UPS World Savor is the shipping method.
Delivery problem is people having problem with the customs. (POLAND, RUSSIA, UKRAINE and some former Soviet Union Countries. These countries, I highly recommend using the hosting service or find a local guy selling antminer)
Also, UPS had their airplane broke down and delayed the shipping up to a week. (Downed in India route affected EU customers for purchases from 2 days period)
Feb 11th is the next shipping date, as long as you place the order and pay it within 4 hours, your order will ship on Feb 11, 2014 via UPS World Savor (Express) Selling is open @ 1,45
BTC Sushi have you got some problem to deliver in Europe?
Shipping is Free--- who's delivery service you use ?
I'm interested to order but reassure me, how many time to process shipment
Some last order have problemes.
do you send New miner or Used miner?