Wow at difficulty 256 I haven't generated a single block in the last 40 minutes with 4.1 GH/s. Someone is really raping the ixcoin network. Somewhere in the 150 GH/s range.
I hope it's a 'drive difficulty up - then withdraw' attack.
This Ixcoin is such a lame effort.
If you're just going to tweak numbers.. then how could you miss the opportunity to set the coin limit to 42 million?
(That bitcoin is 21 million has always made me slightly suspicious that Satoshi only intended bitcoin to be the half-baked test run.. what sort of geek doesn't choose 42 where an arbitrary number is called for in a publicly visible place?)
Seriously though.. I thought the next fork might be something that did some real modifications along the line of what Ben Laurie was talking about in his paper
'An Efficient Distributed Currency'.
I'm not convinced such a system would be better than bitcoin, because it implies a bit more centralization and/or trust amongst peers - but it would be different enough to be interesting at least.
Ixcoin - not so much. I'll buy one coin if it ever trades at approximate parity with the USD for more than one day.
(I was interested in bitcoin before it got to parity - but it had novelty,ingenuity and obvious brains at the helm - Ixcoin appears to be driven by a greedy regexp monkey)