December 30, 2019, 02:05:25 AM |
Bitcoin Ethereum TERA
January 02, 2020, 06:20:26 AM |
Happy new year to TERA Community~~
Bitcoin Ethereum TERA
January 08, 2020, 11:24:56 AM |
I have been following tera again, hoping that it will enter the top50! 
Tera's real blockchain is simple and easy to use! terafoundation.org
January 11, 2020, 10:26:43 PM |
The Tera Bulletin #1 Jan-2020 Hello dear community! With pleasure we want to say Happy New Year to all of you and introduce The Tera Bulletin where we would like to share with you the recent Tera developments, achievements, short-term and long-term plans and goals. Recent News: • Thanks to our member (:heart: @daytona) for help in preparing the awesome video ( https://youtu.be/e4ptiQAagHM) about blockchain and Tera technology behind. • Our team member from Turkey is sharing the second place for creating another awesome video ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZa0FFTSSds). Thanks! Current Development Activities and Plans: • The team will review and revise the 2019 roadmap, develop and publish 2020 top-level roadmap • The team will create and maintain :star2: Tera Medium page, and will be publishing the important news and articles about Tera • The team is working hard on the :star2: New Core of Tera, this is Core 2.0, fully compatible with 1.0, called Jinn, with the breakthrough innovative sync mechanics inside. • Jinn Core is ready and move into production is scheduled for Jan-20 with excessive testing in Feb-20 and roll-over to the mainnet as soon as all tests done. • Next step is :rocket: Jinn Sharding Engine, this will be the heart of Tera blockchain and basis for the very quick smart-contract platform. Of course this requires much more time and testing, but it's definitely the next and important milestone after Jinn Core. Community Activities and Suggestions: • Tera Platform website soon will be released to provide robust and comprehensive information about Tera opportunities for customers • @GriLe (:heart:) made a simple task sheet with items to develop in 2020. Feel free to add the tasks into the Task Name, we’ll analyze and give the feedback: ( https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DD8EDyKLvlYSHP6N6mRfo0CmkIvE-snSb-Ncdq9dKGw/edit?usp=sharing)
Bitcoin Ethereum TERA
January 12, 2020, 10:34:07 AM |
The Tera Bulletin #1 Jan-2020 Hello dear community! With pleasure we want to say Happy New Year to all of you and introduce The Tera Bulletin where we would like to share with you the recent Tera developments, achievements, short-term and long-term plans and goals. Recent News: • Thanks to our member (:heart: @daytona) for help in preparing the awesome video ( https://youtu.be/e4ptiQAagHM) about blockchain and Tera technology behind. • Our team member from Turkey is sharing the second place for creating another awesome video ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZa0FFTSSds). Thanks! Current Development Activities and Plans: • The team will review and revise the 2019 roadmap, develop and publish 2020 top-level roadmap • The team will create and maintain :star2: Tera Medium page, and will be publishing the important news and articles about Tera • The team is working hard on the :star2: New Core of Tera, this is Core 2.0, fully compatible with 1.0, called Jinn, with the breakthrough innovative sync mechanics inside. • Jinn Core is ready and move into production is scheduled for Jan-20 with excessive testing in Feb-20 and roll-over to the mainnet as soon as all tests done. • Next step is :rocket: Jinn Sharding Engine, this will be the heart of Tera blockchain and basis for the very quick smart-contract platform. Of course this requires much more time and testing, but it's definitely the next and important milestone after Jinn Core. Community Activities and Suggestions: • Tera Platform website soon will be released to provide robust and comprehensive information about Tera opportunities for customers • @GriLe (:heart:) made a simple task sheet with items to develop in 2020. Feel free to add the tasks into the Task Name, we’ll analyze and give the feedback: ( https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DD8EDyKLvlYSHP6N6mRfo0CmkIvE-snSb-Ncdq9dKGw/edit?usp=sharing) Is the previous tera coin still useful?
Tera's real blockchain is simple and easy to use! terafoundation.org
January 12, 2020, 10:18:00 PM |
The Tera Bulletin #1 Jan-2020 Hello dear community! With pleasure we want to say Happy New Year to all of you and introduce The Tera Bulletin where we would like to share with you the recent Tera developments, achievements, short-term and long-term plans and goals. Recent News: • Thanks to our member (:heart: @daytona) for help in preparing the awesome video ( https://youtu.be/e4ptiQAagHM) about blockchain and Tera technology behind. • Our team member from Turkey is sharing the second place for creating another awesome video ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZa0FFTSSds). Thanks! Current Development Activities and Plans: • The team will review and revise the 2019 roadmap, develop and publish 2020 top-level roadmap • The team will create and maintain :star2: Tera Medium page, and will be publishing the important news and articles about Tera • The team is working hard on the :star2: New Core of Tera, this is Core 2.0, fully compatible with 1.0, called Jinn, with the breakthrough innovative sync mechanics inside. • Jinn Core is ready and move into production is scheduled for Jan-20 with excessive testing in Feb-20 and roll-over to the mainnet as soon as all tests done. • Next step is :rocket: Jinn Sharding Engine, this will be the heart of Tera blockchain and basis for the very quick smart-contract platform. Of course this requires much more time and testing, but it's definitely the next and important milestone after Jinn Core. Community Activities and Suggestions: • Tera Platform website soon will be released to provide robust and comprehensive information about Tera opportunities for customers • @GriLe (:heart:) made a simple task sheet with items to develop in 2020. Feel free to add the tasks into the Task Name, we’ll analyze and give the feedback: ( https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DD8EDyKLvlYSHP6N6mRfo0CmkIvE-snSb-Ncdq9dKGw/edit?usp=sharing) Is the previous tera coin still useful? ABSOLUTELY, 2.0 is the continue of TERA 1.0
Bitcoin Ethereum TERA
January 13, 2020, 04:29:52 PM |
The Tera Bulletin #1 Jan-2020 Hello dear community! With pleasure we want to say Happy New Year to all of you and introduce The Tera Bulletin where we would like to share with you the recent Tera developments, achievements, short-term and long-term plans and goals. Recent News: • Thanks to our member (:heart: @daytona) for help in preparing the awesome video ( https://youtu.be/e4ptiQAagHM) about blockchain and Tera technology behind. • Our team member from Turkey is sharing the second place for creating another awesome video ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZa0FFTSSds). Thanks! Current Development Activities and Plans: • The team will review and revise the 2019 roadmap, develop and publish 2020 top-level roadmap • The team will create and maintain :star2: Tera Medium page, and will be publishing the important news and articles about Tera • The team is working hard on the :star2: New Core of Tera, this is Core 2.0, fully compatible with 1.0, called Jinn, with the breakthrough innovative sync mechanics inside. • Jinn Core is ready and move into production is scheduled for Jan-20 with excessive testing in Feb-20 and roll-over to the mainnet as soon as all tests done. • Next step is :rocket: Jinn Sharding Engine, this will be the heart of Tera blockchain and basis for the very quick smart-contract platform. Of course this requires much more time and testing, but it's definitely the next and important milestone after Jinn Core. Community Activities and Suggestions: • Tera Platform website soon will be released to provide robust and comprehensive information about Tera opportunities for customers • @GriLe (:heart:) made a simple task sheet with items to develop in 2020. Feel free to add the tasks into the Task Name, we’ll analyze and give the feedback: ( https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DD8EDyKLvlYSHP6N6mRfo0CmkIvE-snSb-Ncdq9dKGw/edit?usp=sharing) Is the previous tera coin still useful? ABSOLUTELY, 2.0 is the continue of TERA 1.0 It sounds like a great design, looking forward to product updates! At the same time, vtool is a dev devoted to the dedication of the blockchain, which deserves our respect. There are too few devs with the spirit of the blockchain. Many people just make money!
Tera's real blockchain is simple and easy to use! terafoundation.org
January 17, 2020, 04:49:48 AM |
Bitcoin Ethereum TERA
Activity: 1497
Merit: 1019
Eloncoin.org - Mars, here we come!
January 17, 2020, 07:23:41 AM |
The team is working hard on the New Core of Tera, this is Core 2.0, fully compatible with 1.0, called Jinn, with the breakthrough innovative sync mechanics inside. • Jinn Core is ready and move into production is scheduled for Jan-20 with excessive testing in Feb-20 and roll-over to the mainnet as soon as all tests done. • Next step is Jinn Sharding Engine, this will be the heart of Tera blockchain and basis for the very quick smart-contract platform. Of course this requires much more time and testing, but it's definitely the next and important milestone after Jinn Core. look and try to play with new JINN Core demo: https://terafoundation.org/JINN/model/model.htmlYou may build your own network and play with the number of nodes and a number of transactions in each block, switch on-off compression. Look how stable is the network! #blockchain #tera #newcore #JINN #sharding 
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January 21, 2020, 02:29:19 AM |
Bitcoin Ethereum TERA
January 21, 2020, 02:41:50 AM |
Tera Update - Bug Bounty & New Release 0.1376 Happy weekend, dear community! ⭕️ Today we've released highly recommended update of the nodes. This update fixes a CSRF vulnerability of the full node. ☝️ Please note that we're continously working to improve the security of the released software, the Bug Bounty is ongoing. Find a critical bug (vulnerability) and get 100 000 TERA. Bug should be reported confidentially to progr76@gmail.com or telegram @progr76. 
Bitcoin Ethereum TERA
Jr. Member
Activity: 442
Merit: 3
January 22, 2020, 06:50:11 AM |
Heading for new all time low I see.
Whats up with this coin?!
Jr. Member
Activity: 46
Merit: 1
January 22, 2020, 10:07:31 AM |
Heading for new all time low I see.
Whats up with this coin?!
Everything is good with the project. Constant development, soon new core with many features will be released.
January 27, 2020, 12:26:13 PM |
2020 1. JINN implementation (vtools) 2. TERA Sharding implementation (vtools) 3. Teraplatform.org - website to promote the technology and benefits of TERA blockchain as the best platform for your business (groboro)
Road map 2019 Android/iOS Wallets (90% completed) Creation of IDE for DApps development Creating DApp for anonymous payments Research to increase transactions with sharding up to 1 million tps (100% completed) Creation of financial instruments for actions on tokens: futures, options, pawnshops DHT technology support Domain name support (.tera) Gateway to the decentralized internet (web3)
Bitcoin Ethereum TERA
Activity: 1497
Merit: 1019
Eloncoin.org - Mars, here we come!
January 31, 2020, 03:10:35 PM |
flight to the moon will happen soon 
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Activity: 1497
Merit: 1019
Eloncoin.org - Mars, here we come!
February 03, 2020, 09:31:14 AM |
Appreciate the original sharding technology concept developed by TERA. Sharding http://terafoundation.org/files/TeraSharding-ENG.pdfTERA Blockchain Technology Video https://youtu.be/e4ptiQAagHM
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February 08, 2020, 05:23:13 AM |
$TERA #UPDATE 0.1412 pushed to the network.
Highly reccommended for update. Node peering and synchronization improved.
Look at our world coverage! More TERA stars are shining.
Bitcoin Ethereum TERA
February 08, 2020, 11:46:49 PM |
Just above you will find some of my experience with Tera a promising Blockchain. I hope you like it and soon I will post new articles.
Note* I write about projects that can do something for society. Now whether this will happen depends not on me, but on the project team. I'm just a writer... DYOR
Jr. Member
Activity: 46
Merit: 1
February 09, 2020, 09:02:32 PM |
Love this project 😀👍
Yes, its really great! In this bunch of shitcoins, who just copy already written code and have no purpose just to earn some money on expectations of fast profit, TERA is the true innovation.
Activity: 167
Merit: 0
February 14, 2020, 07:33:18 AM |
But not all see this at this time ...