Thanks for all the feedback! I will try to incorporate as much as spare time allows
I had to delete the spaces introduced into the addresses because of posting it on btctalk. It copies no problem from a txt file to your GUI, but copying and pasting from btctalk I had to delete the space. Is there any way to get around this?
Everything seems to be working great and displaying well on the functionality end, but is there any way to break up the "unconfirmed" and the actual amount, so that they can all be about the same font size?
- I will add a cleanup function which will strip all whitespaces from the address when pasted in to the send address field.
- I made the 'unconfirmed' text small on purpose. I did it to make clear the balance is what you can actually spend. Unconfirmed is what will be spendable in the near future. If more people find this illogical I can change it.
I don't use Windows either, but from your screen shots and write up I am impressed with your work. I am definitely looking forward to hearing feedback from eh Windows users.
will test it in a few hours!
edit: downloaded it, every time i have this bug:
Gebeurtenisnaam van probleem: CLR20r3
Probleemhandtekening 01: cryptonotewallet.exe
Probleemhandtekening 02:
Probleemhandtekening 03: 536e3f07
Probleemhandtekening 04: System
Probleemhandtekening 05: 4.0.30319.18034
Probleemhandtekening 06: 50b5ad7f
Probleemhandtekening 07: 3fe4
Probleemhandtekening 08: 3b8
Probleemhandtekening 09: System.ComponentModel.Win32
Versie van besturingssysteem: 6.1.7601.
Landinstelling-id: 2067
Aanvullende informatie 1: 0a9e
Aanvullende informatie 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Aanvullende informatie 3: 0a9e
Aanvullende informatie 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
What .NET version have you installed? The application needs 4.5. What windows version are you running? Can you check if you right click one of the files (executables and *.dlls) and click 'properties' if the dialog that appears says anything about blocked files?
I tested it. It seems to be working. It needs bitmonerod.exe and simplewallet.exe at the same folder as the GUI wallet or it crashes. If clause should be added to check if the executables are there and inform the user instead of crashing. I think an "Advanced" tab should be added where you can send your own commands to the wallet and the daemon, because in the current version you can't tell the daemon to start mining. There could be a checkbox in the "wallet log" and "miner log" to make the wallet and bitmonerod windows visible instead of adding "advanced" tab or if advanced tab is added those options should be there also (message in red for the user not to close them if they are visible).
Nice! I'll crosspost the feedback in the GUI thread. I agree that it would be nice to have a check that all the executables are present instead of crashing, as I ran into the same issue when I left the config file out (to which I would suggest creating a standard config file in the same directory if it's not present).
I wanted to try it on a different version of windows. I don't have 8, but do have vista. Also, would this work with 32 bit? I can try it on that as well. I'm about done doing what I can think of as far as usage goes, so I'll be moving onto the 3 other installs (if possible) then.
The check for the executables has been added (see below). I also plan on adding mining support soon. It shouldn't be to hard. Advanced commands are a good idea, but lets focus on the general commands first
. I think 32 bit should also work, but I don't have a 32 bit windows here to test it.
The software looks extremely nice, however to give full bounty I would really appreciate it being able to be built on fully open source platforms. Could you try to provide compilation instructions for Linux with mono.NET?
I agree the full bounty needs cross-patform support, that's why I included 'part of'
. I can try, but I have 0 experience with developing for mono.NET. I suspect I might have used some parts of the .NET framework which are not available in mono (starting a commandline process will probably not work in the same way for example).
I have managed to sync the entire blockchain from scratch, but my daemon log has stopped showing updates. Last height it reported was 25836, but my wallet reports the correct height at this time. Closing the wallet and re-opening it causes the log to display again.
GUI to GUI transfer works.
I have also noticed the daemon log stops updating sometimes (although it keeps function fine in the background). I hope I can find the source of this problem.
what gui works for windows 32bit ?
This one should work on 32bit as well. Can you test this?
New versionSource has been updated on GitHub
Binaries: following changes have been made:
- The application no longer crashes when the executables of the wallet and/or daemon are not found (it displays a helpful message).
- Text in the log windows is now selectable and can be copied (using ctrl+c).