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https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5060870.msg47463260#msg47463260Zanimljivo mi je bilo kad sam vidio da nitko nije preveo u potpunosti Satoshijev pregledni rad (whitepaper) na hrvatski jezik. Zato sam ja odlučio to učiniti kao hobi u posljednjih nekoliko mjeseci.
Budući da je danas deseta obljetnica otkad je Satoshi objavio svoj znameniti rad, mislim da bi bilo najprikladnije danas objaviti svoj kompletan prijevod njegovog rada na hrvatski jezik. Nastojao sam prevesti sve pojmove što sam bolje mogao, ali problematične su riječi poput "nonce" za koje ne postoji hrvatski ekvivalent. Zbog toga sam takve pojmove ostavio u izvornom obliku. Gramatika mi nikad nije bila najjača strana, pa ako slučajno vidite nekakvu grešku, slobodno mi se obratite. Pregledao sam cijeli dokument nekoliko puta, ali još uvijek je moguće da sam propustio neku grešku.
Navedeni su SHA-256 hashevi dvaju dokumenata radi provjere. Prvi je izvorni dokument u OpenDocument formatu koji sam preuzeo preko GitHub projekta (wbnns/bitcoinwhitepaper); pomoću njega sam napravio PDF koji je također objavljen.
45f15e3597056694380e95b0c821149fb50015c5f3e302247c26bcbff95f0ca9 - bitcoin_hr.odt
b36444d0b5260f8c8cfa2dc5b6b4e4e65326980482db71a215d7c031e01a15f9 - bitcoin_hr.pdf
Poveznice (linkovi) na dokumente:
http://s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=88452281597142018811 - bitcoin_hr.odt
http://s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=02999955159840527656 - bitcoin_hr.pdf
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4056588.msg43051050#msg43051050Ako kome pomogne, mislim da je ovo najbitnije - mada nista groundbreaking...one prave informacije nam tek dolaze nakon token generation eventa:
When is the wallet supposed to come out so we can run nodes?
And why are the rewards for demo events going down? There's still a lot to be distributed in demo events right?
Mobile client will be launched on the main net somewhere in Q4, exact timetable will be released somewhere after TGE.
to run a consensus node, does it pay out more to have above said requirement, like if you had 113000 compared to 13,000 tokens.. would there be any staking advantage in the size, could you give any specifics about consensus nodes or is there an article about the payouts and how it works?
Validation nodes initially weren't planned to be tiered, but once recruitment phase ends and development and brainstorming phase kicks in, expect much more announcements from a developer's perspective. Of course running more nodes means higher returns, but not because of a higher level or score of a validation node per se. The amount will be fixed relative to the tokens in circulation, so the more tokens you have the more validation nodes you will be able to run (concurrently, if chosen). Essentially, validation nodes act as just-in-time masternodes. They are only active during the specific time frame the market is online. As more data is being validated and the platform adopted, developers will buy EVT to reward users who report data and as more of them do, the prices (and fees) will rise accordingly.
We are still preparing the article for validation nodes, but if you have any specific questions to ask just shoot. Are you interested about the hardware required, how they're projected to run or how they're chosen from the pool?
so youre saying itll be easy to have 5-8 validation nodes?
what type of interaction would it require to be a validation node?
im trying to wrap my mind around this and struggling a bit, i guess the worst masternode is throwing me lol
i guess hardware required would be one, am i penalized for it being down is two (but youre saying it doesnt have to be up all the time so i guess thats a no)
If you have enough tokens, sure. But setting them up and running them isn't the same. Once you have enough tokens you will have to stake them (essentially just proving that you have them). Once a developer creates a market, a few validation nodes (number varies per his request) are chosen at random (reputation and network statistics come in to play as well, to a degree). This means that the chance all of your validation nodes will be running simultaneously is quite low. If you are chosen, you will have a certain amount of time before the market starts to accept this task before it is delegated to another node. If you accept, these tokens are then locked for the duration of the market (voting process + dispute time, if required). If your node comes to the same conclusion as the rest of the nodes, the tokens are released back to you. If you try to manipulate the consensus outcome, the tokens are sent to the common pool from which participants doing certain actions are rewarded.
Once the app is released and the functionality implemented, all settings will be available for you to adjust manually. But because understanding and knowing current market statistics can be time consuming and too much of a hassle, a built-in algorithm will automatically calculate the optimal settings for you, you will just need to set it up initially. You won't need any specialized hardware for that matter, any new smartphone will be able to run it.
okay so what would "going against the consensus" look like.. like what would i be validating? im getting a disconnect there, can you give an example of 3-2=1 or something simple
im following so far, that a few random nodes will be selected, and im assuming the nodes themselves need to come to a conesus
You personally won't be doing anything, the app will do it automatically. Validation node has to analyze all of the incoming votes (like the ones submitted during current events) and process it and build a consensus. Because having only one validation node could pave the way for manipulation, at least 3 or more validation nodes have to participate in a given market at the same time. They then share the incoming votes between themselves and evaluate each other for any discrepancies. They then build the consensus when enough similar votes come through and then after the market ends send this outcome back to the developer who initiated the market.
Indeed, validation nodes process the votes and build the consensus we're seeing in events now, much like how it will be later on. Right now we only have three validation nodes on our side that are processing the votes (as a proof of concept), you can how they are chosen exactly 10 minutes before the event starts when the registration period ends.
so what happens if the 3 validation nodes dont agree? do you reward the 2 and take from the 3rd
Yes, something like that. Exactly what happens is still in the brainstorming phase, but a penalty is certainly in place. It would be a good idea to place something of a "validation dispute mechanism" into play as well, something that's automatic and notifies all participants in a market that validation nodes had trouble coming to an understanding of sorts.
but the penalty would be passed on to the users provioding data right? since the validation node itself is automated
No, data providers get penalized only for reporting the wrong data as a consensus. While validation is automated for the majority of users, there's no doubt that more tech-savvy users could get around it and implement their own solutions. Therefore having a high enough of a deterrent in place should stop any fraudulent behavior in the marketplace.
Q: Really interested in the hardware tip so as to get ready for it Luka. (ovaj lik pita sta mu treba od hardware za node)
You won't need any specialized hardware to run a validation node, even a smartphone will do in fact. Validation nodes act as temporary masternodes that process the data only for the duration of the market, so you won't have to run them continuously. As long as you have enough tokens in the wallet, you will receive random offers if you're available to process votes in a certain market.
and how will those fees be calculated?
which factors determine the percentage that a person running a validation node receives?
These fees are set by validation node themselves. When the app launches, you will be able to adjust these settings according to your requirements, but a built-in algorithm will automatically determine the optimal price based on marketplace conditions. The market price will adjust itself based on supply and demand, essentially fluctuating depending on how many markets are being validated in the market at that time. The app just recommends the optimal price to enter the market but you can manually adjust it to enter with more aggressive approach (in case you need instant validation).
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3398760.msg47148826#msg47148826Samo lagani update, rekao sam osvrnuti se na onu ludost prošlog tjedna ali to sam napisao dok još nisam znao što se konkretno događa. Kad sam shvatio, svako chartanje je izgubilo smisao i želio sam vidjeti kako će tržište reagirati u idućih nekoliko dana. Sve se vratilo i smirilo unutar rangea u kojem smo već jako dugo, trejdanje unutar njega me ne zanima previše pošto mislim da altovi nude puno bolji i sigurniji R:R u ovom trenutku.
Što se BTC-a tiče, nacrtati ću zone od interesa i to je to. Čekam breakout.
Ovo je range unutar kojeg se krećemo:
BTC između 6750 i 6220 me uopće ne zanima, stabilan BTC obično je dobar za altove, posvećen sam tome. Bilo koji breakout me zanima na retestu, zaista ne znam kamo ćemo, malo više naginjem bearish varijanti. Zašto? više o tome u zadnjem chartu.
Više puta sam spominjao kako ne volim trendlinese ali ovaj je nemoguće ignorirati. Na ovom chartu se lijepo vidi koliko je stop losseva iznad njega, novi (ovog puta pravi) breakout tog trendlinea trebao bi značiti sličan rast cijene:
Međutim, volumen je trenutno nikakav, svaki breakout na ovakvom volumenu biti će lažan, mislim da se i s ovim prije retesta opasno igrati. Svakako čekajte confirmation da se zaista radi o breakoutu. (confirmation je high timeframe close izvan trendlinea. 4h je najkraći, ja gledam 8h ili čak daily).
E sad - ovaj chart je čista špekulacija i nekako je nacrtan po 'osjećaju'. Naravno da ništa ne znači dok BTC ne odredi daljnji smjer, ali ovo je nešto što mislim da bismo mogli vidjeti i crtam unaprijed da vam ostane negdje u glavi da bi BTC na 4.5k zapravo mogao biti zdrava i dobra stvar.
Ovo je hipotetski falling wedge, trend reversal pattern. Treba mu novi bottom koji se idealno slaže s 4600 supportom, nakon kojeg bi bilo realno očekivati nacrtano. Jedini 'problem' u ovom chartu je što za sad ne izgleda realno da ćemo probiti support na 5800-6000$, ali ako do toga dođe ovo je trade koji planiram dodatno analizirati. BTC za sad crta higher lows što je pozitivno, međutim, sve je to još s premalim volumenom i fali onaj 'conviction' da bih te higher lows shvatio kao potvrdu nekakve snage. Iskreno - zaista ne znam kako protumačiti trenutne chartove jer mi daje sve vrste signala, ali ovo gore je ukratko prezentirani plan za sve varijate - ako probijemo trendline, ako izađemo iz rangea i ako probijemo dugoročni, čvrsti support.
Da moram gađati, gađao bih da ćemo još jedno vrijeme ostati unutar rangea.
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5051967.msg46974529#msg46974529Kao da već nisam naučio lekciju iz bountyja, airdropova i drugih načina zarađivanja besplatnih novčića, htio bih vam predstaviti novi i uzbudljivi način kako dobiti novčiće, od bezvrijednih do vrijednih.
Što je ParJar?
ParJar je Telegram bot (
https://t.me/parjar_bot) koji na podržanim grupama (ParJar:
https://t.me/parjar , Parachute;
https://t.me/parachutetokengroup, PurpleCoin:
https://t.me/purplecoin, 2gether:
https://t.me/community2gether, aXpire:
https://t.me/AxpireOfficial) podržava opciju da šaljete i primate novčiće pukim slanjem jednostavne poruke.
Kako to funkcionira?
Uglavnom, prvo se napravi integraciji s botom, sa zatim se porukom /tip posalje novcic direktno članu. Primjer bi bio "/ tip 100 PAR". Šalje se tako da se replya na neku njegovu poruku. Kad se želiš iskeširati, moraš platit neki mali gas fee, no ja zasad nisam to radio. Bot ti kaže koliko imaš kojih novčića.
Prilika za zaradu?
ParJar podržava i slanje nekih poznatih novčića. Ne može se poslati baš što god zaželiš jer autori bota moraju dodati podršku. Ovo je popis:
Ja sam u zadnjih par dana sve skupa zaradio oko 5 dolara, većinom jer sam dobio 20 BAT tokena, koji su super. Dobio sam i malo ethera, litecoina i bitcoina. Naravno, admini i drugi nevoljko daju kvalitetne stvari. Najlakše se dobije parachute token, koji ne vrijedi baš bogznašto i trguje se samo po decentraliziranim burzama, a promet mu je nepostojeć. Axpire isto nešto vrijedi, upravo je glasanje za njega na jednom siteu, admini su voljni dati nešto malo. Realno, nije ni ovo neki vrh, ali ako vam se visi po Telegramu, što ja ionako radim, mic po mic moglo bi se nešto dobiti. Bar postoji šansa za dobiti dobre tokene, a ne neko smeće.
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5046830.msg46684424#msg46684424Continuing the tradition of project with "NEO"in their name who turn out to be scams (See "NEO finance" at this link:
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4831804) here we have the following bounty:
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5046494.0There are many red flags to this project:
1. Whitepaper that is 7 pages long and very light on information
2. The team has no Linkedin profiles and you cannot find them anywhere
3. It uses the NEO name while having no connection to it whatsoever, instead it is an Ethereum project
4. Claims that it will fork the NEO blockchain to create an ETH token
5. The roadmap covers only the last quarter of 2018
6. The team description on the website switches between the first and third person.
7. The GIThub was created 8 days ago and has nothing on it, the Telegram group listed on the website does not exist, and the Twitter profile informs you upon first view that it is restricted because of suspicious behaviour.
I tried looking up the pictures of the team but was unable to find them anywhere. I would steer clear of this.
ista pozicija, nema potrebe da zurim s novim orderima jer se ne desava bas puno ovih dana. Ako danas i sutra ne vidimo neki volume spike, ovo bi mogla biti sedmica sa najnižim volumenom since January. Cijena flertuje s trendlinijom ali izgleda kao da trenutno nema spremnih kupaca - jucer smo vidjeli i neki fakeout koji se ubrzo vratio u trading range,sto je ocekivano s nedostatkom ''interesovanja''.
Dnevna doza optimizma:
Fan principle - u šuštini kaze da nakon duugorocnog vrha i sljedeceg retracementa spojis prvobitni vrh sa sljedeca 3 lokalna vrha, uobicajno dobijes trendlinije koje se tek naknadno savladaju i vecinom retestiraju. Kupujes break trece trendlinije ili njen re-test, jer to često signalizira pocetak dugorocnog penjanja cijene.
Bitcoin bear market 2013-2015:
(u pravouglovima su retestovi prethodne trendlinije, u ovom slucaju jako precizni)
Bitcoin 2018:
Quote from: sbogovac on October 05, 2018, 02:20:13 PM
Quote from: BTCHadzija on October 05, 2018, 09:41:23 AM
Quote from: sbogovac on October 05, 2018, 09:09:33 AM
Quote from: BTCHadzija on October 04, 2018, 08:27:53 PM
[...] Kako su me popustile real-life obaveze, malo vise citam. [...]
Si vec procitao: 'Technical Analysis, The Complete Resource for Financial Market Technicians' od Kirkpatrick et al
nisam, ali evo skinuo sam je, poslije ove knjige od Tharp-a koja je za sad 10/10 odlicna, mislio sam preci na neku s ove liste:
jesi li ti citao tu? Da je ubacim preko reda?
Ta se gleda kao "seminal work" i koristi za predavanje na fakultetu. Pregeldaj sadrzaj, prelistaj pa sam odluci...
Ostavicu je za posljie, po sadrzaju je slicna Murphy-evoj ''Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets'' a nju sam nedavno apsolvirao
Hvala na preporuci, zbog ovakvih stvari sam i odlucio na forumu pisati log
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3398760.msg46389843#msg46389843Uopće ne znam čemu ova analiza ali prošlo je već 10ak dana nepomičnog Bitcoina pa ajde da barem nešto nacrtam..
Weekly je dosadan za poludit. Imamo higher lows što je dobar znak, ali praktički se nije pomaklo u odnosu na prošli tjedan. Neću ga niti stavljati na chart.
U posljednje vrijeme bio sam dosta bearish što se BTC-a tiče, mislim da je trenutna situacija ipak mrvicu pozitivnija - iako smo tek na putu prema planini - nismo se još ni počeli penjati.
Krenimo od daily charta:
Označeni su posljednji lows&highs. Vidljivo je da radimo higher lows (bullish) i lower highs (bearish). Iz toga je jasno da će BTC ubrzo probiti jedan od tih trendova, ili radeći higher high (bullish) ili radeći lower low (bearish).
Kratkoročno i u ovoj situaciji prednost dajem bullish scenariju, imamo i neke elemente tehničke analize koji podržavaju takav stav.
4h timeframe pokazuje naznaku mogućeg (priznajem, mrvicu 'navučenog' ascending trianglea (bullish), kao i 2 testa jakog resistancea zone 6750.
Postoji, doduše, i minimalan bearish znak na istom timeframeu, zadnji high ima kraći wick od predzadnjeg, iako je close ipak nešto viši.
U svakom slučaju, kratkoročno se nadam vidjeti probijanje tog resistancea i nadam se ući na retestu. Do tada sam definitivno izvan svih tradeova, pošto higher low/lower high formacija stvara symmetrical triangle koji je trend continuation pattern, što je u ovom slučaju bearish.
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5033244.msg45924764#msg45924764Culi ste cesto da se spominju kada neko prica o tome kada, kako i gdje ce kupiti odredjene kriptose (ili druge vrijednosne papire ili sta vec)
Da li su to samo izmisljene linije na grafu i da li imaju ikakvog smisla ako zaboravimo na crtanje, grafove i slicno?
Odgovor leži u tome da je pokretačka sila iza S i R levela ustvari humana psihologija, i da je tu logiku (naknadno nazvano teorijom) uspjesno adaptirao Charles Dow, nekad tokom pretprošlog stoljeca, prije nego sto su postojale svijece, indikatori ili trading botovi.
Naletio sam na odlicno objasnjenje u knjizi ''Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets by John Murphy'' pa umjesto da prevodim i pravim se pametan, kopirat cu vam isjecak:
https://imgur.com/xJ4IfnP https://imgur.com/6uBFueU https://imgur.com/Et3qnwh https://imgur.com/0oaCCu3Nadam se da ce vam pomoci da vam kretanje trzišta inace postane malo jasnije
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5027203.msg45570327#msg45570327Activity: 462
Merit: 307
Importance of Token Velocity
September 12, 2018, 08:42:31 AM
Merited by Daniel91 (1)
+Merit #1
I have recently been introduced to the concept of token velocity. It is one of those logical things that make you say: "How I didn't think of it on my own?". Just wanted to trow the idea out there and make you aware of this "problem" since I couldn't find any mention of it here on the forum.
Without going deep into definitions or mathematical formulas, token velocity is the speed by which tokens pass trough the system.
There is great example of this made by youtuber Tom from Crypto Gurus: direct link to the video. Watch the video it will explain token velocity to you much better that I can in this post. There are even few more detailed/advanced videos by the same author but this one I linked should be more than enough to get you thinking.
In short the example used is for some taxi like project where people use tokens to pay for the ride but driver cashes them out immediately after the ride. This results with high token velocity and low demand for the tokens. Same tokens can be used over and over again, there is no incentive to hold them for longer time and thus create a demand. There will always be excess supply of the tokens which will reflect badly on the price.
This is very important to take in the consideration when investing in ICO's or buying tokens on exchanges. People often forget that buying tokens is not the same as buying stocks. With tokens you don't get part of the profits from underlying corporation/entity. It is very well possible that project is successful and tokens are almost worthless because of high token velocity.
At the moment I still believe that most of the investors are unaware of token velocity importance but they will became more aware as crypto currencies markets mature and more institutional investors come into the mix. Maybe this short post will save some of you some money down the road. If so .... mission accomplished.
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=428589.msg42814182#msg42814182SCAM ALERT
I have just received this scam mail
I am copy-pasting in the "code" below the whole text
the link is redirecting on ethereum (dot) com, not .org, and from there on a MEW that is a scam
dear community, EYES OPEN
Hybrid PoW/PoS on Ethereum - Register your address and start staking Ether.
After many debates and EIPs, Ethereum's Vitalik Buterin and Vlad Zamfir have finally proposed a transition to Proof-of-Stake algorithm, which will be self-sustained after August 15th, 2018.
During the transition period, Ethereum will run on a hybrid PoW/PoS algorithm, allowing both miners and stakers to validate transactions and earn Ether. After August 15th, PoW will no longer be sustained and all blocks will be generated by the PoS mechanism.
As the PoS mechanism is still in transition mode, staking is reserved for registered addresses, until further development and release of GUI wallets (Q3 2018).
In cooperation with MyEtherWallet - the open source web wallet for the Ethereum blockchain, we are able to allow Ether holders to stake their ETH and earn dividends on a weekly basis. Weighted Ether can be staked for up to 10% ROI, until further implementations on the PoS algorithm.
Start Staking Ether
Copyright © 2018 Ethereum Foundation (Stiftung Ethereum), Zug, Switzerland. All Rights Res