PesetaCoinLa PesetaCoin es una nueva Crypto Moneda p2p, diseñada a partir del conocido Bitcoin y Litecoin /
PesetaCoin is a new p2p Crypto Currency developed from well known Bitcoin and Litecoin
COIN LAUNCHHoy 07/01/2014 a las 23:30 GMT+1 (Hora Española)
Today at 14:30 PST (GMT+8)
(countdown in
DOWNLOADSWindows Wallet:
(Links will posted a few minutes before pesetacoin release)
MAC Wallet:
((Pending Compilation) Links will posted a few minutes before pesetacoin release)
Source Code:
(Links will posted a few minutes after hit block 300)
Official pool (0.5% fee goes to the developers of the project) (pre-registration open)
ESPECIFICACIONES / MAIN FEATURES- Algoritmo Scrypt (POW) / Scrypt Proof Of Work Algorithm
- Número total de monedas / Total number of coins: 166,386,000 PTCs
- 166(.386) monedas por bloque (bajando a la mitad cada año) / 166(.386) coins per block (halving every year).
- Block target: 1 minuto / 1 minute block target
- Cambio de dificultad: cada 120 bloques (2 horas) / Difficulty retarget: every 120 blocks (2 hours)
- RPC Port: 16638
- P2P Port: 16639
-Preminado del
0.016% (27000PTC) que sera distribuido en los siguientes conceptos: /
0.016% premine (27,620PTC) that will be used for:
-PC Wallet: 2500PTC (done!)
-MAC Wallet: 2500PTC (pending!!)
- First Pool: 2000PTC (done!)
- Second Pool: 1500PTC (pending!!)
- Third Pool: 1000PTC (pending!!)
- First Exchange: 4500PTC (pending!!)
- Second Exchange: 4500PTC (pending!!)
- 50 Giveaways: 100PTC = 5000PTC (pending!!)
- First Faucet = 2000PTC; (pending!!)
- First Gambling = 2000PTC; (pending!!)
ANOTHER ALTCOIN? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?Somos conscientes de que se ha desatado la locura en la generacion de cryptomonedas alternativas
en estos ultimos meses, la idea de la pesetacoin nos llevaba rondando desde hace tiempo, y creemos
que esta resureccion virtual de la moneda que nunca debio irse de nuestros bolsillos, puede aportarnos
mucho mas que algunas monedas hechas sin sentido ninguno o con el proposito de pump and dump
hecho para enriquecer a sus desarrolladores y/o primeros mineros .
Los desarrolladores de la pesetacoin tenemos claro que de la pesetacoin queremos un lanzamiento discreto,
sin los problemas habituales de sobrecarga, instamine y locura colectiva, no queremos que la moneda salga
instantanemente en un intercambio para ser dumpeada hasta su extincion, buscamos otros propositos como:
- que su valor poco a poco equivalga al de la antigua peseta (1EUR=166.386 PTS o 1 BTC = 166,386 PTS)
- que se puedan cambiar pesetas fisicas por pesetacoins.
- que se use como moneda en infinidad de sitios de venta online, españoles y del mundo.
- en definitiva un homenaje merecido, pero acompañado de utilidad y huyendo de la volatilidad y extincion de
la mayoria de las nuevas ALTCoins.
PesetaCoin, la rubia que no debio irse vuelve desde España para el Mundo!!We are aware that madness has been unleashed in the generation of ALTCOINS
in the last few months , the pesetacoin idea its not new, and we think that
this virtual resurrection of the coin that should never go out of our pockets , can give us
much more than some coins made without any meaning or purpose of the pump and dump
done to enrich their developers and / or early miners .
The pesetacoin developers have clearly that we want a discreet launch
without the usual problems of overload, and collective madness instamine neither we want the money go out
instantly into an exchange to be dumped until its extinction , we looked for other purposes as:
- Its value gradually growing to old peseta value ( EUR 1 = 166.386 PTS o 1 BTC = 166,386 PTS)
- Be a coin that can be changed by physical pesetas .
- To be used as currency in countless sites selling online, in Spain and world.
- Definitely a fitting tribute , but accompanied by utility and fleeing the volatility and extinction of
most new ALTCoins .
Pesetacoin, the blond that never should gone, returns from Spain to the World!!MAS INFORMACION EN LAS PROXIMAS HORAS: pesetacoin.conf, solo mining, etc)
MORE INFO IN THE NEXT HOURS: (pesetacoin.conf, solo mining, and more details)!!!!