Hi, my command line interface doesnt work (dont know why) so I found another way to get started.
First a short description of my initial cmd line problem:I can open my command line window from Windows>Start>Command line
I can execute the cd D:\...\bytecoin command (with "..." being the full path to my bytecoin folder).
The problem starts already when I punch in the next step, trying to open daemon with command:
"bytecoin or bytecoin.exe"
Both commands return the error message that the command is either misspelled or cannot be found (of course I enter the commands with the "").
There I go with no luck.
Workaround:I right click on bytecoind.exe and >create a shortcut.
Run the shortcut and let the daemon download the blockchain (takes a few hours). You can put in the "set_log 1" or "set_log 2" commands to see the current progress.
Whenever you want to shut down the program dont forget to use the "save" or "exit" command in order to save your progress or you will have to start all over!
When the blockchain is synced you will see a green message notifiying you.
Now create your wallet: Make sure bytecoind.exe is running. Go to your simplewallet.exe folder (better create an own folder for your simplewallet.exe and put it in there not to mix up files with bytecoind.exe).
Create a short cut of simplewallet.exe and right click on the short cut and goto >Properties to review the first of the two input fields that is called something like "Target" or similar (sorry idk the english expression for this. Its called "Ziel" in German). This field should contain the file location and end on "bytecoin.exe"
The thing with short cuts is that you can add any parameters in the "Target" field like you would using the command line interface. So add "simplewallet --generate-new-wallet=wallet_name.bin --pass=12345" in the "Target" field with a space between bytecoin.exe AND the parameters! (like "D:\..\bytecoin.exe simplewallet --generate-new-wallet=wallet_name.bin --pass=12345"). You can either drop the password parameter or choose a password instead of the generic "12345". You can also choose a wallet name like "Spekulatiuswallet.bin" instead of "wallet_name.bin" or leave it as defaulted.
Next double click on the bytecoind shortcut to run it and press Enter if you have not set a password or Enter the password and press Enter in case you have.
Now write "refresh" and hit Enter to let the wallet catch up with the daemon. Once its done (takes a few minutes), write "save" + Enter and be happy because you have created your wallet without the need for using Windows command lines.
Mining:To start mining enter "start_mining" into the wallet window and the daemon will start mining with 1 thread immediately. If you are unsure of how many threads your CPU supports open your task manager "Ctrl+Alt+Del" and goto the performance tab and count the CPU graphs displayed. You can also check out:
https://wiki.bytecoin.org/wiki/Mining_hardware_comparisonTo mine with more threads goto your wallet and enter "start_mining #" where # is the number of threads you want to devote to mining.
You can see how many hashes/sec you mine with by entering "show_hr" into you deamon (bytecoind.exe) window.
The help command is very useful to see other commands and puts out different results in simplewallet and bytecoind.
Hopes this helps some folks get started (I certianly learned something doing it