I would not waste a single dollar satoshi for ledger wallet, and they are probably going to end up like Keepkey soon, brick selling for $5 but nobody will use it anymore.
Competition wallets like Trezor and Coldard is open source and they offer nice discounts now, Trezor 20% and Coldcard 15%
Open source doesn't make it more secure than closed source
It could even be the opposite in some cases.
IRL Apple is a closed source (right?), yet they sell millions of phones with its system. So before nobody uses Ledger any more chickens will have teeth, as we say in my country.
Open a Ledger to see how it's inside and look at the quality of the components, and do the same with Trezor. Come back after to tell us.
"they offer nice discounts now, Trezor 20% and Coldcard 15%"
Oh, now it's all about which is offering the biggest discount?
Last time your argument was because of the data breach, it doesn't mean the hardware security is concerned. Then it was about the website itself when you posted a useless table, another stupid argument. Then it was about claiming Ledger does nothing after the breach which turned out to be false!
Grow up!
Reasonable? I agree, but 40% isn't that appealing considering it's black friday. On black friday, i expect at least 50%.
Watch out for the Christmas offer
Listen to me kid
Don't say to stick on the topic while yourself go out of topic.
https://www.google.com/search?q=trezor+model+t+vulnerabilities&rlz=1C1CHBD_frFR891FR891&oq=trezor+vul&aqs=chrome.5.69i57j0i19j0i19i22i30l4.7121j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8You're good to post inaccurate information,
go back to doing it