of crypto
1. POW chains = energy, industry. (asic is the end game)
Think tech monopoly, case in point, bsv 100% owned by f2pool.
They will lock up, but they will also thaw after the freeze. Sovereign liquid capital. NOT speed.
2. AUX-pow and multi-algo and pow/pos chains same as above but less likely to freeze. But full blocks and TX limitations apply.
2.5 POS chains, the real satoshi vision, 1 computer, 1 node, peer to peer networks, savings and loans.
3. Platforms. Delegated servers, or a website popular. Speed. TX volume. Controlled and owned by the service provider. Value is the value they provide. They are not coins, class [1,2] are coins.
4. DAO tokens that are underwritters, counterparty, financial collectives. They guarantee success. Think Goldman, Chase, venture capitalism.
5. IOU tokens, credit scores, interest rates.
6. DAO dividends, product, production costs, profits, $$$ sales/revenue.
7. Contracts, futures, waggers. [need trusted oracles]