There is no chance to delete your account. If you do not want to run it then just change your password and email then automatically you will loss your access.
After changing the email address, you'll receive a link to lock the account. That should do the trick.
Commit grave nukeable offenses and the mods might be able to help you out.
That won't work, only Newbies can be nuked, and Mods aren't going to manually delete 1000+ posts.
What's interesting, is that OP wants to disappear after making this post:
hitlary agents run the place nowadays... that's why everyone left, and done too it should be.
xoxo 4 the motherland.
ps they will get killed... don't worry... they want to rape russia after having almost finished the usa... and as russians aren't interested in capitulating or surrendering... expect more action.
who do you think is more powerful in covert warfare? a group of pedo terrorists false flaggers who have to waste a lot of energy protecting their past crimes or the team of the greatest leaders that russia ever had ? even with the worst russian leaders those pedo wouldn't stand a chance once the machine start... let's say we are cruising safely.... they are nothing... 10k kills and they are done. nothing.
and what can they do? attack the kremlin and take over russia? first strikes? they are let alive because they are destroying the usa and can't touch russia anymore.
and don't forget, you aren't a chosen people of god, like most american have been brainwashed to believe of a certain tribe infected by central asians terrorists (those the wall was build against to be precise).
will american cog wake up or do they prefer to take part in underage sex slaves rituals in private outpost across the world? by november we will be definitely fixed on that... will they be exectuted or protected with again a false hope: this time in 2020...
yes we can... lol.
no they can't.
a few pedo can take the entire us gov over, and they wanna mess with Russia? they didn't took an inch more than allowed in novo russia, crimea and else... what ever their attempts... because ultimately russian forces fight to not end up like american forces, ie to see their daughters being raped on private island by what americans call "gods".
I don't think there's any vaccinations against this