And apparently already "paused"?
see here.
Thank you! That's a nice link there. TBH, if I followed every one of those guidelines I wouldn't be here today offering this forum this new Bitcoin ATM service (then again: I readily admit to being an occasional "bull in a china shop.").
I'm in constant communications with Robocoin as to our operations that include their company. This Service is paused by personal request of Jordan Kelley, as he personally contacted me to request the pause while we await much better legal clarification; this is the only reason why it's currently paused.
FWIW, I already have a successful Bitcoin business called "Dyslexic Zombei's Miners Cooperative." We sell at-cost GB shares and we are the #1 Miners Cooperative (by a long shot) on the Group Buys Forum, with over 120 members and 6 Group Buy Coordinators. While we've done over $200K in sales (and refunds) it doesn't earn much money/BTC at this point, but that was not the intention of starting it. The intention of starting the co-op was to provide a scam free sales outlet that allowed the "little guys" access to true Institutional Pricing to the most expensive miners on the market (which have the best value propositions).
We've succeeded in this goal and continue to succeed with offering many of the world's best deals on ASIC hardware.
This "amateur" co-op is our launch pad for a number of other pro Bitcoin businesses I'm currently involved with helping to launch, teaming up with investors and DZ MC leaders/members across the country and planet. Our core team consists of 5 company founders with backgrounds in IT, Sales, and Finance, an oil VP and contracts expert, a Forex expert, a handful of private investors, and a number of board directors.
These Group Buys have allowed us to grow and mesh as a team, as well as learn to deal with crises together. With the oil output of two Texas wells and a partnership with Balanced Energy LLC of Texas, I daresay that for people that have met up through these forums, we are the most powerful union of miners/investors this forum has seen so far.
Our business plan for the Robocoin BTC ATMs is listed in the details of this thread. It's simple and straightforward: you buy a BTC ATM or a few through our company, and we do our best to give you hands off and hassle free ownership of said BTC ATM for as long as you'll have us as your ATM Service company.