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Author Topic: [BOUNTY] Announcements for Nxt (the first pure POS coin)  (Read 63044 times)
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December 26, 2013, 02:45:35 AM

Once I receive my bounty for the video I will be sponsoring a giveaway via the YouTube channel. I also need to track down what became of the NXT that I and a couple of other individuals donated for a giveaway thread on as the OP is gone and I believe only a small portion was used, perhaps the remainder can be passed on via an new bounty or giveaway threads.

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December 26, 2013, 02:51:31 AM

Here's a Finnish translation of opticalcarriers introduction to NXT

Quote from: Meizirkki
Mikä on NXT?

Nxt on toisen sukupolven kryptovaluutta. Markkinoille on syntynyt viimeaikoina paljon vaihtoehtovaluutoja. Useimmat niistä perustuvat suoraan Bitcoinin lähdekoodiin, muuttaen lähinnä vain nimen, louhinta-algoritmin ja muutamia muita yksityiskohtia. Nxt on sen sijaan luotu puhtaalta pöydältä tuomaan paljon uutta ja erikoista kryptovaluuttojen maailmaan.

1.  Se ei ole Bitcoinin koodiin pohjautuva vaihtoehtovaluutta, kuten esimerkiksi Litecoin ja Peercoin. Sen koodi on kirjoitettu alustapitäen ja on ensimmäinen laatuaan.

2.  Se perustuu sataprosenttisesti "proof of stake" mekanismiin, Bitcoinin ja lähes kaikkien muiden kryptovaluuttojen "proof of work" mekanismin sijasta. Tämän ansiosta niin kutsuttu 51%-hyökkäys ja muut kryptovaluutan mainaamiseen liittyvät uhat eivät päde. Suurin etu tässä metodissa on kuitenkin sen energiatehokkuus, sillä Nxt ei vaadi suurta ja alati kasvavaa laskentatehoa verkkonsa turvaamiseen.

3.  Lopullisen julkaisunsa aikaan Tammikuussa 2014, NXT sisältää tärkeän ominaisuuden: "Läpinäkyvän mainaamisen". Tämä tulee mahdollistamaan kyvyn käsitellä valtavia määriä transaktioita lyhyessä ajassa. Nxt tähtää yhtä nopeaksi kuin luottokorttiyhtiöiden palvelu. Se on jotain, mihin mikään muu kryptovaluutta ei kykene. Teknisemmin selitettynä, Nxt -protokollan läpinäkyvyys mahdollistaa transaktioiden välityksen juuri sille vertaiselle, joka mainaa seuraavan lohkon. Sama ominaisuus mahdollistaa myös transaktiomaksujen reaaliaikaisen määrityksen tärkeille transaktioille. Läpinäkyvä mainaus lisää myös turvallisuutta. Verkko voi sen avulla havaita likaista toimintaa harjoittavan mainaajan, joka kieltäytyy luomasta lohkoa silloin kun hänen pitäisi. Hyökkääjä saa omistaa vaikka 90% verkosta ja silti hänen toimintansa verkon haittaamiseksi voidaan estää. Muut vertaiset poistavat hyökkääjälta laskentatehon ja jakavat työt rehellisille vertaisille.

4.  Se tarjoaa sisäänrakennetun tuen lisäominaisuuksille, kuten vertaisverkossa toimivalle pörssille, värjätyille kolikoille, viesteille, p2p DNS palvelulle jne. Selitämme nämä ominaisuudet tarkemmin myöhemmin tässä artikkelissa.

5.  Se julkaistiin kuukausia etukäteen, toisin kuin lähes kaikki muut kryptovaluutat. Genesislohkoon syötettiin 21 Bitcoinia, joista Nxt:n koko miljardin kolikon kakku on luotu. 71 suurta omistajaa ovat vastuussa näiden kolikoiden jakamisesta. Koska PoS valuuttaa ei voi luoda mainaamalla, tämä on ainoa tapa luoda kolikot. Nxt on listattuna sivustolla ja ihmiset vaihtavat niitä foorumeilla, sekä väliaikaisessa pörssissä osoitteessa

Vertaisverkossa toimiva pörssi
Kuinka me vaihdamme kryptovaluuttaa nyt? Sinun tulee rekisteröityä pörssiin, vaihtaa valuutta ja maksaa heille välityspalkkiota. Pörssejä on ryöstetty ja osa pörsseistä on mystisesti suljettu, rahojen kadotessa omille teilleen. Nxt -valuuttaan suunnitelu ominaisuus mahdollistaa valuutanvaihdon vertaisverkossa ilman pörssejä ja välityspalkkioita! Tämä toteutetaan toki turvallisen ja anonyymin kryptografian pohjalle, kuten Bitcoin transaktiot.

Muut vertaisverkossa toimivat palvelut
Pörssi oli vasta alkusoittoa. Samalla teknologialla on mahdollista toteuttaa vaikka mitä! Kehittäjät ovat rakentamassa myös vertaisverkossa toimivaa DNS-palvelua kilpaillakseen Namecoinin kanssa. Tulevaisuudessa voimme myös odottaa turvallista ja anonyymiä pikaviestittelyä. Kunnianhimoisimmat voivat maalata kuvia täysin anonyymeistä websivuista, kuten vaikka anonyymistä verkkokaupasta anonyymeillä maksutavoilla ja anonyymeihin pikaviesteihin pohjautuvalla tukichatilla. Kaikki tämä pohjautuen turvalliseen, salattuun ja peruuttamattomaan kryptografiaan!

Värjätyt kolikot
Seuraavana kaikkein mielenkiintoisimpia ominaisuuksia: värjätyt kolikot. Ymmärtääkseen tämän tulee paneutua Bitcoinin toimintatapaan. Jokaisella kolikolla on oma historia ja kaikkien kolikoiden alkuperä ja reitti on täysin julkista tietoa. Nxt -protokollassa ominaisuus otetaan hyötykäyttöön ja omistaja voi "värjätä" omat kolikkonsa. Värjäämällä voi luoda sillan kryptomaailman ja oikean maailman välille, esimerkiksi merkitsemällä kolikkonsa vastaamaan osakkeita tai lähes mitä tahansa.

Proof of Stake algoritmi tuo mukanaan ympäristöystävällisyyden. Kaikki tietävät, että Proof of Work -algoritmia käyttävän Bitcoin-verkon turvaaminen vaatii alati kasvavan laskentatehon. Juuri nyt tuhannet mainaaja ympäri maapalloa tuhlaavat hurjan määrän energiaa verkon ylläpitoon. Nxt ei vaadi perinteistä mainausta toimiakseen, sillä lohkon luoja määrittyy laskentatehon sijaan omistusosuudella. Kaikki kolikot on luotu jo valuutan syntyhetkellä, ja vertaiset kilpailevatkin ainoastaan transaktiomaksuista.

Tarkempaa tietoa Proof of Stake -menetelmästä
Siinä missä Proof of Work luo lohkoja laskentatehon perusteella, Proof of Stake luo lohkoja rahamäärään pohjautuen. Mitä enemmän kolikoita omistat, sen suuremmalla todennäköisyydellä luot lohkon. Jos omistat miljoona kolikkoa, todennäköisyytesi luoda lohko on yksi tuhannesta. Siis kolikoidesi määrä jaettuna kolikoiden kokonaismäärällä. Tässätapauksessa miljoona kolikkoa jaettuna kokonaismäärä miljardilla.

Nippelitietoa NXT-valuutasta
Nxt lompakko on niinkutsuttu "aivolompakko". Luodessasi lompakkoa määrität salasanan jolla pääset kolikoihisi käsiksi. Salasana itsessään on lompakkosi, ja sen tulee olla pomminvarma. Kuka tahansa, joka sen tietää saattaa viedä kolikkosi.

Mainataksesi kolikoita sinulla tulee olla vertainen päällä ja avoinna liikenteelle.

Ohjelma on tehty Javalla, ja tällähetkellä suljettua koodia. Osa koodista on saatavilla kehittäjiltä (pyynnöstä). Koko lähdekoodi julkaistaan tammikuussa 2014.

Nxt ei ole 100% esimainattu, vaan koko valuutta on synnytetty genesislohkossa. PoS järjestelmä ei kykene jakamaan kolikoita mainauseen pohjautuen.

Nxt virallinen keskusteluketju Bitcointalkissa on löydettävissä englanniksi osoitteessa

Every coin appreciated: 2188420453403939369
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December 26, 2013, 03:15:34 AM

I already announced the assignement of our bounty prizes to 3 winners (+100K to wesleyh for his Mac client, and 200K for Anon136 for his initialization of Nxt algo). The video bounty winner produced by lyynx is an awesome short introduction:

And I already assigned 60K for the rasspery pi public nodes idea, previously posed here.
Also 10K for the guy who helped to remove several buggs, if it be confirmed first, I am not fully informed about the truth. For details please refer to our bounty thread.

And here I place 90K for 30 public nodes to be placed in different geographical places, 3 months period!!!
(and hope these public nodes allow me to access them as well, most of them deny and inform "Matrix has you..." that means shit!

To my best knowledge, I'm the first to propose and post Nxt on Pi at both bitcointalk and And I also had an experiment on that though it's a little slow. The good news today I know is so great progress on it by so many great guys during the last 24 hours.

and also at,664.msg6909.html#msg6909

Look forward to the NxtPI network!

Raspberry PI Forging.

I'm syncing the blockchain on Raspberry PI. It's so slow.

Anyone who runs Nxt on PI?

@nxtbase, it seems nxtbase has some problem to run on PI, but I'm not sure whether it is caused by ruby or something.  BTW, it seems bin/unlock doesn't support bracket as passphrase.

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December 26, 2013, 06:53:15 AM

Hi guys

You can see the first report from our NXT press release here (with over 300 news outlets the PR was published on):

Other notable mentions (please check the twitter link at the bottom):


This press release was partially funded by 0.4 BTC in donations.

Any donations in NXT for this campaign, and to fund further campaigns, are welcome.

Please PM me to organise Smiley
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December 26, 2013, 09:11:21 AM

I assign 90K from our pool for 30 more public nodes to support the network.
Details are here:

Sorry, don't know in which topic i need to post my question.
Where I need to place information about created public nodes here or in main Nxt thread? I created one (hope on forevew), and plan to add 2-3 more at nearest days.
bybitcoin (OP)
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December 26, 2013, 11:07:45 AM
Last edit: December 26, 2013, 02:01:22 PM by bybitcoin

Hi guys

You can see the first report from our NXT press release here (with over 300 news outlets the PR was published on):

Other notable mentions (please check the twitter link at the bottom):


This press release was partially funded by 0.4 BTC in donations.

Any donations in NXT for this campaign, and to fund further campaigns, are welcome.

Please PM me to organise Smiley

Nice presses, but I expect you to find a way into wallstreet journal and preferably zerohedge news board.
About the financing, I can give you 100K Nxt for a guaranteed plan of extended media coverage.
100K Nxt is worth more than 11 BTC right now, that is ~$8000 at the current BTC price. I can sell them and hand over BTC or $ instead, but if you accept to receive Nxt, then that means you received ~$8000, no matter how Nxt or BTC price would go to in future.
Please let me know.

PS: I am waiting for one more guy to inform his id. to send all the bounty assignments then, anyway I ll do it before the new year for sure.
bybitcoin (OP)
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December 26, 2013, 01:55:56 PM

And finally I decided to donate 100K to nexern for his excellent explorer and also his whole contribution to Nxt project.
Actually he has not asked for any bounty, as he also offered me some part of his received donations to be used here (which I declined)
but if we are not to award and thank people like nexern, then whom we should do.
I am aware that 100K comapred with other bounties I assigned before looks unfair since he has contributed a lot, but the problem is that I assigned those before when the price was much much lower, and I won't change my word after huge rise in Nxt price.
Now my donation source is approaching zero and 100K is what I am really able to donate nexern Smiley

So nexern, please post your account id. here, so I send your 100K along with other bounty payments.
Thank you buddy, please continue the good work!
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December 26, 2013, 01:58:07 PM

And finally I decided to donate 100K to nexern for his excellent explorer and also his whole contribution to Nxt project.
Actually he has not asked for any bounty, as he also offered me some part of his received donations to be used here (which I declined)
but if we are not to award and thank people like nexern, then whom we should do.
I am aware that 100K comapred with other bounties I assigned before looks unfair since he has contributed a lot, but the problem is that I assigned those before when the price was much much lower, and I won't change my word after huge rise in Nxt price.
Now my donation is approaching zero and 100K is what I am really able to donate nexern Smiley

So nexern, please post your account id. here, so I send your 100K along with other bounty payments.
Thank you buddy, please continue the good work!

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December 26, 2013, 04:09:22 PM

Would nextcoinbox be eligible for a bounty reward?
It is a live CD that boots directly to a browser, from which the user can access the automatically started nxt node.
Check it out at

If this is elligible for a bounty reward, my account is 5817701098347234807


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December 26, 2013, 04:16:15 PM

3 Days and my video is at 2,100+ views on YouTube, I guess the forums will be busy with the influx of New Account questions.

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December 26, 2013, 05:27:35 PM

So it seems I need to contact "Joefox587" to get permission to translate the wiki ( Do you know how to contact him so I can start the work?

PM me! I'm still doing Family Xmas but will be free later today. I have a lot of wiki updates to make and a few translations to set up, including yours Smiley

I admin the Nxt Wiki at Please support my work by donating to Nxt account #1234567740944417915
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IDEX - LIVE Real-time DEX

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December 26, 2013, 06:31:11 PM

Node deployment update! (cross post from main thread)

Despite being in a general state of overstuffedness, I managed to deploy 20 more nodes this morning!

node41-node50 in Hong Kong
node51-node60 in Sydney

That's 60 nodes in 6 different geographic locations!


Nodes deployed: 61
Nodes queued: 22

Data centers: Atlanta, Dallas, Chicago, Northern VA, Hong Kong, Sydney


Today I received another 12000 nxt that will cover 4 more nodes until the end of March! Thank you!

To reach the goal of 100 public nodes by Jan 3, we need only 51K nxt! So close! To support increased network robustness, please send 3000 nxt to 11243542237777034551 to sponsor a node until the end of March. Vanity nodes are available for 4500 nxt with your own hallmark and name.

Thank you to everyone working so hard to help NXT be a success.

Time to make the nodes.

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December 26, 2013, 07:03:33 PM

Nodes from my side:

Nodes deployed: 10
Location: All in Sao Paulo, Brazil

Ready to setup another 10 nodes. I am considering Japan or Latin America, which one is best?

Know what's happening in cryptoworld:
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December 26, 2013, 07:26:01 PM

did anyone else receive a bounty payout?

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If one can not confer upon another a right which he does not himself first possess, by what means does the state derive the right to engage in behaviors from which the public is prohibited?
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December 26, 2013, 08:07:45 PM

I added one more node -

So from my side only 2 nodes, both non-hallamked:
Netherlands -
USA - (on this node https on 7885)

Planning to add 2 more, may be one in Ukraine, one in Kazahstan.
bybitcoin (OP)
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December 26, 2013, 08:11:45 PM

did anyone else receive a bounty payout?
Are you in hurry for dump-selling? Wink
As I said I ll send soon.
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December 26, 2013, 08:32:05 PM

did anyone else receive a bounty payout?
Are you in hurry for dump-selling? Wink
As I said I ll send soon.

Oh sorry I must have missed that message. Not dump selling, i believe in NXT. I am however selling just enough to cover my initial investment. 80k left to go at these prices and i can sleep like a baby at night knowing i have nothing to lose Grin

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If one can not confer upon another a right which he does not himself first possess, by what means does the state derive the right to engage in behaviors from which the public is prohibited?
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December 26, 2013, 10:29:35 PM


To reach the goal of 100 public nodes by Jan 3, we need only 51K nxt! So close! To support increased network robustness, please send 3000 nxt to 11243542237777034551 to sponsor a node until the end of March. Vanity nodes are available for 4500 nxt with your own hallmark and name.

25k Nxt sent to open more nodes. Please post an update with the node info after they've been setup. Thanks ferment, you rock!

Received! Thank you. I also received another 6500 nxt anonymously so that leaves only 19500 nxt to sponsor 100 public nodes!

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December 26, 2013, 11:40:01 PM

Two things:

1)  Do we need public nodes in Canada?  If so, let me know and I'll start setting some up.  Currently looking at VPS provider options.

2)  I posted this at nextcoin but will repost here:  as the current admin of the Nxt Wikia site I know there's a push to have a permanent home for the wiki.  The folks who are running want one set up and I can offer my hosting account (already paid for and maintained, PLUS I can add Cloudflare support) as the destination for the DNS A record.  I'm eager to get this up and running in a Forever Home because more people are asking me to help them translate the wiki and having a permanent home will just make logistics easier.  I believe opticalcarrier and 2Kool4Skewl are looking after DNS, so I'm hoping one of them see this.  I can be set up very quickly.

I admin the Nxt Wiki at Please support my work by donating to Nxt account #1234567740944417915
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December 26, 2013, 11:48:02 PM
Last edit: December 27, 2013, 03:37:51 PM by ferment

Even more nodes deployed!

Just deployed 10 nodes to London! That's node61-node70.

That's 71 nodes in 7 different geographic locations!

Up nxt: TOKYO! Ii desu yo!


Nodes deployed: 71
Nodes queued: 22

Data centers: Atlanta, Dallas, Chicago, Northern VA, Hong Kong, Sydney, London


Since the last update I have received 31500 NXT for 10.3 more nodes until the end of March! Thank you!

To reach the goal of 100 public nodes by Jan 3, we need only 22500 nxt! So close! To support increased network robustness, please send 3000 nxt to 11243542237777034551 to sponsor a node until the end of March. Vanity nodes are available for 4500 nxt with your own hallmark and name.

Thank you to everyone working so hard to help NXT be a success.

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