So everyone here has already forgotten the big premine/instamine that happend at the launch of this coin wich gives the dev. and some of him buddies an insane advantage over anyone who didn't manage to connect during the first 30-60 min?
Shame you're all wasting energy/hashing power on a stupid scam coin like this.
If you think that you should not involved to coins, all coins some premined, bitcin, litecoin, doge, etc.. all of coins
Wow, what a well-written counter argument.
If you really believe anything you just wrote your just ignorant or you're one of the few people that actually managed to get some of the first 4000 blocks, blocks wich weren't available to the general public.
I suggest you read the first 10 pages of this thread and then come back and see if it changed your mind about this coin.
And by the way, neither Bitcoin nor Litecoin was premined, sure there were people who got involved earlier than other but they were available to everyone.