I didn't "have" to use Ctrl+F5 but did so because it was quicker/easier than logging out of the site and then logging back in. That probably would've fixed it too.
Now you can change to pool, which is in fact setting pool's priority to 0. Do you have something else in mind? How do you imagine that?
Right now, the priority for my pools are this:
0: Enabled Strtm Quota 1 Pool 0: stratum+tcp://r6283.g20.rigs.eu.betarigs.com:9115 User:chrison999-6283
1: Enabled Strtm Quota 1 Pool 1: stratum+tcp://us.clevermining.com:3333 User:1KW9fnXHgQSjEq7RNDWAbgx6DY68rgXVrm
2: Enabled Strtm Quota 1 Pool 2: stratum+tcp://pool.ipominer.com:3333 User:corion49.USB4
3: Enabled Strtm Quota 1 Pool 3: stratum+tcp://multi.ghash.io:3333 User:chrison999.USB4
4: Enabled Strtm Quota 1 Pool 4: stratum+tcp://mine.multicoinpool.org:3310 User:chrison999.USB4
I'd like to change the priority so that ipominer has a higher priority than clevermining, like this:
0: Enabled Strtm Quota 1 Pool 0: stratum+tcp://r6283.g20.rigs.eu.betarigs.com:9115 User:chrison999-6283
1: Enabled Strtm Quota 1 Pool 2: stratum+tcp://us.clevermining.com:3333 User:1KW9fnXHgQSjEq7RNDWAbgx6DY68rgXVrm
2: Enabled Strtm Quota 1 Pool 1: stratum+tcp://pool.ipominer.com:3333 User:corion49.USB4
3: Enabled Strtm Quota 1 Pool 3: stratum+tcp://multi.ghash.io:3333 User:chrison999.USB4
4: Enabled Strtm Quota 1 Pool 4: stratum+tcp://mine.multicoinpool.org:3310 User:chrison999.USB4
Currently, to do that using the CgminerMonitor site I'd have to delete all of the pools except betarigs and recreate them in the order that I want. I saw this in the API-README for cgminer:
poolpriority|N,... (*)
none There is no reply section just the STATUS section
stating the results of changing pool priorities
See usage below
The 'poolpriority' command can be used to reset the priority order of multiple pools with a single command - 'switchpool' only sets a single pool to first priority. Each pool should be listed by id number in order of preference (first = most preferred)
So, I'm wondering if it would be too difficult to implement the 'poolpriority' command as part of the site.
Chris and all, I've just updated worker details page - the pools section. Now you can change pool priority - move it up and down