The Campaign with Max Keiser begins now.
Max's developers have successfully integrated Bit-Pay as a payment option in parallel to PayPal, to accept bitcoins for any project listed on On their site, using the two options side-by-side, Bit-Pay is FAR superior to PayPal. Max will be promoting bitcoins heavily now that his own site is using them, and using them very well.
The first project to accept bitcoins will be our "Screw Banks" animated video and radio spot.
Here is the project listed on PMF: as little as $5 to help get this project produced!
Here's a little pricing comparison.
For a $5 sale, Paypal takes 30 cents plus 3%, so the producer only gets $4.55.
Using Bit-Pay, the producer gets $4.95. The nickel comes to Bit-Pay.
Technically, the Bit-Pay solution is also superior to PayPal. Our callbacks have been integrated on the PMF back-end to mark payments as paid.
PayPal will not give Max this capability. PayPal has the capability, they just will not let Max use it. No wonder in max's email to me he says "i f******* hate paypal"The way PMF works is you pledge a donation. You only pay when the project is 100% committed and greenlit, then everyone who pledged can pay their donation.
It's a neat site, Max promotes it heavily, and now he will be promoting Bitcoin with it.
EDIT: We actually developed a new feature at Bit-Pay to make the payments easier. You can now do a POST request to Bit-Pay to generate an invoice by just supplying your email address. This is not sending bitcoins to an email address, this is posting to our server to create an invoice, using your account email as identification.
Any producer at PMF can now simply enter their email address (that is their registered merchant account at Bit-Pay) and PMF will enable their project to accept bitcoins. That's it!
UPDATE: PirateMyFilm has dumped PayPal and gone 100% bitcoin! I have made this short video to show how the producers that list projects on PMF can get setup to accept bitcoins.