Use latest correct server address
centurion CNTF
Port: 3108, Diff: 0.00001 Port: 3232, Diff: 0.0001 Port: 3233, Diff: 0.001 Port: 3234, Diff: 0.01 Port: 3235, Diff: 0.1 Port: 3356, Diff: 1
To let the cnt windows miner to work with your Os you must download Cuda toolkit 8.0, just the main version for your Os without patch. you install Cuda on your Os, let's follow these steps:
1. Unpack the archive in a folder example in C with cntequiminer foldername
2. you will find 4 files in the folder (pluse read me instruction): cpu_tromp_SSE2.dll; cuda_tromp_75.dll; cudart64_80.dll; nheqminer.exe
2. Launch Run application (Win+r)
3. Click Browse
4. Find and select nheqminer.exe from the archive
5. at the end of the line in the Run window add the following:
-t 2 -l -u C.................................................... ( add your cnt wallet instead of the default address)
-t 2 is the number of CPU cores that will be used. Best effects are achieved at using 75% of your CPU cores. If you want to know how many cores has your pc, watch this video: So depending on core numbers use max 75% of your pc cpu cores.
-l is the address of the mining pool. Don't change that.
-u C........................... is the address to which the rewards will be going. Specify your address here instead of this one.
6. Click OK in the Run window. A console window with the running miner will open. You can see the progress there.
If you create a folder in c named cntequiminer, in Run windows you will write:
C:\cntequminer\nheqminer.exe -t 2 -l -u CVnW5WiER1p9YDf2seAFCgBZ3YKneU9R8p