Sr. Member
Activity: 322
Merit: 252
Here I Am !!
August 26, 2014, 06:58:56 AM |
I am quite sure she will pay, there's no point of scamming people and put her reputation at risk. it's still early morning in germany, so we better just wait
Btcrockk (OP)
August 26, 2014, 09:10:02 AM |
Hi all. Unfortunately, there is no good news today.
Some guys click-bombed ads on our sites - luckycheckin.com and btcrock.biz. As a result - google adsense banned account and all funds gone to advertisers. I have tried to appeal - but after some days they answered that could not recover account.</p>
What's next ?
All account balances will be frozen, until the moment when we will find partner, who will be able to place ads on our sites. Or until I find a way how to register new account (I cant register twice in google adsense). After that, we'll pay you every month part by part of your coins.
Until that moment:
btcrock.biz will be paused. luckycheckin.com will keep going with less win odds.
Now we have developed system which protects sites from ad click-bombing. Also maybe its necessary to move to new domain names.
If you are faucet/other site owner and want to be a partner(place your ad codes on our sites and get and share revenue) send mail to posterators[at]gmail.com with info about your projects.
Activity: 15
Merit: 0
August 26, 2014, 09:58:23 AM |
Hi all. Unfortunately, there is no good news today.
Some guys click-bombed ads on our sites - luckycheckin.com and btcrock.biz. As a result - google adsense banned account and all funds gone to advertisers. I have tried to appeal - but after some days they answered that could not recover account.</p>
What's next ?
All account balances will be frozen, until the moment when we will find partner, who will be able to place ads on our sites. Or until I find a way how to register new account (I cant register twice in google adsense). After that, we'll pay you every month part by part of your coins.
Until that moment:
btcrock.biz will be paused. luckycheckin.com will keep going with less win odds.
Now we have developed system which protects sites from ad click-bombing. Also maybe its necessary to move to new domain names.
If you are faucet/other site owner and want to be a partner(place your ad codes on our sites and get and share revenue) send mail to posterators[at]gmail.com with info about your projects.
It's obvious now, that you're just another scam. So how much did you make off of all of us? Pretty convenient that you have this "new problem", right when you were supposed to pay us, isn't it. You do realize that this is fraud, right? You used our efforts with a promise to pay, in which you are the only one profiting. If you got "click bombed" and google froze your accounts, show the proof or you're just another criminal.
Activity: 1274
Merit: 1000
August 26, 2014, 10:01:33 AM |
Hi all. Unfortunately, there is no good news today.
Some guys click-bombed ads on our sites - luckycheckin.com and btcrock.biz. As a result - google adsense banned account and all funds gone to advertisers. I have tried to appeal - but after some days they answered that could not recover account.</p>
What's next ?
All account balances will be frozen, until the moment when we will find partner, who will be able to place ads on our sites. Or until I find a way how to register new account (I cant register twice in google adsense). After that, we'll pay you every month part by part of your coins.
Until that moment:
btcrock.biz will be paused. luckycheckin.com will keep going with less win odds.
Now we have developed system which protects sites from ad click-bombing. Also maybe its necessary to move to new domain names.
If you are faucet/other site owner and want to be a partner(place your ad codes on our sites and get and share revenue) send mail to posterators[at]gmail.com with info about your projects.
It's obvious now, that you're just another scam. So how much did you make off of all of us? Pretty convenient that you have this "new problem", right when you were supposed to pay us, isn't it. You do realize that this is fraud, right? You used our efforts with a promise to pay, in which you are the only one profiting. If you got "click bombed" and google froze your accounts, show the proof or you're just another criminal. I think he is just making excuse too. What about those other ads you had? They got bombed too or what? And give us some proofs of that bombing please.
Activity: 1274
Merit: 1000
August 26, 2014, 10:33:07 AM |
These ads seems to be running just fine: http://adbit.co/?a=Advertise&b=View_Bid&c=RLCPAH2XFR0GIThis one ad currently makes you 0.085btc every day, only from luckycheckin... And looks like anonymous ads have no problem either... You can pay us right now, at least partly, if you just want to.
Activity: 41
Merit: 0
August 26, 2014, 11:04:04 AM Last edit: August 26, 2014, 12:20:56 PM by DrGil |
Report as of 1 month, 3 weeks ago: http://luckycheckin.com.cutestat.com/Report as of 55 minutes ago: http://webstats9.com/website/luckycheckin.comIt looks pretty apparent the money is there.....just not getting paid out. ...this just in....LuckyCheckIn and btcRock have been disabled at LandofBitcoin Just getting started.... Maybe you should find a partner that will pay your debt if you want to see any traffic.
Btcrockk (OP)
August 26, 2014, 12:28:15 PM |
Proofs are in russian (you can use google translator):
B cвoиx peклaмныx пpoгpaммax мы cтpeмимcя coблюдaть интepecы вcex yчacтникoв – и издaтeлeй, и peклaмoдaтeлeй, и пoльзoвaтeлeй. Пoэтoмy в нeкoтopыx cлyчaяx мы вынyждeны пpинимaть мepы в oтнoшeнии aккayнтoв издaтeлeй, дeйcтвия кoтopыx мoгyт нeгaтивнo пoвлиять нa peклaмoдaтeлeй или пoльзoвaтeлeй. B Baшeм cлyчae мы oбнapyжили нeдeйcтвитeльнyю aктивнocть и пpиняли peшeниe o зaкpытии Baшeгo aккayнтa AdSense.
К coжaлeнию, мы нe мoжeм пpeдocтaвить бoлee пoдpoбнyю инфopмaцию o выявлeнныx нapyшeнияx из cooбpaжeний зaщиты нaшиx пpoпpиeтapныx cиcтeм кoнтpoля.
B нeкoтopыx cлyчaяx издaтeли гoтoвы пpинять нeoбxoдимыe мepы, чтo иcпpaвить нapyшeния пpaвил пpoгpaммы AdSense. Для этoгo мы paзpaбoтaли пpoцecc aпeлляции. Чтoбы им вocпoльзoвaтьcя, пpeдocтaвьтe нaм пoдpoбный aнaлиз тpaфикa cвoeгo caйтa, yкaзaв пpичины, пo кoтopым мoглa вoзникнyть нeдeйcтвитeльнaя aктивнocть, и пoдaйтe aпeлляцию c пoмoщью этoй фopмы. Mы paccмoтpим ee и пpимeм дaльнeйшee peшeниe. Пpeждe чeм пoдaвaть aпeлляцию, peкoмeндyeм oзнaкoмитьcя c нaибoлee чacтыми пpичинaми зaкpытия aккayнтoв.
Блaгoдapим зa пoнимaниe.
C yвaжeниeм,
кoмaндa Google AdSense
===== Answer for appeal =====
Mы пoлyчили Baшy aпeлляцию. Блaгoдapим Bac зa интepec к пpoгpaммe AdSense. Пo peзyльтaтaм тщaтeльнoй пpoвepки пpeдocтaвлeнныx Baми cвeдeний и дaнныx Baшeгo aккayнтa нaши cпeциaлиcты пpиняли peшeниe o тoм, чтo oн нe пoдлeжит вoccтaнoвлeнию.
Oбpaтитe внимaниe, чтo Baш aккayнт нe бyдeт пoлyчaть дaльнeйшиe плaтeжи. Пoвтopнaя выпиcкa cтapыx плaтeжeй пo нeмy тaкжe нeвoзмoжнa. Teкyщий ocтaтoк в Baшeм aккayнтe и дoля дoxoдoв Google пoлнocтью вoзвpaщaютcя пocтpaдaвшим peклaмoдaтeлям. B cвязи c нapyшeниями Уcлoвий иcпoльзoвaния AdSense Bы бoлee нe мoжeтe yчacтвoвaть в этoй пpoгpaммe и coздaвaть в нeй нoвыe aккayнты.
К coжaлeнию, мы нe мoжeм пpeдocтaвить бoлee пoдpoбнyю инфopмaцию o выявлeнныx нapyшeнияx из cooбpaжeний зaщиты нaшиx пpoпpиeтapныx cиcтeм кoнтpoля. Блaгoдapим зa пoнимaниe.
C yвaжeниeм,
Кoмaндa Google AdSense
Activity: 85
Merit: 12
August 26, 2014, 01:01:08 PM |
no date? this is your proof? okay, i accepted that you foul us well thanks for nothing
Activity: 41
Merit: 0
August 26, 2014, 01:11:40 PM Last edit: August 26, 2014, 02:15:05 PM by DrGil |
AdSense Term's and Conditions
5. Payments Subject to this Section 5 and Section 10 of these AdSense Terms, you will receive a payment related to the number of valid clicks on Ads displayed on your Properties, the number of valid impressions of Ads displayed on your Properties, or other valid events performed in connection with the display of Ads on your Properties, in each case as determined by Google. Except in the event of termination, we will pay you by the end of the calendar month following any calendar month in which the earned balance in your Account equals or exceeds the applicable payment threshold. If you implement search Services, our payments may be offset by any applicable fees for such Services. Unless expressly authorized in writing by Google, you may not enter into any type of arrangement with a third party where that third party receives payments made to you under the Agreement or other financial benefit in relation to the Services. Payments will be calculated solely based on our accounting. Payments to you may be withheld to reflect or adjusted to exclude any amounts refunded or credited to advertisers and any amounts arising from invalid activity, as determined by Google in its sole discretion. Invalid activity is determined by Google in all cases and includes, but is not limited to, (i) spam, invalid queries, invalid impressions or invalid clicks on Ads generated by any person, bot, automated program or similar device, including through any clicks or impressions originating from your IP addresses or computers under your control; (ii) clicks solicited or impressions generated by payment of money, false representation, or requests for end users to click on Ads or take other actions; (iii) Ads served to end users whose browsers have JavaScript disabled; and (iv) clicks or impressions co-mingled with a significant amount of the activity described in (i, ii, and iii) above. In addition to our other rights and remedies, we may (a) withhold and offset any payments owed to you under the Agreement against any fees you owe us under the Agreement or any other agreement, or (b) require you to refund us within 30 days of any invoice, any amounts we may have overpaid to you in prior periods. If you dispute any payment made or withheld relating to the Services, you must notify Google in writing within 30 days of any such payment. If you do not, any claim relating to the disputed payment is waived. If an advertiser whose Ads are displayed on any Property defaults on payment to Google, we may withhold payment or charge back your account. To ensure proper payment, you are responsible for providing and maintaining accurate contact and payment information in your Account. You are responsible for any charges assessed by your bank or payment provider.
--Unpaid User Accounts are the responsibility of website, not dependent upon expected ad revenue.
Activity: 11
Merit: 0
August 26, 2014, 02:42:02 PM |
All faucets and sites like this have no chance in the long term to survive with Google Adsense, that's a fact
Btcrockk (OP)
August 26, 2014, 02:52:17 PM |
All faucets and sites like this have no chance in the long term to survive with Google Adsense, that's a fact
freebitco.in and others still alive, but I have no information - maybe they changed ad codes\accounts already - and not one time.
Activity: 1274
Merit: 1000
August 26, 2014, 02:55:53 PM |
All faucets and sites like this have no chance in the long term to survive with Google Adsense, that's a fact
freebitco.in and others still alive, but I have no information - maybe they changed ad codes\accounts already - and not one time. Why don't you pay us with these money: http://adbit.co/?a=Advertise&b=View_Bid&c=RLCPAH2XFR0GIOr with those money you get from anonymous ads?
August 26, 2014, 02:59:27 PM |
first: sorry btcrockk, i can imagine how you feel, losing adsense account is the worst nightmare..
hope we wont lose 2 really good faucets, i have enjoyed them (nd i ignore most).. i have atm almost 0.1 BTC on my referral accounts for these two faucets so it will hurt me even financially.
funny to see comments calling btcrockk scammer. he probably isn't. he only depended (as stated above most -if not all- faucets do) on adsense income to be able to pay-out. with such a amount of users/daily rolls you simply cant cover expenses with adbit.co or anonymous, if you think so, open your own faucet and you will close it within a week. with financial lost obviously. no one called scammer those freebitcoinwin, freebitcoinnow etc clones of freebitco.in even that guy did pay about 10% of players/refs only.
wish you the best btcrockk with solving this mess, as owner of my faucet i know it sux.. good luck!
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Btcrockk (OP)
August 26, 2014, 03:13:15 PM |
first: sorry btcrockk, i can imagine how you feel, losing adsense account is the worst nightmare..
hope we wont lose 2 really good faucets, i have enjoyed them (nd i ignore most).. i have atm almost 0.1 BTC on my referral accounts for these two faucets so it will hurt me even financially.
funny to see comments calling btcrockk scammer. he probably isn't. he only depended (as stated above most -if not all- faucets do) on adsense income to be able to pay-out. with such a amount of users/daily rolls you simply cant cover expenses with adbit.co or anonymous, if you think so, open your own faucet and you will close it within a week. with financial lost obviously. no one called scammer those freebitcoinwin, freebitcoinnow etc clones of freebitco.in even that guy did pay about 10% of players/refs only.
wish you the best btcrockk with solving this mess, as owner of my faucet i know it sux.. good luck!
Thank you for understanding. How about to be a partners ? I can move all databases to new domains and I have developed a click-fraud protection to prevent this issue for future. Please let me know - pm or email me - posterators[at]gmail.com.
Activity: 11
Merit: 0
August 26, 2014, 03:48:37 PM |
All faucets and sites like this have no chance in the long term to survive with Google Adsense, that's a fact
freebitco.in and others still alive, but I have no information - maybe they changed ad codes\accounts already - and not one time. Yes, it will have Adsense until one day, a Google employee wake up from a bad night and ban it... Is Google, they can do whatever they want without explanation. So, Adsense is great until it is no more
Activity: 1274
Merit: 1000
August 26, 2014, 04:06:55 PM |
All faucets and sites like this have no chance in the long term to survive with Google Adsense, that's a fact
freebitco.in and others still alive, but I have no information - maybe they changed ad codes\accounts already - and not one time. Why don't you pay us with these money: http://adbit.co/?a=Advertise&b=View_Bid&c=RLCPAH2XFR0GIOr with those money you get from anonymous ads? Hey @Btcrock why are you ignoring me? Why won't you pay us with these funds you got from other ad services, anonymous ads and adbitcoi.in?
Btcrockk (OP)
August 26, 2014, 04:31:37 PM |
Hey @Btcrock why are you ignoring me? Why won't you pay us with these funds you got from other ad services, anonymous ads and adbitcoi.in? It will be a small amount for each of users, but there is no problem for me. I'll do it in a few days.
Activity: 1274
Merit: 1000
August 26, 2014, 04:53:28 PM |
Hey @Btcrock why are you ignoring me? Why won't you pay us with these funds you got from other ad services, anonymous ads and adbitcoi.in? It will be a small amount for each of users, but there is no problem for me. I'll do it in a few days. Okay, good. How much you currently owe to all users at total?
Btcrockk (OP)
August 26, 2014, 05:10:20 PM |
Hey @Btcrock why are you ignoring me? Why won't you pay us with these funds you got from other ad services, anonymous ads and adbitcoi.in? It will be a small amount for each of users, but there is no problem for me. I'll do it in a few days. Okay, good. How much you currently owe to all users at total? Answered you in PM