Nice Work.. Was thinking about making one for my galaxy gear... always pulling out the phone to check the price as well
Did you check out the galaxy gear api? Think that can be integrated in this app?
I figured Pebble and Sony Smartwatch would be the bigger platforms and I must say I am still not sure if I can suggest any of these. The Pebble is open and yeah, kind of cool but doesn't stand at all a comparison to the same price range Sony SW2. The SW2 on the other hand has weird limitations such as no ScrollView with buttons. You can only have lists that scroll. Totally killed an app I wanted to develop for it. The SW1 using a completely different api doesn't make me hope the SW3 will run my code, so yeah, I might have to buy the SW3, too? Pebble should be easier in this regard. Else the concept in Sony SW is that everything happens in Android and gets pushed to the device, which is kind of cool as it doesn't require to learn something new as an Android developer and I find it remarkable that Sony went for an Android only solution.