Hey guys and gals, I have decided to help out with building the community around Blackcoin by writing an article for my community! In this article, I express why Blackcoin is going to be a major winner and has our backing and support.
Blackcoin: PoS On Steroids: http://altcoinauthority.com/2014/02/blackcoin-pos-on-steroids/Also, I have a very large community of altcoin enthusiasts and will be hosting a giveaway to get them started on blackcoin. A majority of them aren't miners so they will be looking at picking up some coins from the exchanges.
I will be paying them out of my own pocket so if anyone would like to donate to the promotion of Blackcoin, please send me a PM. We host very successful giveaways over at Altcoin Authority and will bring in hundreds of new users over the next few days. Any amount will be greatly appreciated and will go directly to building the community around Blackcoin. We hope to see this coin succeed big time so if you feel the same way, please consider donating. Please send me a PM if you are interested in helping out.
Blackcoin to the moon!!