Therefore, I think it is time for stakeholders in various countries, especially in countries whereas crypto-capitalexchanges trading ecosystems is high, must think about creating and compiling clear regulations related to cryptocurrency to prevent future potential problems.
You are right, but this is not easy to do, because state officials are more likely to complicate their existence and circulation, even they are not reluctant to make even harder restrictions, if it turns out the popularity of Bitcoin "BOOM" is more popular and used by the public than eyes conventional money.
Because we know Cryptocurrency has become an unavoidable necessity and Crypto is not for us to avoid but must be seen as a potential for benefit and global progress.
Sure enough, if every government had a more advanced mindset like what the Japanese government does now, maybe the positive potential and benefits it brings would greatly help the wider community, especially for people who are financially disadvantaged, as well as people who don't have bank accounts.