I can trigger an update on a file on loyce.club to count this after every post made in this topic
Post in this topic, then go to loyce.club/120daysThis shouldn't take more than a few seconds to update.
Since this subject has been discussed in more topics, I can link this functionality to other topics too. Feel free to send me requests.
This topic:
[Proposal] Show total Received and Send merit on the Merit summary page. got me thinking: I now trigger updates in 2 different topics, but if any campaign manager is actually going to use it, I can set a certain keyword (or phrase: "Merit earned in the last 120 days:") to post for an update. That way, it works in any topic and the campaign participant can (almost) instanly see the result. If I add an HTML anchor, they can post a direct link to their own Merit count.
If any campaign manager is interested in using this, please post here!I made this:
Post this on any public board:
Sample post before editingMerit earned in the last 120 days: <wait for it>(it doesn't have to be red, and you don't have to post "<wait for it>")(this only works if it's a new post, edits are ignored)Wait a few seconds, then go to
loyce.club/120days for the result.
Edit your post and enter your Merit total. Use (
Copy this link) to add a direct link for the campaign manager to verify:
http://loyce.club/120days/index.html#125Sample post after editingMerit earned in the last 120 days:
680 Merit.
Merit earned in the last 120 days: [url=http://loyce.club/120days/index.html#125]680 Merit[/url].
Campaign Managers: feel free to quote this post in your campaign thread if you're interested in the 120 days Merit count.
Note: quoting this post triggers an update to
loyce.club/120days too.