This post isn't based on my feelings or mindset but on the timid ones that can't speak thier mind. I call it VOICE OF THE PEOPLE I'd like to say big thanks to the rulership of Theymos and his team on board.
We've only been following some pro's and con's, apparently it's been over a decade that someone, cloaked in the name 'Satoshi',came forth with this wonderful but indicisive coinage.
I have seen several content about Bitcoin's atrophy and that of course has given so many Protestants the guts to laugh with thier mouth agape; sometimes the whole mockery, coupled with the facts that Bitcoin is still in its crescent and also the fringe losses that's experienced after every DIP,makes it incredible for NEWBIES
✓ I mean what's the point? Keeping it decentralized without a purpose is futile, don't you get it? I have been asked series of questions and I sometimes wonder if I'm leading people Into doing the right thing.
N/B y'all are participating just as we do, with a common motive so I don't think anyone is sure enough, though having predetermined motives are imperative but does it really matter when this dude's unknown or sometimes presumed?! Only curious
✓ I know naysayers won't stop criticism, but that doesn't have anything to do with Bitcoin being irrefutable! These are the reasons why most times, people say shitty stuffs on web and the rich and interested ones who could possibly sink In much more than the regular would begin to grow apathetic , and why? You keep asking why Bitcoin falls? You should understand that clearly; this isn't an individual stuff(maybe that's the reason for the decentralization) people keep pulling out alot of money and nobody is saying anything and why?
Sometimes,it seems like a gamble but the thoughts are countered instantly for the fact that it's been running for more that a decade now.
The whole fact is based on irregularities and that's not gonna cut it! I believe that's one of the reasons why Goldman Sachs was on a great doubt, recovers quickly overtime and still decided to try; Technically, there's still alot to be done!