Without these altcoins, we would never have concepts such as smart contracts and completely anonymous transactions.
Bitcoin invented smart contracts in 2009 and is the biggest smart contract platform in the world with the most developers, no matter what centralized eth scammers say. Just search github. LN literally runs on smart contracts, dex's and atomic swaps were on bitcoin since 2013 due to smart contracts. All of ethereum's success is from lying about their decentralization and taking credit for others implementations.

Not all coins are altcoins too. Monero is a legitimate altcoin with intelligent developers that created decentralized network with unique anon transactions.
Ethereum is not a cryptocurrency, it's not an altcoin, it's not a decentralized network because its developers are either idiots or scammers that designed it centralized via premine. This isn't debatable.
Do not confuse dislike of ethereum as dislike of altcoins because ethereum is not relevant to this field in any way shape or form.
This is how stupid ethereum scam is:

Consider centralized scams lying about your safety bad, best example of which is ethereum, the exact opposite of Bitcoin or altcoins.
Bitcoin and altcoins have a common enemy - malicious bad actors like ethereum vitalik's premine, zcash trusted setup backdoor, iota coordinators.
They have been explained how not to scam since 2014, and our mistake was treating them as rational people, but they are not - they are scammers, treat them only like scams, and do not let them call themselves cryptocurrencies or altcoins, they are literally not, 1 central trusted party in control is a property of all those projects by design, not debatable, which makes their promoters scammers and illiterate with no exceptions.