Unmatched Rapid Privacy
First Cryptonote with ZeroCT and instant transactions
Obscure.IM is the fastest, fully private cryptocurrency that provides ease of use
and user-friendly solutions for any payment and smart contract.
OverviewObscure(XSC) is a cryptonote currency with compulsory mixin values. XSC was officially launched on 15 March 2019 with it's mainnet release. XSC's vision is to be at the fore front of privacy which is easy to use. We are currently developing several projects that we believe will allow mainstream adoption to occur, without the need to compromise the user's privacy.
We have also identified the problem with using Cryptonote mixin values - even with mixins, one of the input and outputs will always point to the sender and user. It is possible with a a large enough dataset, blockchain analytics can be employed to determine the sender and receiver of coins.
Coin Specifications After much consideration and criticism from the community, we will be increasing the block reward to 3.5XSC and reducing the presale from 10BTC to 2.5BTC. Thank you everyoneBlock Times: 15 Seconds
Block Reward: 3.5 XSC Per Block and will reduce over time
Total supply: 65,000,000
Premine: ~7.5% ( 4,900,000 XSC)
Presale: 2.5 BTC , 1.07% of premine, for a total of 700,000 XSC (for exchange listings and payout BTC bounties, funded by the premine)
Total premine split:
1.07% - Presale
5.3% - Dev fees
0.53% - Community Bounties
0.53% - Faucet
The percentages between dev fees and community bounties are not fixed and can change over time.
Any coins not sold from the premine will be split equally between the community bounty and faucetPresaleXSC will be available for presale at a rate 1BTC = 70,000 XSC until the 15th of march.
You can purchase less than 1BTC.
Faucet To ensure a fair coin distribution, a faucet will be made avaialble, with up to 350,000 XSC up for claim. This is to make sure that XSC is not decentralized among early miners. The faucet will be filled up with denominations of 10,000XSC and will be refilled when empty. Each wallet can redeem XSC for an unlimited number of times. Have fun!
Get free coins here:
https://faucet.obscure.imZeroCTZeroCT is a new protocol based on the Zero Protocol. However unlike the zero-protocol, ZeroCT is capable of sending unfixed denominations of zObscure such as 1239214 XSC. WIth the original Zero Protocol, you can only send in specific denominations. Our implementation of ZerCT will use masternodes to calculate validation proof from the blind factors. This reduces the load off the full nodes which process normal transactions. Our goal in the future is to fully eliminate full nodes and implement a masternode system.
Obscure.solCurrently it is impossible for a developer to create dApps using his preferred cryptonote coins. A developer might want to create using Cryptonote instead of Ethereum because he wants to application to be private and transactions untraceable. Enter Obscure.sol. Obscure.sol is a modified web3.js module that is served by masternodes. There masternodes will be able to link the Ethereum blockchain, XSC blockchain or another cryptonote blockchain.
A developer can make web3.js calls to the Ethereum virtual machine as long as he pays XSC as gas. These masternodes will covert the XSC on the fly to ETH, and keep some of the XSC as fees.
xPaySingapore has a GDP per capita exceeding that of USA, Germany and France. Despite being an affluent nation, there is still no standard king for mabile payments. The market is fragmented with players who are unable to capture the market. We propose xPay, and we are confident that xPay will be able to scale in the Singapore Mobile Payment market.
xPay is a cryptocurrency wallet first and foremost but built with powerful 'mainstream features' which are regulated:
1) No KYC needed to transfer money between account
2) Creditcard top ups will be available for all KYC-ed accounts
3) Transfer via NFC like ApplePay and SamsungPay
4) Merchants and Non-merchant accounts have no difference, making it easy for anyone to start selling
5) Easy integration into different POS systems
Obscure.IM decentralized marketThere is a need for the transfer for high value asset such as gold, property and artwork. We aim to provide a marketplace where these can be sold without the need for expensive middlemen. The Obscure.IM marketplace will be providing these assets for sale:
1) Gold
2) Property
3) Cryptocurrency
4) Art
5) Food
Wallets Please use wallets v0.36 and up ONLY for mainnet. Older versions will not work:
https://github.com/ObscureIM/ObscureGo/releasesCurrent testnet is at v0.35
Mining pool We have two mining pools, an official and unofficial mining pool. Generally, using xmr-stak is good to quickly get up to speed on mining
Please visit the respective website on how to start mining:
Official pool:
https://pool.obscure.imUnofficial pool :
https://xsc.luckypool.io Block Explorer We have a beautiful block explorer located here
https://explore.obscure.im Main website https://obscure.im Bounties Full node operators : 200 XSC
Pool Operators: 400XSC
Testnet miners: TBA