Bet Status : Rejected
Message : Bet was rejected because the transaction fee is too low. A refund will be issued after 1 confirmation.
What is the minimum transaction fee you accept? Where is it written in the site? Why is it a concern as long as the transaction is confirmed? Please explain.
I have never had any bets rejected for that reason, this is the first time I have seen that message, this must be newly implemented. Obvious reason would be to avoid double spend attempts, which are more likely to happen with bets that have really low transaction fee, which means they will remain unconfirmed for a longer period, giving the opportunity to the bettor to double spend after they have lost a bet. Since DirectBet allow the bets to confirm as soon as they receive it, this is necessary measure to avoid getting scammed. Nothing wrong with it.
The transaction fee depends on the size of the transaction, if you add at-least 0.0001 BTC/KB to your transaction, it will show as high priority on blockchain info and thus would have better chance of getting confirmed on the network and your bets won't get rejected, either do that of if you're too concerned about fee, they also have a wallet which can be used to make bets.
If you use electrum's dynamic fee feature then set it to 0.0005 BTC/KB, if you set it lower than that then the fee will be low in almost all the transactions, making your tx low/medium priority.