Its not a about Medical issue.
Its just smoke and mirrors.
Its a about Economic issue.
Becouse the strongest covid restrictions are in places where debt is highest.
But the government had to hide this otherwise If they would telling the truth the more panic would occured!!
The covid smoke and mirrors is not bad idea
The rulers who run world are smart like me
But they are much more smart If I would run the World I wouldnt not know to use this covid fake Thing
I Wonder how they Got that idea covid 19 to hide their Economic debt bubble and liqutity problem?
Conspiracy theories are usually stupid and this one is not an exception. The US is suffering a widespread outbreak because it won't undergo strict lockdown procedures, and as a country with a massive debt load it fails the very correlating test you propose in your conspiracy theory. Further, shutting down economic activity to try and stem the flow of the virus makes it even more difficult to service the debt loads a country carries as tax revenues drop as a direct result of lower economic activity, so your theory that the countries with the highest debt load have purposely introduced lockdowns as a means to hide their debt problems doesn't even make logical sense. It would actually make the debt problems all the more apparent as the share of debt-to-GDP would skyrocket.
but first you should know that where the money come from?
money come from the banks banks get them from money printing factories, money printing factories such us federal reserve get commercial paper in return from the banks with ...paper and signature and money factory will send money to bank and bank will lend out this money to person who apply for loan thats why the loan process will take usually like 3 -5 working days.
the loans is given out to people as longes the loan giving plan is full filled the money does not exist before someone will borrow this money.
to pay back principal with intrest % is what gives value to money for example JOE NEEDS 10 k from bank bank will give him 10k joe have 10k but he must pay back 10k plus 1000 so all together 11k but the bank has only giving out 10k the rest of the 1000 JOE must find himself to pay back.
higher intrest rates gives higher value to money but will take down economy and will make more debt slaves who will fight with each other to survive and find money ...if the intrest rates are up it means now people competing with each other to pay NON EXIXISTING MONEY.
At first beggining of economic circle intrest rates are always low ...and at the end the intrest rates will go slowly higher.
this game been on 10 years 2020 is just when the bubble popped and people realised there is more debt if actual money in circelation if thats the situation then the solution is bankcrupty.
money is sucked out from circleation slowly before the bubble will pop then many people realise that they dont have money and banks dont led either.
its not some science or university education knowledge its just simple knowledge what everybody should know how it all works.
thats why there is law that every debt can be erased after 10 years.
and covid is just way to hide that shops dont have money banks are run out of cash also and people dont enough money.
its all just a game and business nothing personal its a commercial business some lose some win.
Its not a about Medical issue.
Its just smoke and mirrors.
Its a about Economic issue.
Becouse the strongest covid restrictions are in places where debt is highest.
But the government had to hide this otherwise If they would telling the truth the more panic would occured!!
The covid smoke and mirrors is not bad idea
The rulers who run world are smart like me
But they are much more smart If I would run the World I wouldnt not know to use this covid fake Thing
I Wonder how they Got that idea covid 19 to hide their Economic debt bubble and liqutity problem?
I think you deserve a Nobel Prize for this Revelation? Don't you? USA and China are two biggest Economies of the world US had almost no lockdown while China already is COVID free. Alternatively do you realize that stopping of economy using lockdown can instead pose problem this debt bubble as the circle of money would instantly stop. This was the prime reason why most of the countries suspended lockdown even though the cases count didn't go South. Because they knew that liquidity problems will begin if they didn't restart the Economy. Tell me the truth you posted this because you were bored and wanted someone to make fun of you right?
usa is restarted economy and china did also.
and usa made restarting ecxacly what i said with huge money prinitng and debt more debt but this debt is joke after 10 years you dont have to pay back debt anymore.
i belive the lower or nagive intrest rates will save the economy for longer ....the inflation its a problem only that you get less for your money and cheaper labour wages but inflation is good for investors higher inflation means good bullish markets for gold and btc and stocks.
and if there is too much money in the world and in order to protect money value....what the goverment must do??? rise up taxes off course!!
and if taxes rise the consumer prices and real estate everything will go up.
and thats all shows that covid is way to hide debt bubble and reason to start next 10 years with even bigger debt.
[moderator's note: consecutive posts merged]