Locking and unlocking serves a similar purpose as the self moderated topics. Some times threads do not require any commentary from anyone and are intended to be little more than a public notice. I find both are legitimately valuable at times.
If the two features serve the same purpose, why not allow only self moderated threads, and not the locking of an
active marketplace thread?
The self moderated thread would provide a warning when many posts from many people have been deleted, and the locked thread will not. Sure scammers will adopt to new methods if one is neutralized, but this does not mean known methods should not be neutralized if it would not harm any one acting legitimately.
1. Similar /= Same
2. I explained the difference between the two above.
3. You can strip useful features for legitimate users all day and all that will result is less features and the fraud will continue as it always has. Removing features just because you personally do not find them useful is not a solution and will ONLY ultimately result in detriment to the legitimate user base.
You should not try to hyper regulate the marketplace, but some regulations can be good if the benefits
far outweigh the drawbacks,
and they do not unnecessarily restrict freedoms.
The two features are different, but they serve a similar purpose. In reality most using a transnational thread are not going to have the ability to do anything they could not previously do if the ability to have an
active locked transaction thread is removed.
Your explanation for
the need to keep the ability to have an
active locked transaction thread is that no commentary is needed, and the threads purpose is to only serve as a notice to others. A user can achieve the same result via a self moderated thread with a note to not reply to the thread, and deleting any replies they get. Frankly, I have seen very few "public notice" threads, and I cannot recall the last one I have seen.
You should care about the integrity of the marketplace because if it is perceived to lack integrity, any reputation you have earned becomes worthless, and some people who might have traded with you could decide to not trade at all because they observed many other bad experiences.