Computer hardware/Software & Hardware wallet
Computer hardware are those physical parts of the computer that can be seen and touched. Example: harddisk
memory card
Cell phone
While software are those programs that can't be touched but can be seen in the computer. Example: online or ussd wallets, digital wallets, email, encrypted text, coding, programming, including this thread etc.
Wallet is a kind of pouch for men to keep fiat currency, passport, ID card, hard documents and other minor things.
Wallet can be subdivided into two: hardware wallet & software wallet.
Hardware wallet as the name implied, it is a wallet that can be seen and touched which is meant for physical storage of things. Such as money, ID card, house key etc. Example.
Software wallet: as the name implied as well, it is a kind of wallet that is used to keep E-Currencies or digital currencies wallet. Example: E-naira wallet, Cryptocurrencies wallet, eToro, Coinbase, Huobi etc
The above wallets are purely for software and any hardware attached to them does not supposed to be called hardware wallet because they don't have the function of hardware. They are only for online. But the device used for the accessing the software is called hardware. Therefore, it would have been called "e-wallent or crypto wallet or bitcoin wallet", and the above mentioned are different types of e-wallents
Therefore, calling "hardware wallet" and use it in internet is an oxymoron, it is contradicting the whole issue, because the content is untouchable. Like this is an hardware
and what is inside is software, so why do you call it Hardware wallet?
Although hardware can not function without software, they are working together but hardware is hardware and software is software in computer. This issue is giving me headache to even understand computer again.
Because I believed that anything Concerning online is software. But this one you call it Hardware wallet but everything is online, I am confused oh!
I believed computer devices always have two wares. Hardware and software. And it is explained above
In addition, I need someone to explain precisely and concisely in detail to me the different between fiat physical hardware wallet and online hardware wallet and why you call this one hardware wallet?
Probably it's called hardware wallet because the device is an hardware and it uses to keep digital currency. That means it would have been better called bitcoin wallet, or e-wallet because there is an already existing hardware wallet. So what is the different between computer hardware and hardware wallet? Because I see all as storage devices.
Links for the two argument