I don't get this, is it price? I thought people would be investing in NVIDIA 580GTX's rather than ATI.
What gives?
Oh. Question for You. What caused you to think of Any reason as to why people would be picking GTX580's.... Dual GTX580's in SLI= 5-11more fps than One 6990
Nvidia argues that the 6990 is not one video card, And that it is nothing more than two 6970's togeather
So nvidia feels they have the right to run two of thier card against the 6990.
UHHMMM DERP? the 6990 fills One slot, And can go Quadfire without issue.
Thats 8GPU's And Four cards.
Nvidia would only beable to do QuadSLI and get 4GPUs
Lol=Half the strength
Nvidia believes that the 6990 is not """A""" video card because it has two GPU's, This is why they claim that thier Single Gpu GTX580 is better. HOWEVER, YOU NEED TWO GTX580'S!!!! to match ONE 6990.
Or In laymens terms.
6970+6970=THE 6990.
Two video cardsThey constantly
claim that the 6990 is not one video card, But that it is infact Two video cards.
Note:One GTX580 beats the 6970. But were not talking about ""A"" 6970 Were talking about """A""" 6990
So heres what Nvidia's claims are
Acutally saying.
Nvidia "our GTX580 is better than your HD6970x2 because you need two of them to make One 6990"
AMD "Dude, It fits in one slot, It can Quadfire with no issues, And they're is not such tech to go beyond quadfire, So your claiming that were placing Eight cards into a "crossfire" allignment, Wich is physcially impossible to do"
Nvidia "It's two 6970's in crossfire inside a box plugged into one slot"
AMD "And whats the problem? Whats "WRONG" about two cards being compressed into
One card."
Nvidia "It's not One GPU it's Two GPU's So that
Two Graphics Proccesing Units"
AMD "Two GPU's Combined into One Card, That fits into One slot, That Crossfires and Quadfires without issue, Prooving that it's one card, Because it's theirs no such thing as 8way crossfire"
Nvidia "But our one GPU beats your one GPU"
AMD "Thats not the point, This is about the faster graphics card, If i get shit done Faster, Better, And fit into the same slot, I dont see why im Void of being called ""A"" GPU Because i dont think you can stick Two Different GPU's into the same PCI-E slot at the same time"