April 06, 2014, 04:30:39 AM |
you know what "land grabbing" term means right? so it's simple.. bitcoin doesn't need institutional investors who don't have balls big enough to withstand volatility and enjoy fruits of labor later on.. they have shareholders, private hands to answer to so it's natural they like to play safe....there are turtle stocks that pay dividends for that... anyway these investors can wait all they want until bitcoin goes through this mess to become mature, stable and widely accepted. But by then just like them there'll be other investors flocking in sending value of bitcoin even higher and then the investors who waited on sidelines would realize how much opportunity they've lost to buy in when this disruptive technology was still cheap back then... most of these old fashioned financial investors will be left when other smart investors are getting in now to reap the long term benefits of bitcoin... in layman's terms imagine a city in a remote area (no one thought las vegas would become a tourist spot right) that is about to be developed so that city is having sales now land is being sold at rock bottom prices so you buy yourself a nice spot there to build a restaurant to serve that huge crowd later on... see the numbers in your head? especially if that spot cost you next to nothing... so based on your thinking you seem to have little or no imagination in terms of how far bitcoin is poised to go...
let me give you another example... think of bitcoin as tcp/ip in 80s... now look at the ecosystem built around it... there's just so much room left for bitcoin to be used other than just cryptocurrency, without a shadow of doubt i believe once smart cookies from financial houses realize how they can utilize bitcoin's rock solid infrastructure to save costs, increase productivity and come up with numerous financial tools there'll be a huge paradigm shift... think of contracts, inheritance with 0 lawyer fees and etc... you follow me so far? and if you think bitcoin will never hit 100k let me give you a shocker... how sure are you USD won't lose its petrodollar status and drag the rest of the world with it for currency reset? we're already seeing this with Ukraine game right? you can also see how fed tapering is affecting southeast asian countries that were pumped due to all that binge printing by fed right? look at MYR, IDR and etc... the current fiat system itself is one big fucking ponzi scheme.... in the end the only currencies that will survive are of those countries who will have vast natural resources to back them up and 0 debt... and here's the best part by the time when USD suffers its demise and throw everyone into hyperinflation, bitcoin will just sit on top of all these and skyrocket in its value as a superhighway for forex, SWIFT wires, small micropayment system and etc..