GAW attempted to scam me for several thousand dollars and it took about 2 months to get any kind of resolution. I order 3 war machines and got Zeus Lightning's in return.
Attempted means that they finally didn't, right?
Here's a thread where you ask for help with a WAR MACHINE, so looks like you got it. another perspective your order god mixed up and you got a different miner, but they finally sent you the real one.
You can contact Amber or Josh who will at least get someone to look at your ticket, but they don't resolve anything themselves. The elbow grease is done by other people, which isn't saying much considering how long it takes to get something done. What really burned my biscuits was to see Josh (the ceo) attend a bitcoin miners conference in Las Vegas on the customers dime. Avoid doing business with these people, it wasn't worth it in my experience.
You'd like Josh to personally go and pack your miner? This is a big company they have departments there responsible for certain things.
Please don't lie, he went to the conference on his own dime. An owner of one of the biggest cloud mining companies doesn't have to borrow cash for a local flight.