Still, I believe that this should have a private address
To create an address you hash a 256-bit hex value with RIPEMD-160 which returns a 160-bit hex value. This means that on average, every address has around ~2
256 / 2
160 = ~2
96 different private keys. That's an insanely big number. You'll realize it once I convert it decimally:
Yes, these are the averagely total private keys for that address.
besides the owner or the ones that the owner entrusted the wallet/address with, courtesy of the private key.
No one owns it.
No one.
Like you I was gob-smacked when I first saw it and I still wonder why people are both obsessed with burning funds to that wallet address and also those who have made it their mission to crack the PrivKey and unlock the riches locked away.
Cracking the private key of that address would mean that they could theoretically crack any other address.
I really wonder why people send BTC to addresses like this - because they hate BTC and think it will hurt it (actually do the opposite) - or think it's a cool thing to be part of the burn process?
The proof of burn coins work as they their proof says. You'll have to burn from Bitcoin block chain to get from X block chain.