There appears to be a coding error. I notice the difficulty hasn't changed for now 118 hours or almost 5 days. The developer lists 3.5 days as the difficulty retargeting timeline. Please fix this mistake. Also, right now the difficulty is rather high for the number of people that are mining.
Time: 2018-05-31 13:51:34 (1527774694)
Difficulty: 6637.522347094
Time: 2018-06-05 11:21:11 (1528197671)
Difficulty: 6637.522347094
If you think it's a
coding error, then you have
to describe it exactly.
Everything else is only assumptions. The rules of the Consensus are clear: every 2016 block a difficulty retarget will take place. Block time is 2.5 mins. This calculated together is
roughly 3.5 days.
But this is only an estimated value for humans, because we think in days, hours, minutes etc. It is given to people to estimate things. You can't know in advance how much hashing power will miners use at any point in time.
Therefore, the Consensus will have to adapt to it. But every 2016 blocks only. If those 2016 blocks are being generated within 3.5 days or 3 days or maybe 4 days is a question of available hashrate, current difficulty, processed diffficulty etc. Also, our coin is pretty new, with a non-forked blockchain, so the many ASICs out there could quickly take advantage of it (for some time, but not forever).
It will simply take _time_ to adapt to all those circumstances. It's not year 2011 with GPUs only. Our coin never had the chance to grow up slowly, while technologies changed around it. It started almost immediately with ASICs.
So, please, before giving me any coding advice or making any assumptions that could provoke useless discussions, either open a proper
Pull Request on GitHub with your solution, or simply stop writing about imagined problems you can't provide a solution for.
I am very open to any improvements, but only on a stable, testable, and falsifiable base.
Software isn't being done in a pub, with beer in your hand, or in a forum, with smileys.
Code is work. Hard, explicit, and very "boring" work.
I have used the best available code as base for this coin: Litecoin.
And I think these guys know much better than me how to create proper Consensus rules.
And I suppose they also know it better than you.
Now, back to mining/trading/Discord!

Here, a nice article, actually a comparison between Litecoin & Bitcoin. There you can read a bit about potential problems regarding difficulty adjustments. Scroll down a bit to the paragraph "Difficulty retarget"