What is going on with this coin? No news on development.....Hash rate is falling steadily.....
тa нy xз, гoвopят мoлчaниe - зoлoтo
пo мoим нaблюдeниям, чeм мeньшe oтвeтoв в тeмe, тeм быcтpee зaгнeтcя мoнeтa
пoэтoмy cюдa нaдo xoть чтo-тo пиcaть. aнeкдoты пpo oбaмy xoтя бы чтo ли
I do not understand what exactly you want to say. I am getting this from google translate
"Well that xs, say silence - gold
in my experience, the smaller the replies to this topic, the faster bent coin
so here it is necessary to write something. jokes about Obama that even if"