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Author Topic: deleted by request  (Read 50651 times)
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December 19, 2013, 08:16:09 AM

I can't withdraw any coins. They have been pending for 2 days. I had a negative balance. Filled 5 support tickets. No response. This is bullshit. Craptsy needs to stop trading, fix their shit or get out of the Crypto market.

I have worked in support.  If you have 5 support tickets, you are taking more than 5 times the time it takes to handle 1 ticket.  It will work better for you, and for everyone, if you file one with the detail.  "something is wrong" is not enough detail.  Then quit and wait. 

If you try to apply more pressure, they will respond by becoming more defensive, and not by fixing the problem.  It hurts everyone for you to put many support tickets in.  Don't do it.


 It's extremely time consuming from what I read last week to figure out a vague request or such statement from customers.

 This is severely adding to the time it takes to get assistance. And further causing even longer delays to assist the next in line.

 Worse still many of these tickets are not required as many things are fixed with some time, on their own, left to be allowed to self heal.

 I haven't needed to file a single ticket this month since I allow the system to catch up with my account, on it's own, when things lag, and I simply haven't had any drastic, nor serious problems (knock on silicon) after well over 1000 trades so far in 2013. I patiently wait if needed, and so far everything resolves itself in a little time. WTF people. Chill out. Get a grip. Let minor issues work out by themselves...

 Tonight I sent yet another deposit (one of many this month) of btc to my Crypsty account and it cleared fast, as usual. Of course I tossed in 0.00000001 to the bitcoin network transaction fee system (as usual) so that my transfer would hopefully be included in the next bitcoin block solved. It was, and in 30 minutes after sending that transfer/deposit it was cleared and ready for trading at Cryptsy. Now I mull over what to do there while I type this. Sales bargains galore while most are sleeping. Wink

 Since resuming trading on 12-12-13 after two weeks off, or there about, (due to a very overwhelmed system, and not desiring in major troubles...) I have deposited and withdrawn many times with many types of crypto. No serious problems at all, just minor delays at most. Of course I don't trade nor deposit/withdraw when the system is lagging such as during peak hours between 5PM to Midnight cst. (hint).

 Before rushing to fill out a support ticket give the situation a bit of time to resolve itself, if it can, by itself. You will be doing many a favor by doing just that!

  And if not then in clear, precise detail lay out the problem so they can fix it quickly and move on. Otherwise your not doing anyone any favors, but instead further harming others.

 Things like slow deposits or withdrawals should not be resulting in any tickets unless it's been over maybe 12 hours or at the very least!
Just in case anyone is not aware of the lag sometimes. Much the same for withdrawals. Get some rest, don't fret, usually it all works itself out, as it does for myself time after time, when those rare situations arise.

 Further, since the 12th of December I haven't had any delay that long. In late November though one deposit did take about 12 hours. That's the worst problem I ever encountered. That and severe lagging a couple of sessions at peak usage times when I needed to do something(s). But then I don't go rushing about like some crazed fool when the system is barely functioning with things such as but not limited to severe system lag unless it's quite mandatory, and if I do I am certainly quite careful and take a lot of notes on exactly what I am trading, etc.

 Relax, in time it will all work out. I don't believe for one second that Crypsy is doing anything wrong to cause anyone grief. It's just the way it is in the face of extreme exponential growth. Chill, relax, get over it. Things will work out. And even if not, then there is no since getting worked up over what can't be changed (right?).

BTW: About the worse thing one can do is what the OP did. I doubt Cryptsy, after all that's gone down since, will be in any rush to solve his situation, now that he responded the way he did and all! It's best to behave with tact and understanding than to jump to any irrational conclusions.

Caveat emptor - let the buyer beware!

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December 19, 2013, 08:40:02 AM

You're an idiot. Go die in a pit.

"The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks"
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December 19, 2013, 01:45:04 PM

I can't withdraw any coins. They have been pending for 2 days. I had a negative balance. Filled 5 support tickets. No response. This is bullshit. Craptsy needs to stop trading, fix their shit or get out of the Crypto market.

I have worked in support.  If you have 5 support tickets, you are taking more than 5 times the time it takes to handle 1 ticket.  It will work better for you, and for everyone, if you file one with the detail.  "something is wrong" is not enough detail.  Then quit and wait. 

If you try to apply more pressure, they will respond by becoming more defensive, and not by fixing the problem.  It hurts everyone for you to put many support tickets in.  Don't do it.

A better question is "why is there a need to do support tickets in the first place?"

Bull markets are born on pessimism, grow on skepticism, mature on optimism, and die on euphoria. - John Templeton
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December 19, 2013, 03:40:56 PM

Those tickets were for 5 separate issues that appeared after each other over a 3 day span. I had to start a new ticket with a detailed explanation As new problems arose. Luckily the user mullick saw my posts here and took care of my problems. I would reccomend anyone having issues to PM him. 

I know they are having growing pains. But having to wait 2-3 days for a withdrawal to go through can cost you a lot of money in this kind of market.

- aka The "DigiMan"
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December 19, 2013, 06:48:35 PM

Those tickets were for 5 separate issues that appeared after each other over a 3 day span. I had to start a new ticket with a detailed explanation As new problems arose. Luckily the user mullick saw my posts here and took care of my problems. I would reccomend anyone having issues to PM him.  

I know they are having growing pains. But having to wait 2-3 days for a withdrawal to go through can cost you a lot of money in this kind of market.

Mullick is a good guy, and was always helpful on the forum at Cryptsy.

I'm not surprised he helped you out.

If Mullick is still around, then hopefully all hope for the site is not lost.

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December 20, 2013, 04:02:26 PM

All hype from a disgruntler...he posted a link that was supposed to show the alleged complaint.Instead it led here TO ANOTHER complaint..
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December 24, 2013, 08:44:16 PM

On I was robbed 8 BTC in 4 days!!!!!! Angry
When selling coins  balance BTC and LTC decreased!!!!! Angry scammers!!!!! Angry
thief should be in jail!!!! Angry
Vernon excuses not believe that he is correct, he's lying!!!! Angry
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December 25, 2013, 12:10:50 AM

I watched 30% come off the value of some alts as it took 20 minutes to execute each order. would have taken 2 days to  do all my transactions.
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December 25, 2013, 12:15:04 AM

j. System errors

We shall have no liability to you for damage which you may suffer as a result of

transmission errors, technical faults, malfunctions, illegal intervention in network

equipment, network overloads, malicious blocking of access by third parties, internet

malfunctions, interruptions or other deficiencies on the part of internet service

providers. You acknowledge that access to Electronic Services may be limited or

unavailable due to such system errors, and that we reserve the right upon notice to

suspend access to Electronic Services for this reason.  [/b]

Consumer law overrides any attempted disclaimer like this. Bad luck sunshine. Although they operate in a dodgy way listing unknown coins there is a reasonable level of functionality  that is expected from the customer.

The best you would win in court though is your fees.
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December 28, 2013, 05:32:56 AM

j. System errors

We shall have no liability to you for damage which you may suffer as a result of

transmission errors, technical faults, malfunctions, illegal intervention in network

equipment, network overloads, malicious blocking of access by third parties, internet

malfunctions, interruptions or other deficiencies on the part of internet service

providers. You acknowledge that access to Electronic Services may be limited or

unavailable due to such system errors, and that we reserve the right upon notice to

suspend access to Electronic Services for this reason.  [/b]

Consumer law overrides any attempted disclaimer like this. Bad luck sunshine. Although they operate in a dodgy way listing unknown coins there is a reasonable level of functionality  that is expected from the customer.

The best you would win in court though is your fees.

Consumer law?  Where was the transaction?

If someone voluntarily transferred something that is not money to Cryptsy without any contract, you have no legal recourse.  If I mailed someone a gold ring then I cannot sue them for theft.

I'm sure Cryptsy has a good lawyer on board.  I love the service and I am patient in understanding that they are working out the kinks and I have faith in the service.
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December 28, 2013, 08:00:40 AM

j. System errors

We shall have no liability to you for damage which you may suffer as a result of

transmission errors, technical faults, malfunctions, illegal intervention in network

equipment, network overloads, malicious blocking of access by third parties, internet

malfunctions, interruptions or other deficiencies on the part of internet service

providers. You acknowledge that access to Electronic Services may be limited or

unavailable due to such system errors, and that we reserve the right upon notice to

suspend access to Electronic Services for this reason.  [/b]

Consumer law overrides any attempted disclaimer like this. Bad luck sunshine. Although they operate in a dodgy way listing unknown coins there is a reasonable level of functionality  that is expected from the customer.

The best you would win in court though is your fees.

Consumer law?  Where was the transaction?

If someone voluntarily transferred something that is not money to Cryptsy without any contract, you have no legal recourse.  If I mailed someone a gold ring then I cannot sue them for theft.

I'm sure Cryptsy has a good lawyer on board.  I love the service and I am patient in understanding that they are working out the kinks and I have faith in the service.
Lawyer's are about money, you pay them for what they know of the law, now a good lawyer will probably tell you that any crypto currency has a value as it describes itself to be and additionally what it is commonly known to be, i could take theft of doge coins to a court and prove it is a currency based on international trade and general community consensus of what it has turned into, if cryptsy does not handle everything as if it were dollars then they are F*****, plain and simple, btc is known worldwide as a currency and therefore any chain that models itself after it will be in its footsteps.
Now we have a blockchain involved and hundreds if not thousands of transactions coming into cryptsy on the same server, imagine a warrant for forensic analysis of hard drives at the time period such and such theft or mishandling happened, a company with physical asset's will be unable to resist such a search, just saying, bitcoin is far beyond a commodity despite what some would like it to be, it's descendants are in the same category whether it be doge, quark, fedora, iocoin, litecoin, whatever
If the attorney general in Florida wishes it could tear cryptsy apart, piece by piece until they either ruin it or get everything straightened out for the one consumer of a service that was ripped off (or not), for those of you that think States are retarded, think again, they have unlimited resources and act on what is in the best interest of their corporation.
Taxes, if Cryptsy does not pay taxes on their profit of each and every trade that they collect a percentage on then that will make a huge difference in where things go, imagine a bot collecting all information that can be seen to a user on Cryptsy, and then a secretary or data entry state employee running the numbers from the data collected, if you can imagine this, and realize that btc is(although in a gray area) a currency, then imagine what the state of Florida thinks (as a corporation) it is entitled to, and (ya a little more), what its obligation is to the consumer using a State licensed business (if Cryptsy f**** me I would sue Florida), Plain and simple= If Florida allows a business registered with them to operate outside of consumer protection than it (Florida) becomes liable for any wrong doing that it allowed under its watch.
Oh so much more to say, but lets not nitpick this, ride the wave while you can  Smiley

Send me a message if you need me to respond to a post, or just send me some  $ADA in an amount that will get my attention = addr1qx7g7vzjtk9mcljxjy0vnewaljk33m67d227d95rsak8mmjdq5erwjygc05l6vftwdzy9qd3t4 9spl5kw5k6684gfawqw9r87w
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January 05, 2014, 12:20:48 AM

Here's an idea. Maybe if they had a website that actually worked in an acceptable fashion they wouldnt have so many support tickets to deal with. the amount of times the pages are unresponsive or take 30 seconds to load is unacceptable from any website. For this to be the case on a website solely dealing with time critical financial transactions is simply beyond belief. 

Surely the very least they should be doing is suspending all new signups until the site is up to speed, but no the problem seemingly gets worse every day. Instead of limiting signups and trying to provide an acceptable experience to the traders their greed motivates them to allow further overloading of the system.
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January 06, 2014, 11:51:27 AM

OP you're an idiot
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January 18, 2014, 02:45:02 PM

Cryptsy seems to have problems taking deposits in some coins, whilst others go through fine. I'm finding doge transactions appear quickly, but NET transactions ALWAYS go missing, I have to raise a support ticket for them (about 10 so far!), Cryptsy ignore many of the tickets, and the funds appear in account about a day later.

They need to cut down the range of coins they deal with to ones they can automate the processes on with some reliability. They will be totally overwelmed if (like me) people have to raise support tickets on every deposit.
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January 29, 2014, 11:13:34 AM

ok i deposited 4.699 bitcoins in cryptsy 3 days ago and i has not showed up in my balance. i sent tickets and tried to contact big vern on twitter and i have had no reply (ticket number 79845). are people getting there any reply? because it seems to me like im being ignored. 5 grand worth of btc has just vanished and i have not been sent so much as a generic email... can anyone shed some light on the matter for me, i need these coins.
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January 29, 2014, 12:08:02 PM

They will turn up. Cryptsy is an honest outfit.
Having said that - I would not send more than .5BTC in one transaction and I certainly would not keep more than 1BTC at any exchange for longer than absolutely necessary..
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January 29, 2014, 12:34:13 PM

I don't see what the big deal is. I've traded on cryptsy since day one and never had a problem. I would say I've had up to 100 btc in coins in a single transaction and about 1000 btc in volume over the same time frame and did not lose 1 coin.

Is this a new and in regulated industry? Yes. Are people taking a huge risk getting involve in crypto at this time? Yes. If you want safety and can't afford risk leave cryptos and come back in 10 years when you can buy them through your broker I'm a 401k, otherwise accept the risk and do what you can to protect your self...

1. Send small amounts for coins ($ value) to reduce your loss of the are network issues.
2. Double check addresses. Most lost coins are because people typo an address.
3. Learn to read the block chain  do you can prove a transaction was sent and to where. It is your receipt. If you can't show a receipt then all your complaints is just whining.
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January 29, 2014, 04:18:38 PM

2. Double check addresses. Most lost coins are because people typo an address.

With the checksum, a typo is highly unprobable (except for NXT and clones that doesn't have a checksum)
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January 29, 2014, 07:19:45 PM

I don't see what the big deal is. I've traded on cryptsy since day one and never had a problem. I would say I've had up to 100 btc in coins in a single transaction and about 1000 btc in volume over the same time frame and did not lose 1 coin.

Is this a new and in regulated industry? Yes. Are people taking a huge risk getting involve in crypto at this time? Yes. If you want safety and can't afford risk leave cryptos and come back in 10 years when you can buy them through your broker I'm a 401k, otherwise accept the risk and do what you can to protect your self...

1. Send small amounts for coins ($ value) to reduce your loss of the are network issues.
2. Double check addresses. Most lost coins are because people typo an address.
3. Learn to read the block chain  do you can prove a transaction was sent and to where. It is your receipt. If you can't show a receipt then all your complaints is just whining.

I myself haven't had any problem either, other than some odd delays in getting btc. now that i've ran my own exchange however, i know exactly what the delays were. sometimes when you move coins to the hotwallet, they get stuck and take a long time to confirm due to the sheer amount of transactions in the bitcoin network. that is something that affects all of bitcoin, not just cryptsy. it took about 2 hours last night to get some coins into the hotwallet at our exchange. this is something you can't hold cryptsy responsible for.

I have heard many tales of coins dissapearing, but it has never happened to me personally, so i can't really comment on that.

My negative trust rating is reflective of a personal vendetta by someone on default trust.
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January 29, 2014, 09:42:01 PM

The owner/operator of Cryptsy is well known as he has repeatedly made it clear he is Paul Vernon from Del Ray Beach,Florida. Cryptsy is registered as a business with the State Florida. As such it makes it very easy to file complaints with the State of Florida over the issues we are having. Cryptsy is in the mid process of filing all the needed applications to enter into a USD market. The last thing they need are multiple complaints about financial mismanagement and issues right now as it would get them nixed pretty quickly. Florida is very aggressive on consumer issues like this and it doesn't matter if you reside outside the USA.

Paul Vernon himself, also know as BigVern needs to come in here and explain what is going on.  Not one of his "lackys" like BitJohn or pr9me but Paul Vernon himself.  I have a combined total of coins in limbo of about 63BTC. Enough is enough. Let us know what is going on or deal with the consequences.

What say you Paul Vernon?


I took a day off on Thursday December 12th and drove up to Tallahassee to the Florida AG's Office. After about an hour lecture and introduction to Crypto for two Investigators and Assistant AG, I then showed them several exchanges and Cryptsy, who was operating inside the State of Florida. Excited wasn't the word, you would have thought it was Christmas in addition to their jaw's dropping when they saw the volume and the amount of unregulated $$$ flowing through Mr. Vernon's site. They were extremely concerned at the potential fraud that was happening and the theory of a possible multimillion dollar ponzi scheme just seemed to materialize out of thin air. While she said they couldn't determine "if anything was indeed amiss, they were certainly going to be talking to Mr. Vernon as well as contacting their Federal counterparts"

^ Asshats like you need to get out of Crypto for crying to the a State Government Authority. Just wow! Unregulated dollars? Are you a fucking moron? The OP must have much faith in the Federal Reserve and the corrupt banking system.  Roll Eyes

"jaw's dropping when they saw the volume and the amount of unregulated $$$?HuhHuh? flowing through Mr. Vernon's site." Last time I logged in I did not see any dollars being exchanged. The bases of Crypto is to be unregulated and not centralized you moron, for the people by the people.

I have been trading on crypty since the birth and I have never had any issues of missing coins etc, only the exchanges lag and stalls and sometimes coins taking a while to deposit. Cryptsy is sometimes frustrating because of bugs in the system but fuck peeps it needs time to mature.

To the dumb fuck who is trying to get the State Gov involved by filing a complaint, what a fucking moron. You need to provide proof to what you are claiming before you blow your asshole up, carry on asshat.

Cryptsy kill the BOTs to decrease the server load and bring back chat please.

GA-990FXA-UD5, 1x 7970L, 2x S1, AX1200i, RIVBE, 2x R290x, NEX1500, BTC: 1G9cQix8bMgh35MQ9wY3Rb9yNSSCtnoRmK, DGC: DFo9FcKYsutv9Vx5c5xUzkrt7VJdECZWTM, LTC: LaAN33aktPGaimN5ALL9kjHjuJekfmKfTh
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