twilightcoin (OP)
Activity: 39
Merit: 0
April 18, 2014, 08:32:24 PM Last edit: May 24, 2014, 11:46:47 PM by twilightcoin |
Basic Specifications - Fair mining with block reward equals to: int(10/(D/2000+1)^3+0.5)
- Max reward starts from 10 with 0.5% decrease every 30 days (every 43 200 blocks)
- Fast block generation time - only 1 minute
- Difficulty retargets using Dark Gravity Wave v.2
- Not vulnerable to Time Warp Exploit
- No heartbleed bug
- CPU and GPU mining, no ASIC mining.
- Max number of coins - 86 400 000
About Twilight coin Twilight coin is the cryptocurrency which is using a new upgraded X11 hashing algorithm with sophisticated block reward formula to make mining as fair as possible. Fast block time (1 minute) helps transactions to be confirmed quickly without delays. It is green too, because it's up to 30% more energy efficient and it keeps your GPUs cooler. Which is better unless you live in Australia where the winter is coming very soon 
Fair Premine Okay, a coin is launched and there is no premine or instamine. A hundreds of miners start mining it. And everybody wants this coin to fly to the Moon. Good idea, but who is gonna work days and nights to push it? Somebody must have an interest to do this job. We've seen quite a few coins that had a really good start and were "fair" - with no instamine or premine. After a month or two we could trade them for 1 satoshi. We've also seen another coins with no premine and they were successful. But if you look carefully into the blockchain you may find something really interesting and it would explain why dev team worked so hard to make the coin popular. ;-)
As for us, we want to be honest. We want TWC coin to be our long-term project and we want to have a reason to stay in it. That's why there is a fair premine of 0.5%. 0.1% will be shared among the team who launched it. 0.2% will be spent on ongoing support and development. And 0.2% will be spent on bounties.
And if you feel like you can join us and bring a good value to TWC coin - please do not hesitate to contact us and we'll share some coins from the development fund. Because we want our coin to be as widely used as possible.
Why Twilight coin is a green solution? Well, it's not green by its color and it's not literally saving trees in Amazon rainforest. It's green because it's more efficient in the following ways:
- As we mentioned above, it reduces hardware temperature and energy consumption. Which means you save on your electricity bills.
- Lower temperatures will help your hardware to last longer.
- The coin can be mined with both CPU and GPU, so none of the processor units will be idling.
- The block reward formula helps to maintain a reasonable balance between network hashrate/difficulty and mining outcome.
Thus, the higher difficulty will cause the block reward to be reduced and it would keep some miners away from TwilightCoin helping reward to get back to a normal level.
Difficulty | Reward | 0-34 | 10 | 35-111 | 9 | 112-201 | 8 | 202-308 | 7 | 309-441 | 6 | 442-609 | 5 | 610-837 | 4 | 838-1174 | 3 | 1175-1764 | 2 | >=1765 | 1 |
Yes, it is ASIC resistant! We should mention ASIC resistance of TwilightCoin; it is a "must have" feature since we can see new ASIC for scrypt algo have been released recently and more will be unpacked this summer! ASIC will not impact TwilightCoin network and even will help it grow by pushing out those miners with GPU rigs and redirecting them to our ASIC-proof network from ordinary scrypt coins.
DNS Node Seeder TwilightCoin network features DNS Node Seeder support. This reliable and convenient technology allows to seamlessly integrate automatic node configuration into the wallet so you don't need to create config files with nodes and never need to update them!
Window setup wallet: Windows single-file wallet: Mac OS X 10.9.2 wallet: Mac OS X 10.8.5 wallet: GitHub sources:
Miners Exchanges
Usecryptos: Exarena: Europex: RockyTrade: CryptoAltex:
Voting: CoinedUp: (please leave your comment and use Up button to upvote our request) EcoinFund:
Pools : Chinese pool, pre-registration opened!
P2pools Singapore: US: EU: NE USA:
p2pool source is available at
Pools are welcome! Please drop us a personal message if you want to set up a pool for TwilightCoin and it will be added to the pools list then!
April 18, 2014, 08:36:16 PM |
Looks interesting.
When mining tools will be posted?
Activity: 7
Merit: 0
April 18, 2014, 08:43:44 PM |
Interesting coin! I'm in. Will try to mine it. Would miner from darkcoin work ok?
Activity: 15
Merit: 0
April 18, 2014, 08:44:23 PM |
Ummm, all that math looks a bit complicated, but it seem to make a good sense.
Looking forward to see it live.
April 18, 2014, 08:52:12 PM |
Fast block time (1 minute) helps transactions to be confirmed quickly without delays.
Without delays?? Like under one femtosecond? But wait, you said something about 1 minute? I am confused now!
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
April 18, 2014, 09:00:58 PM |
1 minute block = faster transactions than darkcoin. I like it! And your block reward system looks fair enough. Many coins suffer from overmining so reducing block reward as difficulty grows you cut out miners who mine and dump and keep the coin rare! Nice! :-)

Activity: 135
Merit: 10
April 18, 2014, 09:12:43 PM Last edit: April 18, 2014, 09:24:12 PM by JohnnyDaMitch |
Okay so for block reward, int(10000000/(((D/2+1000)/10)^3)+0.5), which equals int(10/(D/2000+1)^3+0.5) by the way, simplify it for chrissake. But max possible reward also drops incrementally over time, 0.5% every 43200 blocks. So at some times one factor will control and some times the other. Have I got that right?
edit: one other thing. why continue to make the block reward value an integer? Both these bounds want to be floating point (or in practice nearest satoshi, I guess). It seems like a completely unnecessary restriction unless I'm missing something.
April 18, 2014, 09:18:01 PM |
I've noticed a few coin algorithms that have increased block reward with increasing difficulty, and other coins are the opposite. I wonder which one is better?
April 18, 2014, 09:32:49 PM |
smells bad, 0.5 premine doesn't sound like much but considering how low rewards are this means devs will hold huge bags, that is a no no for me, plenty of fair coins to support without crap premine/ipo.
twilightcoin (OP)
Activity: 39
Merit: 0
April 18, 2014, 09:37:02 PM |
I've noticed a few coin algorithms that have increased block reward with increasing difficulty, and other coins are the opposite. I wonder which one is better?
In TwilightCoin the main goal of reduced reward is keeping the difficulty in reasonable frames. Also it helps to get rid of "dumpers". Those miners who're only interested to mine and dump the coin immediately to get a quick profit will not be interested to do so at some point if the reward will drop. They will leave the network and allow difficulty to return to its "normal" state. It also helps to keep balance of coin's value.
Activity: 15
Merit: 0
April 18, 2014, 09:40:56 PM |
smells bad, 0.5 premine doesn't sound like much but considering how low rewards are this means devs will hold huge bags, that is a no no for me, plenty of fair coins to support without crap premine/ipo.
Yeah, and you want devs to do everything for you for free. Sounds like a good plan 
April 18, 2014, 09:45:59 PM |
I, personally, don't give a s#it about pre- or instamine as long as a coin is stable and well-promoted. I'll mine this for a while to see how it goes.
Beware of scam: - exchange. Fake exchange rates, withdrawals don't work, no way to contact support.
April 18, 2014, 09:55:04 PM |
smells bad, 0.5 premine doesn't sound like much but considering how low rewards are this means devs will hold huge bags, that is a no no for me, plenty of fair coins to support without crap premine/ipo.
Yeah, and you want devs to do everything for you for free. Sounds like a good plan  another no no all hidden info ( not too suprised tho ) along with you being a brand new account criticizing me lol ticker fits it perfectly as well TWC thisweekscoin lol all it takes is 1 minute to figure this one out.
April 18, 2014, 09:59:58 PM Last edit: April 18, 2014, 10:29:20 PM by idcweb |
520CN's TwilightCoin China Pool! http://Twc.520Cn.ComPre-register your account now on 520Cn.Com! Random users who pre-registered will get 1% Fees forever! Trusted amongst the community, we will offer you peace of mind mining. Our servers are well maintained and our team competent. Our rock solid infrastructure and good global networking will ensure a good connectivity to our services, even under attacks.
April 18, 2014, 10:10:29 PM |
Are you paying taxes from the coins you mined? One should be completely dumb to post their personal info so Revenue Agency will come for its big piece of pie. I hope you understand this 
Beware of scam: - exchange. Fake exchange rates, withdrawals don't work, no way to contact support.
April 18, 2014, 10:14:17 PM |
Are you paying taxes from the coins you mined? One should be completely dumb to post their personal info so Revenue Agency will come for its big piece of pie. I hope you understand this  another new account this is getting better and better stay away from this one people.
twilightcoin (OP)
Activity: 39
Merit: 0
April 18, 2014, 10:18:25 PM |
Okay so for block reward, int(10000000/(((D/2+1000)/10)^3)+0.5), which equals int(10/(D/2000+1)^3+0.5) by the way, simplify it for chrissake. But max possible reward also drops incrementally over time, 0.5% every 43200 blocks. So at some times one factor will control and some times the other. Have I got that right?
edit: one other thing. why continue to make the block reward value an integer? Both these bounds want to be floating point (or in practice nearest satoshi, I guess). It seems like a completely unnecessary restriction unless I'm missing something.
Yes, you're right about the formula, it may be simplified :-) Both factors works simultaneously. First, reward is calculated based on difficulty factor formula and the result is integer from 1 to 10. Then the result is reduced by the second factor depending on block number (0.5% decrease every 30 days or 43 200 blocks, i.e. result from the first formula is multiplied by 0.995 number of times equal to number of 43200 blocks intervals passed, 0.995^x, where 'x' is the number of 43200 blocks intervals passed). The second result isn't integer anymore.
April 18, 2014, 10:28:58 PM |
520CN's TwilightCoin Pool! http://Twc.520Cn.ComPre-register your account now on 520Cn.Com! Random users who pre-registered will get 1% Fees forever! Trusted amongst the community, we will offer you peace of mind mining. Our servers are well maintained and our team competent. Our rock solid infrastructure and good global networking will ensure a good connectivity to our services, even under attacks.
twilightcoin (OP)
Activity: 39
Merit: 0
April 18, 2014, 10:45:45 PM |
TwilightCoin has 3 pools listed for now! Thank you pool owners!