Hi goose20, sorry your 0.5mBTC has not yet been sent, I have just checked and the script was failing to send the transactions as the values were too low. I am sorting this for you now and you will receive it within the hour.
Please can I ask that you remove your post from this thread as this thread has nothing to do with the giveaway and you are impacting on the ponzi and the players which are awaiting their payout.
I've not had any problems. Always paid out for me.
Same here. But why is the payout taking so long now?
Total deposits in the "Confirmed" section: 0.6322788
The balance is now 0.00144886 and 0.0975 is required for next payout.

Hi Bratacus,
The next deposit awaiting payout is 0.075 when you add the 130% profit that turns into 0.0975. So as soon as the wallet balance reaches 0.0975 that deposit will be paid out and we will move on to the next. Does that make sense? (sometimes I dont explain things that well!)