vegasguy (OP)
Activity: 1610
Merit: 1003
"Yobit pump alert software" Link in my signature!
June 02, 2017, 03:50:47 PM Last edit: June 26, 2018, 06:52:33 PM by vegasguy |
 Team leader: Vegasguy ( Legendary member with 4800 posts);u=344765Support: Woody20285 ( Ledgendary with 2500+ posts);u=472426Support: BTC-BTC-BTC ( Ledgendary with 1400+ posts);u=508600 Graphics: Greg of Doom ( Legendary member);u=246377 Head of Security: Glen123 "Hes so good, he drives a Callaway Corvette";u=1112287 Model:LasVegasCoinGirl ( member) Find her on facebook goal of Las Vegas coin is to have it as a mobile wallet that stakes for Iphone and all IOS devices such as Ipad. There will also be an Android staking wallet. I will be contacting merchants in Las Vegas that already accept bitcoin , and ask them to accept Las Vegas coin. With features such as Darksend, and stealth, and Tor, that makes your transactions hidden, in "sin city", it will be VERY popular!!What happens in Vegas, stays hidden on your mobile phone  Algo: QUARK POW and POS V3 Schedule as follows:
Year 1-2 : 2.5 VGS per block (2 VGS to masternode, .5 to staker) Year 3+: 1.5 VGS per block (1 VGS to masternode .5 VGS to staker) Casinode (AKA Masternodes) Click below on instructions on how to setup a Casinode: wallets are all V2.5.0.1 (Released 4-06-2018)  A newbie user uploaded the mac wallet. Use at your own risk. Also run it through virus total for mac first :    First, you need to understand , THE MOST IMPORTANT NUMBER ON THE WALLET SCREEN IS "AVAILABLE".  That number would be kind of like your "stake weight" in POS V2. It strongly determines WHO will win the POS block. Think of it this way. The higher your "available" the higher chance you have of scoring the pos block. So the next statement might be: "Well thats unfair... someone with 50,000 coins will get all of the blocks". No, they dont , here is why: When the wallet stakes, it takes the block you have and moves it into immature, and REDUCES the "available" amount, where that block will stay for 250 confirmations. This reduces the "available" amount, making it a less chance to score the next block.  The next major factor is "block size". Block size can be found in the wallet by clicking on: "send", and then "inputs". Someone using blocks of 200 will have a greater chance of scoring the next block over someone using block sizes of 50. But again, Im estimating that 70% of the probability is the "available" balance. What this does is encourage people to buy, and stake. So example , someone with an available balance of 4000 VGS has a much higher chance of scoring a block than someone with an available balance of 500 VGS. So it encourages people to have higher available balances, and to buy and hold. Also MOST IMPORTANT: THERE IS NO STAKE WEIGHT IN POS V3. SO, IF YOU DONT HAVE YOUR WALLET OPEN AND UNLOCKED AT ALL TIMES, YOU COMPLETELY MISS THE REWARDS!! ITS NOT LIKE POS V2 , WHERE YOU CAN OPEN YOUR WALLET ONCE A WEEK AND STAKE, AND THEN CLOSE!!! Wallet originally from PIVX source. Originally developed by Presstab Includes: Masternodes 1000 VGS per Masternode (Multiple masternodes per wallet, requires a VPS). Wallet features also include: Darksend, InstantX, and stealth The community wallet: The community wallet (AKA Cashiers cage) will serve many many functions: Here is the address:* FIRST AND FOREMOST, THIS ADDRESS WILL NEVER CHANGE!!! * The reason it will never change, is because when the swap ends, and I need to send money to an address, It is my duty to post a full explanation about the tx, and I WANT you to QUESTION ANY/ALL txs from this wallet in public! * The wallet belongs to YOU, NOT ME!! I am simply the "treasurer", and HOLD the wallet, but I am forbidden to receive funds from it for any reason. The next function it will serve is to coordinate the swap. All funds sent to users will come from only this address. The wallet is being staked, because if does not, it WILL run out! The "Cashiers cage" will be used for many many purposes including, but not limited to: Development, Graphic work, promotions, and giveaways and anything that will make Las Vegas coin the best it can be. The VGS is packed with so many features, most people dont even know what it does. So as part of the give away, I will be asking questions about the wallet, and the FIRST person that answers correctly on the VGS thread will get VGS coins! Then the answers will be posted on the OP under wallet features!! You must do a name claim on the presstab explorer and hold at least 100 VGS to participate, and be rewarded. <HINT!>: If you dont want to show all of your coins, then create another address and and send 1/2 of your coins to it and claim it. 
I want to make sure everyone knows that I just released my software called "Yobit pump alert". THis is custom software that uses an algo to detect the start of a pump here on yobit, the second it starts. YOu can even filter the coins you see by price. Most pumps start less than 100 sats , so you can easily filter the cheap coins, so they are the only ones displayed
June 02, 2017, 03:52:40 PM |
June 02, 2017, 03:53:52 PM |
Place holder for upcoming Las Vegas coin. algo?
vegasguy (OP)
Activity: 1610
Merit: 1003
"Yobit pump alert software" Link in my signature!
June 02, 2017, 03:59:30 PM |
The algo is quark . 10,000 block pow starting on July 1st.
I want to make sure everyone knows that I just released my software called "Yobit pump alert". THis is custom software that uses an algo to detect the start of a pump here on yobit, the second it starts. YOu can even filter the coins you see by price. Most pumps start less than 100 sats , so you can easily filter the cheap coins, so they are the only ones displayed
June 02, 2017, 04:05:02 PM |
Is it the same X13 algo as FlyCoin?
vegasguy (OP)
Activity: 1610
Merit: 1003
"Yobit pump alert software" Link in my signature!
June 02, 2017, 04:09:19 PM Last edit: June 02, 2017, 04:25:52 PM by vegasguy |
Is it the same X13 algo as FlyCoin?
No, it will be a whole new wallet, and a whole new chain with the above features, and the algo will be quark. Vegas
I want to make sure everyone knows that I just released my software called "Yobit pump alert". THis is custom software that uses an algo to detect the start of a pump here on yobit, the second it starts. YOu can even filter the coins you see by price. Most pumps start less than 100 sats , so you can easily filter the cheap coins, so they are the only ones displayed
June 02, 2017, 04:48:11 PM |
Yeahhh new projects, A good new project and will start in july upcoming and i am very interested, I want to ask why nothing social twitter sir? please launched bounty social Twitter sir!! 
vegasguy (OP)
Activity: 1610
Merit: 1003
"Yobit pump alert software" Link in my signature!
June 02, 2017, 04:58:05 PM |
Yeahhh new projects, A good new project and will start in july upcoming and i am very interested, I want to ask why nothing social twitter sir? please launched bounty social Twitter sir!!  There will be many social medias. This is a TON of work that I have to complete in a few weeks. Vegas
I want to make sure everyone knows that I just released my software called "Yobit pump alert". THis is custom software that uses an algo to detect the start of a pump here on yobit, the second it starts. YOu can even filter the coins you see by price. Most pumps start less than 100 sats , so you can easily filter the cheap coins, so they are the only ones displayed
June 02, 2017, 05:00:06 PM |
Yeahhh new projects, A good new project and will start in july upcoming and i am very interested, I want to ask why nothing social twitter sir? please launched bounty social Twitter sir!!  There will be many social medias. This is a TON of work that I have to complete in a few weeks. Vegas when is the wallet for windows???
June 02, 2017, 05:01:00 PM |
Yeahhh new projects, A good new project and will start in july upcoming and i am very interested, I want to ask why nothing social twitter sir? please launched bounty social Twitter sir!!  There will be many social medias. This is a TON of work that I have to complete in a few weeks. Vegas Interesting project, I will observe. Bounty is good
vegasguy (OP)
Activity: 1610
Merit: 1003
"Yobit pump alert software" Link in my signature!
June 02, 2017, 05:33:35 PM |
Ok.. twitter account created.
I want to make sure everyone knows that I just released my software called "Yobit pump alert". THis is custom software that uses an algo to detect the start of a pump here on yobit, the second it starts. YOu can even filter the coins you see by price. Most pumps start less than 100 sats , so you can easily filter the cheap coins, so they are the only ones displayed
Activity: 1778
Merit: 1000
June 02, 2017, 05:54:32 PM |
FLY has about 240k coins, not 220k coins
vegasguy (OP)
Activity: 1610
Merit: 1003
"Yobit pump alert software" Link in my signature!
June 02, 2017, 06:08:54 PM |
FLY has about 240k coins, not 220k coins
Correct john. However, many addresses from fly for some reason are dead, and have been for over a year. So I dont want to premine 240,000 when all that is needed to swap to the users is about 220,000. Also I estimate only 80% -90% will swap. I want to keep the coin as rare as possible. Vegas
I want to make sure everyone knows that I just released my software called "Yobit pump alert". THis is custom software that uses an algo to detect the start of a pump here on yobit, the second it starts. YOu can even filter the coins you see by price. Most pumps start less than 100 sats , so you can easily filter the cheap coins, so they are the only ones displayed
Activity: 2072
Merit: 2650
The Alliance Of Bitcointalk Translators - ENG>SPA
June 02, 2017, 07:53:43 PM Last edit: June 02, 2017, 08:18:49 PM by Porfirii |
Paying attention to this project. Legit team and interesting concept. If you want I can translate this ANN into Spanish for free  .
vegasguy (OP)
Activity: 1610
Merit: 1003
"Yobit pump alert software" Link in my signature!
June 02, 2017, 11:35:11 PM |
The goal of Las Vegas coin is to have it as a mobile wallet that stake for Iphone and android, and I will be contacting merchants in Las Vegas that already accept bitcoin , and ask them to accept Las Vegas coin, with Darksend, and stealth in "sin city" it will be VERY popular. What happens in Vegas, stays hidden on your mobile phone  Vegas
I want to make sure everyone knows that I just released my software called "Yobit pump alert". THis is custom software that uses an algo to detect the start of a pump here on yobit, the second it starts. YOu can even filter the coins you see by price. Most pumps start less than 100 sats , so you can easily filter the cheap coins, so they are the only ones displayed

Activity: 173
Merit: 10
June 03, 2017, 12:49:40 AM |
total supply? the swap is 1/1 ?
Sr. Member
Activity: 728
Merit: 250
Security and Privacy Features on the Blockchain
June 03, 2017, 01:19:10 AM |
reserve indonesian translation sir thank you
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| .
| .
| | . ███▀██ ▀█▄█▀█ ███▀██ | | . █ █ █ | █ █ █ █ |
Activity: 3388
Merit: 1105
Leading Crypto Sports Betting & Casino Platform
June 03, 2017, 01:31:19 AM |
IMHO coin swap or not. expect AWESOME things from this as the Dev is a true Expert and he knows what he is doing! this is one of the very few Devs and company i can fully Endorse! Great job Dev!
| | | | ▄████████████████████████████████████▄ ██ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ██ ▄████▄ ██ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ██████████ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ██ ██████ ██ ██████████ ██ ██ ██████████ ██ ▀██▀ ██ ██ ██ ██████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██████ ██ █████ ███ ██████ ██ ████▄ ██ ██ █████ ███ ████ ████ █████ ███ ████████ ██ ████ ████ ██████████ ████ ████ ████▀ ██ ██████████ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ██████████ ██ ██ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ██ ▀█████████▀ ▄████████████▄ ▀█████████▀ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄███ ██ ██ ███▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ██████████████████████████████████████████ | | | | | | ▄▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▄ █ ▄▀▄ █▀▀█▀▄▄ █ █▀█ █ ▐ ▐▌ █ ▄██▄ █ ▌ █ █ ▄██████▄ █ ▌ ▐▌ █ ██████████ █ ▐ █ █ ▐██████████▌ █ ▐ ▐▌ █ ▀▀██████▀▀ █ ▌ █ █ ▄▄▄██▄▄▄ █ ▌▐▌ █ █▐ █ █ █▐▐▌ █ █▐█ ▀▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▀█ | | | | | | ▄▄█████████▄▄ ▄██▀▀▀▀█████▀▀▀▀██▄ ▄█▀ ▐█▌ ▀█▄ ██ ▐█▌ ██ ████▄ ▄█████▄ ▄████ ████████▄███████████▄████████ ███▀ █████████████ ▀███ ██ ███████████ ██ ▀█▄ █████████ ▄█▀ ▀█▄ ▄██▀▀▀▀▀▀▀██▄ ▄▄▄█▀ ▀███████ ███████▀ ▀█████▄ ▄█████▀ ▀▀▀███▄▄▄███▀▀▀ | | | ..PLAY NOW.. |
Activity: 1778
Merit: 1000
June 03, 2017, 02:45:29 AM |
FLY has about 240k coins, not 220k coins
Correct john. However, many addresses from fly for some reason are dead, and have been for over a year. So I dont want to premine 240,000 when all that is needed to swap to the users is about 220,000. Also I estimate only 80% -90% will swap. I want to keep the coin as rare as possible. Vegas Please do not assume that wallets addresses are dead. Sooner or later, the owners of these wallets will come crying for help.
vegasguy (OP)
Activity: 1610
Merit: 1003
"Yobit pump alert software" Link in my signature!
June 03, 2017, 03:10:52 AM |
There will be plenty to go around. Everyone will be taken care of. Thanks for your concern.
I want to make sure everyone knows that I just released my software called "Yobit pump alert". THis is custom software that uses an algo to detect the start of a pump here on yobit, the second it starts. YOu can even filter the coins you see by price. Most pumps start less than 100 sats , so you can easily filter the cheap coins, so they are the only ones displayed