentioned above, this will make very little impact on payments and a ROI is not even possible in the next 2 years by my calculations, unless you hold LARGE bags of ROCK2.
Eventually there will be 12-13 thousand Rigs mining exclusively for IRM and ROCK2 holders, the cave can handle 10 thousand Rigs and I am not sure where the others will be located. Again, I believe this is going to happen, these guys will purchase them but there is just too many addresses or ROCK2 tokens to pay out to for it to possibly ever be profitable.
So in a nutshell I think this is a very good investment to have that many miners working and exclusively for ROCK2 holders is a big deal, it will start off slow and build up to a big operation. So in a nutshell again, I was fucken wrong.
I should also note that I am not here to FUD IRM I still stand by my original comments that these guys are NOT scammers and they are actually buying minnig rigs and setting them up, however they did mis-represent the ROI in their calculator during the ICO. I admit again, that I should have clicked on the link which led you to the actual figure they were basing the ROI on, that being BTC at 14K, so while I should have delved deeper, they also should have made that perfectly clear on the actual calculator page, so there was some smoke and mirrors going on.
Luckily for me I invested in the ICO at the 50% discount early and then later loaded up with more ROCK2 when it was at around $0.20 - $0.23.
I have since sold ALL of my ROCK2 in the past 24 hours and managed to get away only being just over 2k Down and now have made some good buys while BTC is low, I will earn more HODLING BTC than I would if I stayed with IRM, that is my honest belief.
On a final note I will leave you with my thoughts about the whole project.
1. They are actually purchasing miners and are not a scam company.
2. The concept is good and they pay very little for electricity.
3. They are seemingly trying to do the right thing but are not really sure how to handle both PR and set up of rigs and other infrastructure all at the same time.
1. There will be no ROI for anyone holding less than 50K ROCK2 for at least 2 years if at all.
2. Their calculator should have been more transparent and it should have been advertised
very clearly that they are working off of a future predictive price rather than current.
3. They let the FUD get to them and by doing so locked everyone out of the Telegram and that is a big red flag for any project, if you cannot handle some fud in your chat then you are not moderating it well enough. Dias went from being very personable and responsive on this forum to becoming an arrogant dictator like person who seems to think that post ICO he can talk down to investors, ban them or outright just be an asshole to people.
That is not the mark of a professional company, that is the Kazak/Russian coming out in them, they should have hired a Western person for PR because whether they care to admit it or not by blocking people from joining the Telegram and having access to "Management" they are actually FUDDING their own project, and duping current investors.
If I was still invested in IRM I would want to see MORE people invest in IRM and therefore increase the price of the ROCK2 token but by taking the "fuck you it's our way or the highway" attitude they are halming their own project, not that they probably care as they have already made millions from the ICO, it is the other investors I feel sorry for.
So that is it from me, I believed originally in this project and defended it continually, but when push comes to shove, it is/was a fucken waste of time and money and I am glad that I got out with my shirt still on my back.
I wish all the current and future investors all the best but my advise would be that unless the token tanks and you can pick it up for less than $0.05 then you are wasting your money.
Peace out....