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Author Topic: Can Bitcoin be considered a Religion?  (Read 1614 times)
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May 03, 2019, 06:52:36 AM

We can't connect Bitcoin with religion on so many grounds.
We all know the function of Bitcoin and it's too far from any religious group's role. There are believers of Bitcoin but they believe it in a business form. We could consider them a community that has one goal and one purpose in crypto.
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May 03, 2019, 10:06:05 AM

no, bitcoin can not be considered a religion. if it could then basically everything else like USD, JPY, EUR, GBP,... could also be considered a "religion" but then again you are bending the meaning of the word to brand bitcoin with it.

there are certain people who choose to treat bitcoin in their own ways, worship Satoshi, the developers,... as god(s) and do weird things like that but it is their own choice, and doesn't change the nature of bitcoin as a decentralized currency.

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May 03, 2019, 10:17:53 AM

I don't know what to say but that this is one of the most foolish things about Bitcoin that I have heard. Religion is defined as belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods, it's a kind of social phenomenon
Bitcoin is technology, asset of value and there is nothing supernatural or religious about it

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May 03, 2019, 10:33:08 AM

Bitcoin can not be likened to religion because their both have different features, while religion is an all encompassing phrase bitcoin on the other hand is one phase, religion is the way of worshiping God/gods while bitcoin just concentrate on financial autonomy and to say santoshi will be followed or worshipped is he come public may not be true. The only thing I can likened bitcoin to is (fraternity).
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May 03, 2019, 11:07:45 AM

Yes, both of crypto and religion are do not exist because they are not in physical form.
But, IMO crypto can be mentioned / categorized as religion because crypto can be use for transaction meanwhile religion is a people's belief.
It can't be use, right ? So they are different league.

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May 03, 2019, 11:19:14 AM

How on earth can we equate Bitcoin to religion? either in terms of worship or reverence, they aren't likened to be same. We all know Religion could change ones mindset or humans life entirely to a different form, but aren't seeing Bitcoin to be one of such. We all believe in cryptocurrency for the freedom we get from holding it, use it without the government consent, and free ourselves from slavery.
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May 03, 2019, 11:29:27 AM

I don't think that people are worshiping Satoshi as per definition of a "God". And then there's no one to control everything, unlike in Roman Catholic religion that you have a central figure. Probably best describe as cult, with large followers around. But I don't know if there are people with excessive admiration of Satoshi. He created a invention, but that's about it, he left and we didn't know what had happen to him. Maybe those maximalist just wanted to stay with Satoshi's true vision of Bitcoin being a option for payment scheme without any third party involved.

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May 03, 2019, 11:43:50 AM

A person could certainly "consider" it that, but such a person would be incorrect. For a person to see it as a religion would be absurd and unhealthy.
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May 03, 2019, 11:54:05 AM
Last edit: May 11, 2019, 02:42:52 PM by lobat999

I don't know what to say but that this is one of the most foolish things about Bitcoin that I have heard. Religion is defined as belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods, it's a kind of social phenomenon
Bitcoin is technology, asset of value and there is nothing supernatural or religious about it

Hardcore enthusiasm on crypto currency especially with Bitcoin cannot be a religion for the fact that its only created by humans. For me, religion is something that we can associate spiritually and a divine belief within ourselves. Bitcoin doesn't trigger that feeling and sense of spirituality and therefore cannot be considered a religion.
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May 03, 2019, 01:09:50 PM

Well, some people say money is a religion, so if you like Bitcoin as a new form of money, if you think about it all the time and you even, as mentioned, believe in maximalism and even hyperBitcoinization, then I guess, yeah, it's a practical religion for you! But I think in general most of us here are just normal dudes trying out a new tech, and we want to be in on the thing before it becomes mainstream. But I know I check for Bitcoin news more often than I go to pray, so...

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May 03, 2019, 02:35:57 PM

Considering how many Bitcoin believers (maximalists) there are, with their specific beliefs of how cryptocurrency should behave, it's becoming more evident that Bitcoin is a religion. After all, this popular movement of decentralized finance has impacted our lives one way or the other. The world has its eyes on the direction of Bitcoin as a digital currency which determines the path forward of Blockchain technology.

According to Google, the term "Religion" means the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods. This becomes true especially when many Bitcoin followers believe that Satoshi is some sort of "god". Hence, if Satoshi would reveal himself to the public, many people will follow him.

Nonetheless, what are your thoughts about this? Huh

You already answered your question by quoting Google. There's no "superhuman controlling power" with Bitcoin, its technology, its usage or its creator. And we are not Bitcoin "followers", we just use the technology smart non-superhuman people gave us.  Grin

But you may have a point. Bitcoin is money, and people who considered money as something that controls them considers money as their God. So yes, it can be a religion to some. Cheesy
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May 03, 2019, 03:10:58 PM

Considering how many Bitcoin believers (maximalists) there are, with their specific beliefs of how cryptocurrency should behave, it's becoming more evident that Bitcoin is a religion. After all, this popular movement of decentralized finance has impacted our lives one way or the other. The world has its eyes on the direction of Bitcoin as a digital currency which determines the path forward of Blockchain technology.

According to Google, the term "Religion" means the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods. This becomes true especially when many Bitcoin followers believe that Satoshi is some sort of "god". Hence, if Satoshi would reveal himself to the public, many people will follow him.

Nonetheless, what are your thoughts about this? Huh

Simple fact that many people follow someone on the public forum or social networks does not make that person divine.
If that were the case then all the famous sports, music and other stars were like gods.
We can believe in love, our famous sport club, our partner, political leader etc. but that does not mean we believe in religion.
Religion is focused on inner, spiritual values and here we are talking about bitcoin only.

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Ridwan Fauzi
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May 03, 2019, 03:29:45 PM

I think the people who got a lot of profit until he really likes to bitcoin only be grateful because satoshi was created bitcoin in this world. And I don't think they will do a silly things to Satoshi or to the developer of bitcoin and worshiping them. Bitcoin is like another technology like smartphone, internet and several things which make the human life changes.
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May 03, 2019, 03:51:57 PM

According to Google, the term "Religion" means the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods. This becomes true especially when many Bitcoin followers believe that Satoshi is some sort of "god". Hence, if Satoshi would reveal himself to the public, many people will follow him.

there certainly are people who think Satoshi is a know-it-all and his design was flawless but i don't think the number of these "fnatics" are that many, enough to make "bitcoin" into a religion.
this is like the same old question of "is bitcoin a criminal money" that is asked by some people who saw something when they were in the darknet and thought that is all bitcoin is. but these cases don't define bitcoin!
there are also idiots who think earth is flat but that doesn't change the round shape of earth Tongue

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May 03, 2019, 04:15:15 PM

According to Google, the term "Religion" means the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods. This becomes true especially when many Bitcoin followers believe that Satoshi is some sort of "god". Hence, if Satoshi would reveal himself to the public, many people will follow him.

Nonetheless, what are your thoughts about this? Huh
The truth is everyone loves to associate with greatness. The remarkable performance of the bitcoin has given room for a huge followership over time.Although many may say there is nothing Devine about bitcoin, I think the fact that it has changed lives and pioneered a new way of transacting is responsible for the massive loyalty many have towards the bitcoin network.. Although I won't like to refer to bitcoin as a religion just yet,  it's almost impossible to outline the Effect bitcoin has on the society..

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May 03, 2019, 04:24:01 PM

No one has ever compared Bitcoin with religion. Once there was one similar topic, but the question was not so directly raised there. Everyone here indicated that religion has nothing to do with Bitcoin, and I agree with this statement. We should not idolize bitcoin. We see that Bitcoin is created by man. This is enough for them to have nothing in common.

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May 03, 2019, 04:37:34 PM

Considering how many Bitcoin believers (maximalists) there are, with their specific beliefs of how cryptocurrency should behave, it's becoming more evident that Bitcoin is a religion. After all, this popular movement of decentralized finance has impacted our lives one way or the other. The world has its eyes on the direction of Bitcoin as a digital currency which determines the path forward of Blockchain technology.

According to Google, the term "Religion" means the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods. This becomes true especially when many Bitcoin followers believe that Satoshi is some sort of "god". Hence, if Satoshi would reveal himself to the public, many people will follow him.

Nonetheless, what are your thoughts about this? Huh
I had some courses on Religious Studies, and I'd like to point out that some think that religion does not even require a divine being (it's a disputable question). If we are thinking about Bitcoin religion, Satoshi will most likely be not God, but more of a prophet. The place of God should be taken by Bitcoin itself. Some people believe in Bitcoin more than rationally. They are affectionate about the price dynamics; they sympathize other 'believers' and hate those who fight it. The problem here, though, is that God or whatever takes God's place should be distantiated from humans and out of their direct control. Bitcoin exists, and there is nothing to believe or not believe about it. And essentially it is controlled by humanity. This means that making a religion out of it is barely possible. A quasi-religious cult - now, that seems plausible.

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May 03, 2019, 06:47:16 PM

No, not at all. Having beliefs in bitcoin does not mean we can considering bitcoin as a religion and satoshi is god, it cannot be used as a religion at all. Just like when you trade, gamble or whatever it is that at least you have to have the beliefs to choose, can it be used as a religion? No, beliefs in bitcoin is our full support for blockchain technology which believes that this technology will continue to grow in the world, but that it cannot be a religion and I don't think bitcoin is religion, if that happens I don't know what will happen later, because there are so many conversations and problems about bitcoin, I just hope that bitcoin is accepted in the world as a legitimate payment instrument.   ▄████████████████████████████████████▄
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May 03, 2019, 07:11:59 PM

Religion is far beyond what we experience with cryptocurrency. When compared to a religious existence bitcoin is nothing big, the technology that makes the market strong at any instance doesn't have anything to do with religion. There are people who stay away from bitcoin as they're unknown about the technology whether it is halal or not. I nsucb thinking one should not relate bitcoin to religion forever.



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May 03, 2019, 07:34:22 PM

Nope, I consider bitcoin as a great community or organization maybe? If bitcoin was a religion then I can't join or participate here because religions are being created because of their own beliefs and desires. Bitcoin is not a belief and we can appreciate and use bitcoin for our daily life, we can see it as true money.

Bitcoin was created for the advancement and the development of society, religion is not about that. Satoshi is the master or the creator of bitcoin but he/she is not a God. There's a lot of inventors and a mad scientist who make science a wonderful thing but they're not considered as Gods of Earth, simple logic. I'm also aware that some of the modern technology is destroying religion, like devices that make people see the truth about it. Bitcoin is a technology and its blockchain was a wonderful creation that is considered as a powerful tool today.






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