There is not much volume or attension on cryptsy , BTER & Poloniex. This is keeping the price down as 99.9% of the trading is happening on Bittrex . So enjoy the bargains purchasing cheap NavajoCoin . The price should be around 4x what it is now . When we compare the prices across 4 exchanges it will remain around 850 for a very very long time as the other 3 exchanges dont move. As there is no volume on the other exchanges cryptsy , BTER & Poloniex. Traders dont bother purchasing on them untill the news filters in which is very slow.
If cryptsy & BTER last buy price rises to say 1500 sats this will trigger Bittrex to go crazy with tradeing
Now the good news Bittrex Volume is fantastic. Under priced NAV to purchase so when Navajo Anon Beta comes . The news will flow to all exchanges and only then it will skyrocket to its true potential.
if cryptsy & Bter dont move we aint going anywhere except last average price across 4 echanges
Example on Cryptsy there is a total of 96814.26559 NavajoCoin for sale with a Buy order of 337 NavajoCoin price 0.00000711. Yes a buy order of 337 .
Bter is the same.
If NavajoCoin was only on Bittrex this would be a different story today. We would be half way to DRK price minimum.
What has been happening is you can sell 1 nav on the low volume exchanges and this drops the price . Someone wanting to buy compares the four exchanges and the prices drop like a brick . This is the reality we are dealing with and why 337 NavajoCoin and 1 nav sale is controlling the price of all the hard work by a countless number of people today.
This is a situation we need to solve in Janaury . When Navajo Anon arrives we may get volume onto the other 3 exchanges but if we dont that will impact on the day to operation of such a great coin untill any thing moves on the other 3 exchanges at the moment the other 3 exchanges are causeing more harm and 0 good. Time will Tell
Everyone has been given 6 months to buy cheap NAV / BTC .
16 hrs is over