I posted this on the Amazon thread: All my opinion
http://qrk.coinmine.pl/index.php pool was definitely the best one. Use the $100 free from Amazon too, so you can check it out without any expense.
Select a 32 core spot instance. IMPORTANT, make it a spot instance, they cost about 25-30 cents an hour, normal instances cost $2-3.
Use a linux/unix (amazon VPC) instance. cc2.8xlarge is the one you want. Connect with putty as instructed on the amazon website.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install autotools libcurl-dev libjansson-dev make automake unzip (you might have to do them all individually)
sudo wget
http://stonefoz.myfastmail.com/cpuminer-quark.zipsudo unzip cpuminer-quark.zip
cd cpuminer-quark
sudo CFLAGS="-O3 -msse2" ./configure
sudo make
sudo strip minerd
sudo ./minerd -a quark -o stratum+tcp://qrk.coinmine.pl:6010 -u Username.workername -p workerpassword
Let me know if it works for you. I was getting about 60kh/s per core.