Activity: 11
Merit: 0
January 27, 2024, 02:01:38 PM Last edit: January 27, 2024, 02:25:03 PM by Marslander |
hello thanks for help ( for picture ) GH/s currently, live monitoring via web interface (ip address) usb keys also have another name: compact F 1397 asic chip (350 GH/s per key) provided they have 3 Amperes under 5 Volts. my keys are under 480 MH/z in terms of internal frequency from 490MH/z it becomes unstable because of not enough current. my usb hub supplied 12V for 10 A: supplied under 5.2 V 2.4 A *16 port. the hub is used to power the PI ZERO WH + all the fans. everything works perfectly without problems!
willi9974 (OP)
Activity: 3710
Merit: 3110
Top-tier crypto casino and sportsbook
January 27, 2024, 04:47:45 PM |
Thanks for the cool Picture, i have add it on the first page
Activity: 29
Merit: 4
January 27, 2024, 07:46:33 PM |
finally got my bitaxe today, so kkmonte_7 is bitaxe 1366, not sure of the speed, i overclocked it a little bit, looks like its around 500 gh/s.
Activity: 5
Merit: 1
January 27, 2024, 08:03:16 PM |
wow, this is what i was looking for. Username: hanz0n Device type: 2 x Rockminer U10 Normal speed: 15Ghz x 2
more small miners on the way.
willi9974 (OP)
Activity: 3710
Merit: 3110
Top-tier crypto casino and sportsbook
January 27, 2024, 09:21:16 PM |
wow, this is what i was looking for. Username: hanz0n Device type: 2 x Rockminer U10 Normal speed: 15Ghz x 2
more small miners on the way. A warm welcome hanz0n, But keep in your mind if we find a blocking this group you need a 7d min. Speed from 200 GHs So you have time to ramp up the speed with more miner under one username to get minimum 200 GHs Cross our fingers for maybe a block in the future Willi
Activity: 5
Merit: 1
January 27, 2024, 09:34:20 PM |
Thanks, i know about the "rules" =) "new" miners are on the way...
Activity: 7
Merit: 0
January 27, 2024, 11:50:22 PM |
Hi @willi8874, my Compac F has been having some problems so I'm pointing this at the pool for now until I get it running again:
Device: Apollo BTC Speed: 2 TH/s
Hi 0id1d thanks for the information, if it is only for some days, i let the old device in the table. is it for longer or ever, i can edit your device type, no problem. i have also update the miner list on page one and nice to the the new miner and the new bestshares in the top 10 list... very nice and a block would be even nicer  Best regards and a nice weekend, happy mining. Willi Thanks willi9974 Agree, a block would be very very nice  I added "Apol" to the end of my worker name so that it wouldn't get confused with my Compac - it will probably be a week or so before I get that back to mining with the pool. Thanks again and a nice weekend and happy mining too!
Jr. Member
Activity: 35
Merit: 2
January 29, 2024, 08:44:16 AM Last edit: October 07, 2024, 09:15:19 AM by mustafatufan |
Username: mustafatufan_1 (I want to add more miner, so added the number just in case.) Device type: GekkoScience Compac F Normal speed: 380Gh/s
Reward payment: 1MustaoR6XLZ1fE31XmK1mXnfqMSchAuBs (I am extremely lucky person, get ready for a block.)
New address for reward payment: bc1qp6tha6exuujv7gj9gzdatveuxem7cr6h2dexvr
willi9974 (OP)
Activity: 3710
Merit: 3110
Top-tier crypto casino and sportsbook
January 29, 2024, 08:51:28 AM |
Username: mustafatufan_1 (I want to add more miner, so added the number just in case.) Device type: GekkoScience Compac F Normal speed: 380Gh/s Reward payment: 1MustaoR6XLZ1fE31XmK1mXnfqMSchAuBs (I am extremely lucky person, get ready for a block.)
Welcome mustafatufan yes cross our fingers and concrats you are the first one that post a reward return address  If we find really a block, than i ask all for a return address. hopefully in some days but let us stay realistic, than more in years or never... but let us hope and maybe we have luck... See you and fingers are crossed, Willi
Activity: 29
Merit: 4
January 29, 2024, 04:22:46 PM |
thanks Willi for nicehash rental, I couldn't let you do that alone, so i just grabbed an MRR one with the leftover btc i had in my account. I like MRR better than nicehash lol. Should see it soon.
Activity: 29
Merit: 4
January 29, 2024, 04:37:01 PM Last edit: January 29, 2024, 04:55:31 PM by kkmonte |
hmm it disappeared from the main menu, but still shows up on the cksolo pool one. gotta be the way it handles over 1,000,000G... shows as inactive. but its still running!
Activity: 11
Merit: 0
January 31, 2024, 06:12:23 PM |
Username: mustafatufan_1 (I want to add more miner, so added the number just in case.) Device type: GekkoScience Compac F Normal speed: 380Gh/s Reward payment: 1MustaoR6XLZ1fE31XmK1mXnfqMSchAuBs (I am extremely lucky person, get ready for a block.)
Welcome mustafatufan yes cross our fingers and concrats you are the first one that post a reward return address  If we find really a block, than i ask all for a return address. hopefully in some days but let us stay realistic, than more in years or never... but let us hope and maybe we have luck... See you and fingers are crossed, Willi hello everyone, I post my BTC address (deposit): bc1qxxj4yq83s6gqsxscxvfmp5w6rzu9aqlt05hnwh. I think I'm the second to give it. I wish us good luck in finding a Block. I have a question: has a Block already been found by a miner?
Activity: 2
Merit: 1
February 01, 2024, 07:35:36 PM |
Hello everyone, I'm joining the Bitaxe adventure on your pool. Username: tyrexwolf_1 Device type: Bitaxe ULTRA BM1366 Normal speed: 460 GH/s BTC address  : 35S3SiSQ2cBhQvTn23BXcUq1WhUq5JVnTk Happy mining 
Jr. Member
Activity: 35
Merit: 2
February 01, 2024, 09:42:36 PM |
Any participant with single GekkoScience Compac F, can you share your cgminer parameters? Mine does not exceed 250G most of the time, I wonder if I do something wrong. systemd job i configured: [Unit] Description=runs cgminer
[Service] Type=simple Restart=always ExecStart=/home/rpi4/cgminer/cgminer --syslog --real-quiet -o stratum+tcp:// -u bc1qeuupt2tgerfum8jclt8aklu9cdmzzkwml9lg7c.mustafatufan_1 -p x --gekko-compacf-freq 380 --gekko-mine2 --gekko-start-freq 320 --gekko-tune-up 85 --gekko-tune2 60
willi9974 (OP)
Activity: 3710
Merit: 3110
Top-tier crypto casino and sportsbook
February 01, 2024, 09:56:16 PM |
Welcome to the new members. Every miner who helps us to increase the chance of finding a block is welcome. A few have come together now. Let's see how stable the community is and how many will still be around in a year or two.
Then keep your fingers crossed for the race for the best share and, above all, a block.
By the way, if someone like me or someone else has already done it, rents a Nicehash Rental and fires at the pool, nobody will mind...
Best regards Willi
Activity: 11
Merit: 0
February 02, 2024, 05:21:29 AM Last edit: February 02, 2024, 06:26:58 AM by Marslander |
hello everyone, for the compacf gekko science the frequency for me is 480 MH/z (originally 460 on the cgminer 4.12.1 software) your gekko-compacf-freq 380. my setting is 480 already increased to 500. depending on the key model it is necessary to mount in steps of 5 MH/z until it becomes unstable or the frequency is placed on a frequency below what was set. parameter on picture. on the other hand, the higher the frequency, the more ventilation is required (it heats up enormously at more than 500 MH/z) the higher the frequency, the more Current is required on the USB part (example for 460 1.6 to 1.8 A on 5.2 V // for 480 2 to 2.2 A on 5.2 V // for the max (350 gh/s you need 5 A per USB port) be careful not all usb hubs provide this Amperage (my usb hub blocks at 2.4 A under 5.2 V) my usb hub is powered by 12 V for 10 A (120 W)
Jr. Member
Activity: 35
Merit: 2
February 02, 2024, 07:59:54 AM |
hello everyone, for the compacf gekko science the frequency for me is 480 MH/z (originally 460 on the cgminer 4.12.1 software) your gekko-compacf-freq 380. my setting is 480 already increased to 500. depending on the key model it is necessary to mount in steps of 5 MH/z until it becomes unstable or the frequency is placed on a frequency below what was set.   my parameter on picture. on the other hand, the higher the frequency, the more ventilation is required (it heats up enormously at more than 500 MH/z) the higher the frequency, the more Current is required on the USB part (example for 460 1.6 to 1.8 A on 5.2 V // for 480 2 to 2.2 A on 5.2 V // for the max (350 gh/s you need 5 A per USB port) be careful not all usb hubs provide this Amperage (my usb hub blocks at 2.4 A under 5.2 V) my usb hub is powered by 12 V for 10 A (120 W) Thank you, I will experiment based on these.
Jr. Member
Activity: 35
Merit: 2
February 02, 2024, 09:27:53 AM |
hello everyone, for the compacf gekko science the frequency for me is 480 MH/z (originally 460 on the cgminer 4.12.1 software) your gekko-compacf-freq 380. my setting is 480 already increased to 500. depending on the key model it is necessary to mount in steps of 5 MH/z until it becomes unstable or the frequency is placed on a frequency below what was set.   my parameter on picture. on the other hand, the higher the frequency, the more ventilation is required (it heats up enormously at more than 500 MH/z) the higher the frequency, the more Current is required on the USB part (example for 460 1.6 to 1.8 A on 5.2 V // for 480 2 to 2.2 A on 5.2 V // for the max (350 gh/s you need 5 A per USB port) be careful not all usb hubs provide this Amperage (my usb hub blocks at 2.4 A under 5.2 V) my usb hub is powered by 12 V for 10 A (120 W) Thank you, I will experiment based on these. [Unit] Description=runs cgminer
[Service] Type=simple Restart=always ExecStart=/home/rpi4/cgminer/cgminer --syslog --real-quiet -o stratum+tcp:// -u bc1qeuupt2tgerfum8jclt8aklu9cdmzzkwml9lg7c.mustafatufan_1 -p x --gekko-compacf-freq 460 --gekko-mine2 --gekko-start-freq 320 --gekko-tune-up 85 --gekko-tune2 60
[Install] Everything is same but with increased gekko-compacf-freq to 460, now it goes close to 300G, seems working. Thank you. I will try higher values after I make sure I have correct electrical setup.
Jr. Member
Activity: 35
Merit: 2
February 05, 2024, 07:08:23 PM Last edit: February 06, 2024, 10:02:44 PM by mustafatufan |
Maybe it is good idea not to show 7d>200G rows in red font when even they are inactive as they are eligible. It would be easier to track reward eligibility. Edit: Or maybe you could create another column that shows eligibility, it would provide better clarity.
willi9974 (OP)
Activity: 3710
Merit: 3110
Top-tier crypto casino and sportsbook
February 08, 2024, 07:04:00 PM Last edit: February 08, 2024, 07:15:31 PM by willi9974 |
Maybe it is good idea not to show 7d>200G rows in red font when even they are inactive as they are eligible. It would be easier to track reward eligibility. Edit: Or maybe you could create another column that shows eligibility, it would provide better clarity. on the status page you can see all, but only in german, sorry. But with the browser todays time you can translate with one or two clicks. Anzahl der Worker für Payout mit Hashrate >= 200G in beiden Werten (5m und 7d) Englisch: Number of workers for payout with hashrate >= 200G in both values (5m and 7d) this is to prevent script children who temporarily redirect their miner to the pool via script in order to keep the hashrate artificially high with little effort. if your miner is always online and has a technical problem for an hour during the blockfund, i will take this into account and you will be included in the payout. if i see that your miner is regularly offline, you are out. Basic requirement for payment: - the miner has been always active for the last 7 days (you can see this in the CKpool statistics) - Miner must contain the forum member name - Minimum hashrate per miner of 200 GHs in 7 days - If a miner finds a block but not over 200 GHs in 7 days, he still gets the 10% bonus ########################### have update the table with the actual data. Place | | | User | | | Device Type | | | Speed 5 Min. | | | Number Shares | | | Best Share | | | ----- | | | ---------------------- | | | -------------------- | | | ---------------- | | | -------------- | | | ------------------- | | | #1 | | | brun0 | | | Bitaxe ULTRA BM1366 | | | 477 GH/s | | | 487.034.035 | | | 69.147.539.512 | | | #2 | | | kkmonte_4 | | | Antminer S9_custom | | | 1180 GH/s | | | 4.415.748.094 | | | 58.934.037.126 | | | #3 | | | kkmonte_3 | | | Antminer S9 | | | 9850 GH/s | | | 13.002.934.094 | | | 8.402.799.890 | | | #4 | | | deepmining76 | | | Antminer S9 | | | 13000 GH/s | | | 7.893.193.455 | | | 5.045.306.818 | | | #5 | | | lutz_k_S9 | | | Antminer S9 | | | 14100 GH/s | | | 5.425.581.605 | | | 5.009.457.208 | | | #6 | | | kkmonte | | | Compac F | | | 634 GH/s | | | 381.631.347 | | | 4.887.991.319 | | | #7 | | | kkmonte_2 | | | Antminer S9 | | | 2190 GH/s | | | 2.894.815.194 | | | 2.746.499.387 | | | #8 | | | 100knot2dae_r909 | | | Terminus R909 | | | 2050 GH/s | | | 391.348.040 | | | 2.316.925.889 | | | #9 | | | tux1975_1 | | | FutureBit Apollo | | | 1060 GH/s | | | 873.718.737 | | | | | | #10 | | | 5tift_1 | | | Bitaxe ULTRA BM1366 | | | 404 GH/s | | | 387.945.655 | | | 2.246.528.375 | | | #11 | | | Gholly_1-T15_1Hashboard | | | Antminer T15 | | | 4250 GH/s | | | 3.185.970.297 | | | 1.652.083.320 | | | #12 | | | fishhot_1 | | | Compac F | | | 301 GH/s | | | 346.906.352 | | | 1.350.356.405 | | | #13 | | | SNGFE | | | Bitaxe ULTRA BM1366 | | | 448 GH/s | | | 132.805.039 | | | 1.180.444.672 | | | #14 | | | Elef_90_Axe1 | | | Bitaxe ULTRA BM1366 | | | 468 GH/s | | | 396.363.994 | | | 1.078.815.833 | | | #15 | | | Elef_90_Axe3 | | | Bitaxe ULTRA BM1366 | | | 483 GH/s | | | 335.567.923 | | | 1.050.407.966 | | | #16 | | | brun0_2 | | | Bitaxe ULTRA BM1366 | | | 557 GH/s | | | 418.199.843 | | | 1.020.746.443 | | | #17 | | | kkmonte_5 | | | Antminer S9_custom | | | 1180 GH/s | | | 473.333.464 | | | 943.301.554 | | | #18 | | | Elef_90_Axe2 | | | Bitaxe ULTRA BM1366 | | | 557 GH/s | | | 409.844.404 | | | 868.403.718 | | | #19 | | | rent_a_ray | | | Bitaxe BM1397 | | | 308 GH/s | | | 360.675.111 | | | 854.185.012 | | | #20 | | | brun0_R909 | | | Terminus R909 | | | 2120 GH/s | | | 864.286.084 | | | 822.274.279 | | | #21 | | | kkmonte_6 | | | Antminer S9_custom | | | 1140 GH/s | | | 455.714.052 | | | 671.908.639 | | | #22 | | | real_duke | | | Bitaxe ULTRA BM1366 | | | 406 GH/s | | | 430.396.815 | | | 666.830.359 | | | #23 | | | yyuoosta | | | Bitaxe ULTRA BM1366 | | | 493 GH/s | | | 218.986.129 | | | 663.650.650 | | | #24 | | | iceman19_1 | | | Bitaxe ULTRA BM1366 | | | 391 GH/s | | | 275.201.150 | | | 636.213.606 | | | #25 | | | Marslander | | | 3x GekkoScience | | | 1080 GH/s | | | 272.294.970 | | | 465.133.920 | | | #26 | | | willi9974_1 | | | Bitaxe ULTRA BM1366 | | | 478 GH/s | | | 536.483.874 | | | 438.040.704 | | | #27 | | | Elef_90_Axe4 | | | Bitaxe ULTRA BM1366 | | | 450 GH/s | | | 279.434.678 | | | 403.941.113 | | | #28 | | | segfault64 | | | Bitaxe ULTRA BM1366 | | | 449 GH/s | | | 282.225.981 | | | 395.747.323 | | | #29 | | | brun0_3 | | | Bitaxe ULTRA BM1366 | | | 414 GH/s | | | 305.059.961 | | | 379.237.516 | | | #30 | | | tux1975 | | | Bitaxe ULTRA BM1366 | | | 422 GH/s | | | 479.134.496 | | | 360.433.347 | | | #31 | | | 100knot2dae | | | 4x NewPac | | | 408 GH/s | | | 145.177.888 | | | 341.066.552 | | | #32 | | | Sledge0001_PI1 | | | Compac F | | | 429 GH/s | | | 382.779.621 | | | 337.036.381 | | | #33 | | | misowi | | | Bitaxe ULTRA BM1366 | | | 425 GH/s | | | 192.398.580 | | | 307.821.272 | | | #34 | | | lutz_k_6 | | | Bitaxe ULTRA BM1366 | | | 429 GH/s | | | 256.982.180 | | | 268.838.369 | | | #35 | | | fishhot_2 | | | Compac F | | | 231 GH/s | | | 323.161.062 | | | 264.763.078 | | | #36 | | | Teraz08_1 | | | Bitaxe ULTRA BM1366 | | | 0,00164 GH/s | | | 120.146.123 | | | 259.715.741 | | | #37 | | | paid2_bitaxe01 | | | Bitaxe ULTRA BM1366 | | | 529 GH/s | | | 411.117.346 | | | 258.661.344 | | | #38 | | | Investblog_ch | | | Lucky Miner LV06 | | | 425 GH/s | | | 120.119.514 | | | 201.705.207 | | | #39 | | | kkmonte_7 | | | Bitaxe ULTRA BM1366 | | | 445 GH/s | | | 97.548.769 | | | 178.482.575 | | | #40 | | | willi9974_2 | | | Bitaxe ULTRA BM1366 | | | 494 GH/s | | | 478.854.248 | | | 160.918.431 | | | #39 | | | derBowler_10 | | | Lucky Miner LV06 | | | 440 GH/s | | | 62.736.022 | | | 148.872.339 | | | #40 | | | 5tift_2 | | | Bitaxe ULTRA BM1366 | | | 486 GH/s | | | 182.466.707 | | | 136.237.627 | | | #41 | | | tyrexwolf_1 | | | Bitaxe ULTRA BM1366 | | | 335 GH/s | | | 57.916.266 | | | 93.907.145 | | | #42 | | | Sledge0001_PI2 | | | Compac F NewPacs | | | 533 GH/s | | | 313.430.437 | | | 88.541.180 | | | #43 | | | DerDoktor_1 | | | Bitaxe ULTRA BM1366 | | | 543 GH/s | | | 78.761.865 | | | 81.176.589 | | | #44 | | | derBowler_20 | | | Lucky Miner LV06 | | | 506 GH/s | | | 59.143.305 | | | 56.448.743 | | | #45 | | | Buchi-88 | | | Lucky Miner LV06 | | | 469 GH/s | | | 138.271.087 | | | 44.138.691 | | | #46 | | | brun0_4 | | | Bitaxe ULTRA BM1366 | | | 476 GH/s | | | 53.653.495 | | | 28.274.401 | | | #47 | | | rent_a_ray_2 | | | Bitaxe ULTRA BM1366 | | | 411 GH/s | | | 54.678.085 | | | 22.483.504 | | | #48 | | | Grandor_1 | | | Unknown Device | | | 237 GH/s | | | 12.048.296 | | | 10.980.878 | | | #49 | | | derBowler_30 | | | Bitaxe ULTRA BM1366 | | | 450 GH/s | | | 623.011 | | | 1.982.340 | | | #50 | | | derBowler_40 | | | Bitaxe ULTRA BM1366 | | | 461 GH/s | | | 537.236 | | | 1.245.448 | | |