What's wrong with my way of spending my rebate cards? Are you just spamming?
Uhh... go back and read what you wrote in the portion I quoted and then read my response again.
The rebate cards have to be converted to Egg gift cards and apply them to the purchase.
Yeah. You don't have to go that route dude. At all.
Like I said if you're not familiar with the method of cashing out Rebate Cards for their full cash value, you're missing the boat. Requiring yourself to make gift card purchases using those Rebate Cards is a backasswards philosophy.
Rebates Cards = Cash. Simple as that. I could introduce you to the wonderful thing that is manufactured spending today too, but let's not shatter your fragile little world just yet.
I'm happy with the CX500. None of them conk out on me yet and like I said, I get them for cheap (my last 2 PSUs was for free actually and I have enough rebates to get the next one for free again). So what's the problem, dude?
Not free. That's the issue. You're treating the Rebate Card as some sort of free money or coupon. It isn't.
You paid into a purchase to get it. You're then treating it like a free $20 bill you found on the street when you apply it to your next purchase. See the error in that logic? You're claiming a "low price" on the front end AND the next purchase using the same $20.
Did you even click the link in my signature? I'd venture to guess I spend more at Newegg in a month than you're probably spending there all year, and I'm doing upwards of $20,000
in rebates redemptions a year. Not trying to brag or anything there. Even my level of spending is stil considered small potatoes. But I do kind of have a clue what I'm talking about dude.
The best deals out there per A/watt are generally those $10 or less per unit server power supplies. A few people mentioned them in this thread. They're server grade hardware designed to run 24/7 at high efficiency not Bronze like the CX500. Multiple units can also be wired up to do load balancing across many mining end-points.
There's nothing wrong with your route for a small time operation of a couple of S1's although the loss on efficiency does mean more in terms of an electricity bill. But there are better and more cost effective options out there.
So if trying to educate people on how to purchase low cost hardware is spamming then yeah count me guilty.