I guess the difference is the probability of some stranger abusing or issuing fake data is lower compared to this service. I don't think anyone can easily figure out real people's names just from wallet addresses unless the user posts their details publicly on social media or something else. At the end of the day though this service is going to cause so many troubles and privacy issues regardless of how the company spins its articles.
It is not necessary to know all the data, but they collect it to sell it, and there is someone else who collects your other data and sells it, and so on.
The data collected from walletexplorer.com are cookies, IP addresses, and your addresses.
After selling that data, a third party can buy it and ask Binance about the Bitcoin accounts associated with the IP address, and thus know more about you, which includes government documents, your photo, age, name.
then ask Facebook, Twitter and Google to reveal your accounts.
I am talking about government agencies or private companies that can pay to obtain this data.