The positive development I see is less and less youngsters will be forced go into debt trying to join one of those expensive schools to study medicine, schools with so called teachers making millions in their lifetime doodling stuff on their blackboard.
More and more doctors will be people who will care, truly care for the ones who deserve it and not for the ones who can simply pay for it, as those new doctors won't be motivated by greed but "social cure". Free access to the cutting edge of medicine technology should be a human right. Greedy hospitals trying to upgrade their equipment to the latest greatest should not pass their so called cost burden on taxing the poor. China can make amazing medical devices for cheap.
It is an illusion to believe they are good doctors and bad doctors. All doctors have certificates that proves they are doctors on their wall anyway. Bad doctors are the ones collecting Ferrari on the misery of the sick. The good doctors are the ones who know there were born to serve the community, sacrificing their own life for the greater good.
Everyone from the other 49 States should move to Vermont and support the cause of free healthcare.
Hell yeah!! Vermont is putting the rest of the country to shame .. i hope some other states follow.
What I thought was ridiculous about the whole obamacare debate is that I bet like 3-1 people wanted lower healthcare costs versus making sure everyone is covered. And then the only thin we got is free healthcare for poor people and the costs keep going up and up. It's insane.
It was not insane for the people who kept an eye on Pelosi ''“But we have to pass the [health care] bill so that you can find out what’s in it....”
Now get ready for the next madness. Learn it by heart. Remember when your read it the first on a bitcoin forum. You got mad about a Wall Street bailout?
Next: insurance companies bailout. This close is built in the law.
[T]here are deep-in-the-weeds protections baked into the Affordable Care Act: risk adjustment, reinsurance, and risk corridors…
…[R]isk corridors will play the biggest role if the individual mandate does get delayed. Their entire purpose is to stabilize premiums during the first three years of Obamacare, when it’s especially difficult for insurers to price plans.
Here’s how it works: exchange plans (QHPs) projected how much their risk pool would cost overall in 2014, their “target” cost. If they’ve significantly miscalculated—or, say, if a mandate delay causes adverse selection that they couldn’t have predicted—HHS will take action…
Holy ****! Did you say insurance bailout! So is there a pre-determined crash time?! Is that why they spent 600 million on a website that doesnt work because it was never supposed to work... Is it pump and dump healthcare and bail it out time?
My god... its worse than i thought!
Hope and change?
It's okay if I am skeptical, right?
But on the flip side I've always thought states could pull things off that the additional layer of corruption and red tape of Wash Dc could not possibly accomplish.
Lol... Yes its ok if you are skeptical..
I passed up a sign that said "hope" a thousand miles back and i just chuckled at it..
Ill tell you guys a short story about the time i was at a stop light about to make a u-turn to go to a carwash.
I didnt make the red light so i just sat there waiting for it to turn and there was a guy hodling a sign that said "
Lost a 300 hundred pound cat.. please honk if you see him!"
I laughed to myself and rolled down my window and gave this guy a dollar and then i gave him another since he made me laugh and all..
I then made a u-turn and pulled in into the carwash. They take your car and at the last moment it pulls out of the machine then a couple guys dry it by hand and so as i was waiting on my car to get washed i noticed the guy across the street still doing his thing in the middle of the island with the sign ..
At one moment he starts walking across the street and makes a beeline move towards me and i was thinking oh man i hope he doesnt ask for more money .. i already gave him $2!
Luckily my car was almost done so i jumped in my car and quickly tipped the carwash guy a few dollars and got in my car and closed the door! LOL The bum crossing the street kept coming towards me and he got about 4 feet from my car and he turned to one of the guys who were drying the cars and the
rat bastid gave the two dollars i gave him for making me laugh one of the guys drying cars and proceeded to get into a brand new 750 il BMW that was in line and had just got washed... and then he drove away in the beemer!My last hope for humanity was lost right there! LOL
I was sitting there thinking.. poor guy, he is in his old age in the middle of the street begging for money.. Little did i know i was on shinanigans st! Nothing is as it seems and you should not trust anything!
So skeptical ... yeah!!! A lil bit.. lolz
Its kinda like bitcoin tho.. even if it failed they cant put the idea back in the bag! I hope Vermont rocks that s***!!
We need more states to follow!