★★ Important info ★★HI All
Just been reading some crappy news over from Swisscex about a KGW exploit that is very real and seems to be in use.
http://t.co/CvY3BxNisHAs you all know KillerCoin is currently retargeting every block using the KGW method. But do you think i should remove the KGW implementation and go back to a sensible block retargeting. It is still possible to code the retargeting in to the wallet so that coins are created just as fast but to not have the retargeting every block. It is also possible to use a different method such as Digishield...
Most mining pools dont account for KGW in the coding, only for the original retargeting formulas. Thats why the next difficulty value in the pool statistics are never correct, and also why the difficulty value always seems so low.
The original KillerCoin (non KGW) retargetting formula is to create 60 blocks every 2 hours,
static const int64 nTargetTimespan = 2 * 60 * 60; // KillerCoin: 2hr target time
static const int64 nTargetSpacing = 120; // KillerCoin: seconds per block target
static const int64 nInterval = nTargetTimespan / nTargetSpacing; //Aim to produce 60x blocks every 2 hours
This can be changed to something more fitting, maybe 60x blocks every 1x hour? Currently the KillerCoin code with KGW produces a block every ~50 seconds on average.
Or should i implement Digisheild instead of KGW, after reading the summary over at
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=526721.0 it could be a good next step for KillerCoin
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