But yours isnt audited. Some elses is not the same as this one being audited...you are making a false equivalence.
Get it audited not point to another and say we are same.....
Yes, for sure we will ask for an audit to have confirmation that the contract is 100% aligned with the 0xbitcoin contract.
But we are sure when we say that the contract is equivalent because in Solidity there are 2 kinds of functions:
1) State-modifying functions (transfer, mint,...) which alter the state of the blockchain and require gas to be activated.
2) Callable (read-only) functions (name, symbol,...): they do not alter the state of the blockchain and hence do not consume gas.
BEP-20 standard for the Binance Smart Chain, at paragraph, requires an extended method getOwner() function not available in the EIP-20 standard: this method is a read-only function (point 2) above) that provides the contract owner address when called.
We introduced such function to be compliant with BSC, but all the state-modifying functions have been left unaltered in their structures respect to the 0xbitcoin smart contract.
You can verify this by comparing the deployed source codes.