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Author Topic: Who’s more powerful? The players, Fans or Clubs  (Read 884 times)
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April 21, 2021, 06:36:04 PM

Reality is that Clubs gave too much money to players and made them disrespectful to their managers.
End result, more debt and lacklustre..
It is a capitalistic approach and there are clubs that are bidding for the same player and if they want to maintain the fans they need to spend money for the best players and the best always attracts a lot of money as more clubs will be eyeing for their service. It is not a one way game, the team needs to win and they need to have a balance and the fans are the most powerful as they need to attract them for the revenue .
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April 21, 2021, 06:43:49 PM

I agree with the OP and the others who commented that fans are the heart of sport teams. Yes, players and managers bring the quality of the game. Still, none of the clubs would exist if their passionate fans weren't giving them constant support, going to their games, buying their merch. The reality is that without demand, there is no product. In my opinion, in sport that demand is represented by the fans' affection towards clubs and players.  Smiley
no need to argue at length, fans are the most important thing in sport teams....a sponsor who gives a lot of money to the team will first look at the reputation and number of fans of the club, if their fans are few then sponsoring the team is really useless. 

personally if i have a brand that I want to market, of course i will choose the English league team to sponsor such as Liverpool, Man utd or Man City which already has millions of fans in various parts of the world, so my product is quickly popular and my investment as a sponsor is effective.

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April 21, 2021, 06:49:40 PM

They are all equals. Why? Because when you remove one of them, the other two don't mean shit.

Remove the club, only the players and the fans left. Without a club they are nothing.
Remove the players, you can't have a game without the players. You have nothing.
Remove the fans, who's going to watch your players and support your club?

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April 21, 2021, 06:56:41 PM

They are all equals. Why? Because when you remove one of them, the other two don't mean shit.

Remove the club, only the players and the fans left. Without a club they are nothing.
Remove the players, you can't have a game without the players. You have nothing.
Remove the fans, who's going to watch your players and support your club?
Exactly, it is the right explanation. All are equal and it can be discussed by layer. If you think those are three layer individually then you can't think it without one layer. It will be incomplete totally. All are related with each other which make it complete. Fans will be more prioritized here over other.

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April 21, 2021, 06:59:41 PM

Basically, these three things (players, fans and clubs) are interconnected and have their own relationship.

However, in reality we can see that there are players who dominate the club and there are also clubs that dominate the players.

For example, Messi who dominates the Barcelona and Florentino Perez (Real Madrid) who dominates the players.


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April 21, 2021, 07:06:21 PM

I'm still of the opinion that fans are the most important of them all. Cutting the clubs off, I can tell you there is still another alternative which is the street football. You don't need clubs for that, just a bunch of street footballers pick themselves as they please each time they meet on a pitch and train together. Meanwhile, there are still those that make some income of it as in, illegal gambling, staking on which side you consider as the better side and the game goes on. It happens and I've watched it a lot in my locality. In this instance, the clubs doesn't matter, even at that, competitions could be organised and the players on the pitch make money out of it and they are still not a club or a team except that, they are the team of the moment.

So, the fans are the bases of everything about most sports. They are the 9nce providing the funds through participation in various activities the sporting life offers and they are the once being entertained. I won't totally ignore the other part of the relationship but then, the fans is the most vital. Being at the beginning and the end.


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April 21, 2021, 07:27:15 PM

I think supporters play an important and very strong role because the more supporters the more they buy match tickets, and the bigger the income, the more games, so this can be a weapon or a mainstay for the life of a club.






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April 21, 2021, 07:29:39 PM

Of course fans are the most important link in the chain: without fans onboard, no money for the system!
The Romans understood that very well: panem et circences or bread and circuses.
To put it simply, never go against your people and always entertain them: that is what it takes to be in charge.
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April 21, 2021, 07:38:50 PM

Basically, these three things (players, fans and clubs) are interconnected and have their own relationship.

However, in reality we can see that there are players who dominate the club and there are also clubs that dominate the players.

For example, Messi who dominates the Barcelona and Florentino Perez (Real Madrid) who dominates the players.
They are really connected to each other and this wont really exist if one part would really be absent or doesnt exist.Even though majority been talking here about
fans to be the most powerful but i do bit agree that they do have mutual benefits to each other or something that they could rely on.
They wont really be making out some revenue if one of those factors or components doesnt exist.


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April 21, 2021, 07:51:08 PM

Fans are the main reason why Clubs are getting profits.

But for that to profit, Clubs should manage well their players and do their best to improve their skills as fans won't patronize something without a reason.

Overall, all are having a key role. If clubs or players failed to meet the fans' expectations, then don't expect something good about it.
Fans had not made as much money for the club since Covid pandemic begins and the teams have been struggling, Madrid had a loss of over $400 million as the highest earner in European football. Premier league and UEFA won the war not the fan and I consider UEFA especially selfish. They only consider losing the highest team earners to the super league without any benefit from it, they went to the extent of going after players in those clubs. Those sanctions are too much for the offence.
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April 21, 2021, 08:08:04 PM

1. The Clubs
2. The Players
3. The Fans..

I think this is highly dependent on the sport, but with recent events it would seem that you are referring to the European Super League. The fans seem to be the real winners in this situation and they caused quite an uproar from the moment it was announced, this shows that even the billionaire overseas owners would cower when confronted with the real anger shown towards them. Now if you were to look at a sport like the NBA, it is much more rigged in favor of the "clubs" involved, because (similar to the proposed ESL) it has a bunch of teams that will always be in the league and there is no room for new entrants. Personally, for it to be a real club sport there should be the possibility of moving even an amateur team up through the ranks and be able to win against the biggest champions out there. Otherwise it is too rigged and the Champions just end up taking ever large chunks of the generated revenue until the other teams cannot compete effectively - similar to a oligarchy.

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April 21, 2021, 09:03:59 PM

Obviously, all of them are important, but I agree with you, that fans have the most influence. Nowadays, when it comes to any product or service and, basically, anything that brings profit the most important thing and the first thing that businessmen analyze is market demand, which is determined solely by the consumers.
Extrapolating this on sports business would lead to the conclusion, that it's indeed fans that hold all the power.
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April 21, 2021, 09:55:36 PM

Obviously, all of them are important, but I agree with you, that fans have the most influence.

But for that influence impact to be achieved, it's a big task and works for players and clubs.

There should actually no debate on who's more powerful of the three. A large fan base is also because of the good work of clubs and players.

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April 21, 2021, 10:06:49 PM

They are all equals. Why? Because when you remove one of them, the other two don't mean shit.

Remove the club, only the players and the fans left. Without a club they are nothing.
Remove the players, you can't have a game without the players. You have nothing.
Remove the fans, who's going to watch your players and support your club?
I agree on this, a very balanced explanation. All of them are important and equal. And it's all going to end up that everyone should respect the importance of the clubs, players and the fans.

There should actually no debate on who's more powerful of the three. A large fan base is also because of the good work of clubs and players.

I agree.

Very well said. Those 3 entities are vital for them to be successful in the sports industry. Without one of them, I don't think they will enjoy the same success they can get in this field. So yes, this should not be a question in the first place. Just look at the scenario if you will take out any of them, whether fans or clubs or players, there will be nothing to discuss about.
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April 21, 2021, 10:13:52 PM

They are all equals. Why? Because when you remove one of them, the other two don't mean shit.

Remove the club, only the players and the fans left. Without a club they are nothing.
Remove the players, you can't have a game without the players. You have nothing.
Remove the fans, who's going to watch your players and support your club?
I agree on this, a very balanced explanation. All of them are important and equal. And it's all going to end up that everyone should respect the importance of the clubs, players and the fans.

There should actually no debate on who's more powerful of the three. A large fan base is also because of the good work of clubs and players.

I agree.

Very well said. Those 3 entities are vital for them to be successful in the sports industry. Without one of them, I don't think they will enjoy the same success they can get in this field. So yes, this should not be a question in the first place. Just look at the scenario if you will take out any of them, whether fans or clubs or players, there will be nothing to discuss about.

In a way I also agree.

This is the home base of many clubs and competitions. But, unfortunately today, due to the desire to win win and win, sport has changed in a way that gradually that base is no longer the one with "more power" (which is the point here in question).

Of course, if one of these bases fails, everything will no longer make sense. But, without failing this base, we enter a cycle in which only some win and others do not, because the game ends up being controlled by those who have more financial resources.



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April 21, 2021, 10:23:26 PM

I am sure that both of them have their right power to determine whether the club is there. There will be no club without players, no fans without players and clubs. And of course, there will be no players without any club want to request them.
So in this case, they are influencing each other. And one more is about the government and also sponsorship.
If we only focus on one thing here, we may not be able to keep stay little longer for the sports because there may be high significnance and not be able to drive the club more

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April 21, 2021, 10:24:41 PM

The players and the clubs satisfied the demand of the fans they are the market and the true boss of any sports, without the fans there's no games, no sales, and the organization cannot keep up with running a team, no organizations can sustain without revenues, which they get from fans who are buying tickets and paying pay per view subscriptions, the players and the clubs exist because of the fans.
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April 21, 2021, 10:38:03 PM

Not because fans are the source of income, it's now become more powerful than two. All of them play a big role. There would be no fans if the Clubs didn't invest in the part that they take care of the league players. While on players, if they are not doing what they are supposed to do, no fans will cheer on them and pays for a ticket or subscription or even supports a product advertised by them.

One good example is, remember the Brooklyn Nets having a hard time in NBA? I forgot what season it is but they have the worst record that season and only a few fans watching live on their games. Their ticket sales become poor that affect their revenue. They did some progress a season later, trading players, modifying their rosters, etc, and successfully back on track again and ticket sales bloom again.

Everything should be balanced. If one underperformed, it will destroy the cycle.


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April 22, 2021, 03:46:17 AM

The players and the clubs satisfied the demand of the fans they are the market and the true boss of any sports, without the fans there's no games, no sales, and the organization cannot keep up with running a team, no organizations can sustain without revenues, which they get from fans who are buying tickets and paying pay per view subscriptions, the players and the clubs exist because of the fans.
So the fans are the key for the sports to become popular and without them, the sports will not get popularity and will not make money. Even if the fans do not have much money like the boss, the organization, the club owner, the fans can do many things to make the sports can not get what they want. So the club owner and the boss behind the organization need to understand that and they need to serve their fans.



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April 22, 2021, 04:33:53 AM

The fans are the lifeblood of these sports, and without fans, there will be no revenue generated by the organization and the clubs to pay their players. Then again, we have a long history of just accepting things as they turn out and still consume entertainment even though we highly disagree on the changes at first. The recent changes, most especially in football nowadays, would just be accepted by people as time goes on once games are already in play. They can protest and expressed discontent all they like, but sooner or later they will still watch these games in order to support the teams and the players they once supported on another league.
I think that all of them are essential in their respective roles, fans are the lifeblood but the players are the ones that are playing the game, the clubs manage the players and have the do the PR for the players for the fans. Choosing one of them is like choosing whether water, air or food is essential for a human to live.

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