Hello, pelase can anybody help me?
Ideally with ssh knowledge.. Official support comes to me that he does not know what I'm talking about..
1. I have a public IP address assigned to my miners (they are in external "warehouse" of IT company), so that I can remotely manage them but after a while the logon stops functioning.. Maybe few days working well.. Even did not help HW reset, shutdown, power on, etc.. The login page is loaded but after clicking on login nothing is happening but miners obviously minning when I check them on the pool page, BUT - point 2
2. when mining on nicehash my miners always at 20:00 - 23:30 all fall, then try to start.. what it is
? of course I can not change the pool when I can not log in, cant update firmware (i have A9 b29+_20180911_095547, new is A9 b29+_20181009_094439) .. z9 mini works without any problems how to login (also remotely) also mining..
Can anybody help me with ssh? I need restart them, update firmware and understand what's going on :-(...
well, complex situation!
do each Asic miner have its own PUBLIC ip-address ? ? ?
Because if so then anyone can log in to your A9 as root via SSH.
SSH into A9:
user: root
password: blacksheepwall
you will find among other code snippets find this:
* Reset to factory reset deleting all the content of /config and then reboot the miner
public function factoryResetAction() {
global $config;
header('Content-Type: application/json');
// shell_exec('sleep 4; rm -rf '.$config["configDirectory"].'/*;/bin/systemctl reboot >/dev/null 2>/dev/null &');
shell_exec('sleep 4;cd '.$config["configDirectory"].';ls | grep -v "author.au" | grep -v "cg.conf" | xargs rm -rf;/bin/systemctl reboot >/dev/null 2>/dev/null &');
echo json_encode(array("success"=>true));
Perhaps someone else here will translate this into something you can run from SSH to make a factory reset:
Don't mine on nicehash if you get that timeout !!!
Can you not login as guest ?
user: guest
password: guest
Then perhaps its possible to run code snippet by opening up "page inspection" or something in web browser?
Just an idea !
Good luck!
Thank you for reply.
Yes, each miner have own ip. Anyone can log in with ssh, if know ip, but what he get? Everytime I can control if they work for me, etc.. It's not server with personal informations, etc.. But you have right.. When will miners stable, I remake it.
Thanks for login and psw, I will try it.
I can't do anything now (can't change pool - can't login to miners).
Guest same like admin - freez after click login without any error message..
Can you try it for me? I don't understand ssh too much. But I think, that pass was incorrect, but maybe I do something wrong.. IP is public, so we don't need TeamViewer for now.
Please PM me, thanks.
I'm not right guy for tinkering with linux.
For SSH you have Putty.exe.
https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/You can also use WinSCP.exe for login in and browsing.
https://winscp.net/eng/download.phpDo you have one A9 and that one is problematic or do you have more then one and only a single on is problematic or all of them with same problem ?
Can't you even login with SSH ?
Can you login with WinSCP ?
If you can login with SSH then try this command for restart (restarts cgminer by restarting A9 from within SSH session):
systemctl restart cgminer
Press "Enter"-button
I think if you give command:
systemctl reboot
Press "Enter"-button
(I think you will get A9 to do full reboot as if you where starting the A9 from power off.)
If you can SSH in (if you can login with winscp then you browse and dubbelclick on the file):
cd /config
Press "Enter"-button
cat web-users.json (will show what is in file witout edit capability)
Press "Enter"-button
(to check that you HAVE and ONLY HAVE user: admin with a hashvalue and user: guest with hashvalue so that nobody added another user or removed any of the 2 standard users for web-interface login.)
If you can't login with SSH then I don't know how anyone can help ?!?
If you wan't someone to help from distance with logiging in I'm not the right one to tinker with linux system.
I'm sorry but I know my limits.
If you manage to SSH into A9 then you can change pool like this:
cd /config
Press "Enter"-button
vim cgminer.conf ('vim' = editor) (You should google keyboard commands for vim-editor)
Press "Enter"-button
i ('i' = insert mode) (NOW u can change in that file) (BE CAREFUL)
(when done do this)
Press "Esc"-button
Press "Enter"-button
(You will get warning that read only or something.)
Press "Enter"-button anyway
(verify that your change has taken effect)
cat cgminer.conf
Press "Enter"-button
When you check the file it should be something like this:
"pools": [
"url": "stratum+tcp://",
"user": "imine2",
"pass": "n=a9zmaster111"
"url": "stratum+tcp://eu1-zcash.flypool.org:3333",
"user": "t1d35jvkzKcWybpCqojZmgDZkcFC7iBwe8w.111",
"pass": ""
"url": "stratum+tcp://",
"user": "imine2.a9zmaster111",
"pass": "x"
"api-listen": true,
"api-port": "4028",
"api-allow": "R:0/0,W:",
"A1Fanspd": "30",
"A1Fanmode": "0",
"T1adjust": "3",
"T1performance": true
And for changes to take effect:
systemctl restart cgminer (restart A9 from within SSH session)
Press "Enter"-button
First ip is prohashing.com and last is MPH and 111 is for home network IP
I usually ping regulary to see if there are more then one IP to find out which one has lowest latency and then use IP-address direct so I have as low latency as possible.
Here are some guys who probably can help with securing IP, I hope.
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4432819.msg43367860#msg43367860If you make the whole filesystem Read/Write by using this command:
mount / -o rw,remount
then don't forget when finished to make it Read only again like this:
mount / -o ro,remount
This way you can PREconfigure this file:
and setup the pools to your own worker and pool so that if you make a factory restore of the machine it will start mining for you at once.
Good luck!